Hi Everybody...
For today only, TMI Tuesday is PC Tuesday.
And I'm NOT talking computers!
In lieu of a comment, please give me a caption,
to the above weird ass photo.
I'm afraid that mine was just too offensive to
publish at this time.
But I May tomorrow!!
Sorry for any inconvenience, and thank you for
your co-operation!
Yes you vill eat deese coo-kies and like it....
Catch me if you can/ I'm the gingerbread man!
Oops. I forgot the exact rhyme...
"Welcome to Mrs. Hitler's Kitchen: Let's see what comes out of the oven."
I am not going to leave a caption, but am curious about where the photo came from? It's obviously meant to be Hitler's wife burning gingerbread men, and the stove is labeled HEEB - I guess the whole thing is meant as a concentration camp crematorium joke. Which strikes me as distinctly unfunny.
"No this is not the first time I baked these!"
Hitler was reduced to having his wife bake him an army!
Mine's after Christine's
Vee hav vays ov makin you eet these!
"What do you mean, 'Are they Kosher?'"
Rose Anne Barr's cookie baking humor went off as well as her rendition of the Star Spangled Banner.
This gives a whole new meaning to "Your mother wears combat boots!"
Thanks Christine
Very Good Monique
MBH...Nice...Where ya been?
Doc...You crack me up
Ake...Love your British take
Dave King...Hey Thanks for playing
Bubba.....Good One!!
Hope..Yes it Does...:-)
Thanks to all that played, Youz Guyz Rock!!!
Oh Monkey Man's cracked me up!
LOVE this caption idea, G! Yes!!! This will be FUN.
Can there be a possibility of gold stars for our blogging charts if you like ours ideas??
I dub this...
"No chocolate cake until you eat these cookies!"
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