Fido? I'm out.
Fluffy? Check.
Spike? I'll bet one buck!
Fritzy? I'll call.
Duke? I'll see that dollar, and raise you two more!
Manfred, 3 Bucks to you.. ARF!
Sorry, when you're as sick as a Dog, you start
thinking like one! Is it Sunday? Can you write
Micro-Fiction in 160 Characters? Yes?
Then go visit The Monkey Man!!!
dude, still sick? sorry man. hope you feel better soon...
it is a cute pic...hmm...they are probably better than i at cards...
Hope you feel better. Thanks for playing along with the Sunday 160, even from your sick bed.
Oh no.. sorry you're feeling under the weather but you aint no dog!
Great 160 anyways.. take care and get better soon.
Think health.
You know if we put that picture on black velvet I bet we could make millions!
You still sick, G-Man? Damn! At least your 160 rocked!
You're no better then honey? :(
a bit of
get well cheer:
chicken soup
for the car dealing
feet fantasizing
fifty five loving
word exploring
man about town
Soup is served
Is this 160 little more
to your taste?
I hoped by now you'd be feeling better!
Will send good mental wishes your way. If one sneezes, ignore it...it's just pollen coming off the field outside my window. :)
Ha..ha... love it~
Happy arf sunday to you too!
I wouldn't know you were ill from your sense of humour. Get well soon G-man!
Obviously you didn't get your shots. Bummer you're still feeling yucked out. Hope things get better soon--that stuff gets old fast.
...I'm telling you.. Vicks Vapor Rub and lots of it! :P
At least your mind is still Rockn' and Rolln'.
Hey, where in VA? We were near Richmond and Salem and another city further west. 3 days searching for a horse in 90+ weather. But we found one! :) And talk about beautiful country... I am definitely going back as we are only 1/2 hour from the VA border...
Still? That's too bad - not a fun way to use up some of your summer.
love your 160,
Happy Sunday.
Feel better, G Man.
Very cute. Hope you feel better soon.
Awww, sorry you are still sick, Galen. Hope you feel better soon.
BTW - If I had a picture of dogs playing cards, you know they'd be playing Euchre, right? :)
ante up with kibble and bits!
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