Hi Everybody...
I hope you all had a Kick Ass Week-End,
Mine Sucked Big Time!!
I'm not talking about it....
So....Did anyone go to Cave Creek Arizona this
week end? For the Crazy (Stupid) and Daring (Really Stupid),
you can now save Thousands in travel and Spanish medical
expenses by "Running With The Bulls in Cave Creek"!!!
Yep...Runnin With The Bulls in the good ole USA!!!
I don't know about you, but I'd MUCH rather have a Bull's
Horn rammed up my ass in THIS country. You agree?
Besides...I think after all those years those Pamplona Bulls
are finally Zeroing in on Spanish Bung. Check out that last
pic...A Two-Fer Eh?
I'm puckerin here, I'm puckerin.....
One of those events that makes me shake my head and wonder what the hell is wrong with men.
Cranium Cadoo!
even though i am a bit of a thrill-seeker i've never quite understood the point of risking a horn up the arse.
bum tickle
definition: watching or hearing about an event that makes your body involuntarily, feel something, in response to someones else's pain, unusual pain that is.
Geez, what kind of moron would even think about doing this?!
Sorry to hear you didn't have a good weekend, G. :(
Hope that things turn around for you soon!
Hey sorry you had a sucky weekend.
Hope you have a better Monday and week ahead.
Dam do ya think that might of hurt like HELL.
Did it suck because Shoelaces can't throw or because Blue thought it was a game of touch? Go Green !!!!!!!!!!
I'll stick with my gentle giant~he'd never hurt anyone.
Your rough weekend didn't have anything to do with my Spartans, did it?
'Cuz, like, that was my consolation for the Tigers & Lions. . .
And, re yer photos. . . There's gotta be some manner of 'bullshit' joke to be made. . . You know, on the order of 'a bull in his shitter'. . . or something like that. . .
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