Hi Everybody, Mr. Knowitall with more Fun Facts.
Last week 3 was all your stomach could take,
lets try 4 this week....
1.) Step outside, Ahhhh...Breathe deep!
You inhale on an average day, One Litre
of other people's Anal Gas!!
2.) In a typical jar of peanut butter, you will find
150 bug parts, and 5 rodent hairs!
3.) Flies shit every 4.5 minutes. (Think about THAT on
your next picnic)
4.) Diarrhea induced by E. Coli is found on 10% of all
coffee mugs in the U.S. (Triple that percentage in Ohio)
(Bonus Gross-Out)
Eating in a fast food joint once a week, in the course of
one year you will ingest 20 pubic hairs!!
Mr. Knowitall grows weary...See ya next week...Peace!
OMG. G-Man, that was a really awesome way to wind down a Monday!
I think it's for the best that I rarely eat out and prefer to avoid crowds of people at all costs. What ever would we do without a dose of The TMI?
Next picnic?, they're trying to move into my house during this time of the year! My son will love these facts and proceed to inform his classmates on them, thanks.
dude...you just jacked up my life....ewwwwww
Oh, yuck. Suddenly, I no longer want a snack tonight.
I was good until the pubic hair...i could just barf right now.
That is the worst ever!
This is why I prefer to eat at home. Though they've just found out that about a third of meat is infected with antibiotic-resistant bacteria!
Ah well - they say you eat a peck of dirt before you die.......
Oh good God I feel sick!
yuck. I knew most of these facts and thought I had hidden them far back in the furthest corner of my mind. As far as fly poop goes...I heard they pooped every time they land! The 4.5 minutes actually makes me feel a bit better. Good to see you Mr. G!
What's a little fly shit and bug parts..pretty sure most of it's protein...it's the OSU mug thing that is creepy.
I may never eat (or breathe!) again.
um, thank you? LOL!
Warm Aloha from Waikiki;
Comfort Spiral
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my stomach just did a flip flop.....
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