Recently while visiting the great Commonwealth
of Virginia, I just had to try out a local legend
as far as Wieners are concerned. Low and behold they
had a lunch special that was just impossible to
pass up. Mighty tasty..... As is Tim Horton's!!!
See You Thursday at 8:00 PM EST
Is this for real? Do you Photoshop? If not, 55's are everywhere...
I'm the first one! Can I say Monopoly? :)
that number just seems tofollow you doesn't it? i want to know if it has followed you your whole life or only since you started doing friday 55.
I wonder if anyone has ever eaten 55 hotdogs?
Kobyashi ate that many Nathans hot dogs in 12 minutes
Oh, good Lord! Next question: did he throw up?
Awww, G-Man, I missed you!
I like Frank's Dogs, how do you keep this up? Ha Ha
Thanks for checking up on me!
Fab Di
why dont you tell me when you come to my state...i will drive just to meet the master of the 55...smiles.
Would have to be nearer $10.55 to buy that much stuff here! And I'd never manage that many (words)
Bargain if you're earning $
Echoing what Brian said...I'm just a short drive down the interstate. You gotta let us know these things. We could have all visited and regaled upon all things 55.
It wasn't those odd (and kind of nasty) red hot dogs they eat there was it?
What a coincidence! ;)
Bon apetit! ;-)
Se u soon...I´m getting ready for tomorrow, yes I am! :-D
Delicious and auspicious. Don't know if I will be playing this week. If so it will be much later--power's been off for two days, but let the games begin anyway for the rest of the weiners...er, winners.
First time I tried the 55, figured I give it a go after seeing the post at yours and Brian's bee hive, actually quite an interesting endeavour, this one was also quite clever.
What took you to Virginia?
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