Miss Bachmann, Miss Bachmann.....
"Is that a Crack Pipe, or a Hash Pipe?"
'Are those things REAL?'
"Love the Green Bikini, Who designed it?"
'Lets see, you were born in 1956, how old are you?'
Miss Bachmann, Miss Bachmann.....
"How old are you again?"
'...Excuse me Ma'am, what age did you turn April 6th?'
I bet The G-Man knows how old you are....
Of course I know!!! I can add and subtract!!!
See you all Thursday Night 8:00PM EST.
Ta Ta's for now..!!!
she makes my skin crawl. seriously. love the picture of you though. makes me giggle.
I'm sure you'll eventually get an answer out of Miss Bachmann. Maybe. It is, after all, considered rude in some quarters to ask a lady her age.:)
Thanks Trini...
But Sherry, She's FIFTY-FIVE!!!
That pic of you IS awesome!
Very nice pre-55. :) Or not so nice? Depending on which side of the agendas you stand on.
But not to worry G-man--I'm always on your side. :)
tsk tsk, never ask a woman "are they real?", by the way, my 17yr old son thinks she's crazy, and we don't even live in your country...
Does she lie about her age? I never lie about my age I'm 21. ;)
Akelamalu, wait until you hit 30... THEN the lies will start!
Laughing all the way to the coffee pot. Actually, not....she's scary not funny. She's creepy and as Lime said, she makes my skin crawl. Never thought someone could make Palin look good. Where are these people coming from? And Perry says he'll put industry in charge of the EPA. Everyone will have a job but we'll all need face masks and oxygen tanks and a feeding tube. Did he wear a face mask during the debate? And please....don't drink the water.
You're a beacon of sanity on a Thursday morning.
You know if she does not get the nomination many old guys like you would buy the playboy issue she would pose (fully clothed) in.
Lime is right on - makes my skin crawl too. Especially the photo at the top. ;-)
I like the bikini too, but it seems to be in the wrong place!
Miss Bachmann though is at a very strategically important age today ;D
I echo the other poster who said she never though someone could make Palin look so good. Terrifying lady, and her male equivalents even more so.
I'll be back later to play, but it may be tomorrow--crazy around here today!
Just commented on your new caption idea, in case you missed it.
I LOVE Michele Bachmann. But not as much as Perry and Paul.
If those folks could add and subtract, we wouldn't be in so much trouble. :)
See you tomorrow!
Why so silent Miss. Bachmann?
Hi, just discovered your blog ... what a hoot to read ... I'll be back for sure ... uhm, by the way, I'm 55 :) Love, cat.
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