We survived, Godzilla...Gamera...Mothra.
Now, we face our biggest challenge yet!
Spawned in the depths of the Eisenhower Administration.
Mutated to Biblical Proportions during The Reagan Era.
These Behemoth's of Evil are reeking havoc on our hopes,
our dreams, our way of life, our Historical facts,
our 401K's. There is only one solution.....
Gojira....? AHHHHHHHHHHH GOJIRA!!!!!!!!!!
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment, then run off screaming
at the top of my lungs like a little girl!!
So from the most frightened host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!
(Now remember I'm on Vacation, so help a brother out...G)
Oh no there goes....
the neighborhood
hope you are having some R & R
rolling dice
...and actually I was rolling for Yahtzee!!!
Happy Friday y'all
Yikes, what monsters lurk in your political arena ~ Very amusing debates though ~
Have a great vacation ~
haha...yeah it should be an interesting political arena this year...
hooking up hedge as well...she has a date or something...smiles.
Monsters all, that is for certain. But we don't need to destroy them, they appear to be destroying themselves.
HERE is my 55 for this week.
Perfect Idea,
I mean to destroy all the monsters.
I am back with a 55 in my blog today.
Thanks for the prompt.
"our historical facts." I love that part! I'm up, G-Man!
I loved this one and you're right - Mothra's a hottie!!
I'm up. Miserable as sin this week - be warned.
THey don't even try very hard to hide their monstrosity anymore.
Mine's up. Underwater Bailout
If Godzilla tastes like chicken, he might actually be pretty good in a stir-fry.
Thanks for another Friday 55!
Mine's here. :)
Can't play this week, my parents are a-visiting! ... I feel like I am in a time warp as I have emotionally regressed 3 decades already within 24 hours! ;P
...gotta love politics... I won't be able to get away from it for the next few days (or the weather, for that matter) as my parents watch Fox news 24/7 with a bit of the weather channel thrown in.... HELP! (I guess it could be worse... they could be watching CNN) ha ha. :)
This absolutely cracked me up--and I'm running screaming --for the popcorn. One of the best 55's ever. So, when are you throwing your hat in? President G-man--I like it.
Thanks to Brian for linking me in. We had a long day driving in hideous traffic, shopping and then playing, so I am not hitting the 55's till tomorrow when my brain has recovered whatever level of functionality it normally has.
they scare the poop out of me!
Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral
> < } } ( ° >
< ° ) } } > <
Yo, vacationing dude!
The only monsters in my life are the dishes which just keep on piling up.
Stay well!
Oh Lord, so many monsters lurking :P :)
Back after a while to flash... here's my take :)
I wonder who would become the monsters if all the politicians were rounded up? Hmmm.... :) I'm going to have bizarre dreams tonight, G. Thanks! ;)
My 55:
Night Watch
That monster is entirely too old.
Mine is up
you are the man g...and cracked me up tonight...hope you enjoy yourself pops
The political monsters, yeah, destroy them.
Here's mine - http://janukulkarni.blogspot.com/2011/12/hairy-tales.html
Ah, we don't have monsters in UK politics. Just idiots. You'll find mine here.
We have some scary monsters in politics this side of the pond too!
I'm in for 55 this week.
A lot are in my country too !! Wanna burn them all together !
Have a great vacation G Man ! you ttally deserve one ! After all you work so hard to entertain us all :)
A new Life
Good morning:
Monsters everywhere, (Must check under my bed in daylight) LOL
Here's mine:
Back to Basics
Have a great weekend Mr G-Man :)
If Levin gets his way that kind of talk could have them kicking in your day and dragging you away to never be heard from again Senate bill 698/
But fuck it they all can kiss my rosy red ass!
The funny thing about monsters...they wear the other team's jersey just as well! I'm finally back from my holiday travels...you can find me over HERE
Great 55 mine field !
Never mind the rumpus- Watch the commander, he has been sliding very bad things under our rug while our attention was elsewhere (or so I am told )
Cool! Love the images. There are so many kinds out there. Beware!
Here's mine at Roses to Rainbows
We don't have to be afraid of these monsters. They are self-destructing in front of our eyes, such jolly entertainment. How much longer is this going on? When the Newt is looking good, you know Obama is golden.
Of course I'm playing. How could I resist?
That explains a lot about D.C.
Mine's up...happy vacation!
Grrrrrr...right on, G! You should come visit, the political ads are monstrously bad in caucus land!
Here is my offering, a bit of scandal scrabble. Not terribly clever, but meh, got it in before work! Enjoy your weekend, cheers ~
Brilliant this. Sigh.
Hilarious...and so true :) Very clever~
Hope you're enjoying your vacation, G!
Mine is here.
Monsters and Demons abound. Destroy them all!
Mine is up. http://razzamadazzle.wordpress.com/2011/12/02/genetics/
Great Stuff. You've got me!
Here's mine--not good with link, but we'll see!
Sand Currency?
we are the monster within...eat away !
thanks g
my 55
hahahaha - I second that!
ain't that the truth!
frightening, is the amount of cheese I will be consuming over the next 4 weeks, Godzilla won't even be able to lift me if he tried
How can you go on vacation with monsters like that on the loose! G-Man, help us!!
55 for you my friend!
Good Evening, G-man:
I looked through your collections,
posted comments on 90% of entries.
have fun reading and feel relaxed as well.
Thanks for the opportunities.
See you later.
hope you're having a lovely vacation, G!
♥ dani
Monkey Man was nice enough to let me know that the link I provided here in my comments did not take readers to my blog, but to another site.
Here is what I said.....followed by the correct link to my 55!.
You outdid yourself this week, G-Man. Really, this deserves to go viral it is so good and true.
I have caught a nasty bug from my husband, so there is not a doubt in my mind that your weekend will be better than mine. :(
LaShawna remembers her soccer coach's advice
Yes, DESTROY THEM!!! Haha, here's my 55: http://wordcoaster.wordpress.com/2011/11/27/i-should-work-for-hallmark/
I know I´m late...again... :-(
But I´m up now...
Love the airborn turtle! Have a great weekend, G-man! :-D
Sorry I never made it with a poem. Just too disorganized with stuff outside my computer! I'll be back thought, that's a promise...or a warning! lol
I would enjoy learning about Flash Fiction. It seems I have found a great place to start.
Give me some time and I may join you. Thanks so much.
I'd rather be dealing with Godzilla.
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