In only it's second year, Tempe State Teachers College
won The Arizona Collegiate Open Tournament.
Coach Sellah's prize medalist Helen Bedd (Second from
the right with the Huge Smile), seemed to benefit the most
from the coaches mentoring.
Her Secret? Keep a firm grip on the shaft, and always wash
the balls before each stroke!!
Sound advice for any recreational activity if you ask me.
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell the G-Man.
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment.....Then BOOK!!
So from the most gracious host from coast to coast.....
Have a Kick Ass Week-End.....FORE!!!!!
LOL. Yeah, yeah.
Mine is up
Yahtzee?!!! No way! It's been ages since I got Yahtzee.
Buh dum pum. Another classic groaner, G. We can always count on you.
HERE is my 55 for this week.
well that will certainly earn you a few strokes you know...lol..
yo i am in!
That is some advice.. G-man, no one can do it like you do- I mean telling the tale.. bwaahaahaa
Weekend Hugs xoxox
I don't know where you find these amazing factoids of information, my friend, but I think there is a secret part of the internet which only men can locate. I learn so many things here I never wanted to. Lovin the Huge Smile part, though. :P
I'm playin, with a nice weird dream this time:
Fun post.. ha..ha..
Another one from me... don't blame me, it was really hot today~
way to go Alice on the Yahtzee
how would that work in a tournament??
Isn't it all about the form G?
Thanks for the weekly education
Obviously the extreme temperatures are getting to me. I didn't see it coming, I really didn't. Wow. :)
I told myself that I wouldn't subject you to another musical 55. But what can I tell you? It just happened. So yeah, I'm in. Mine is HERE.
...I have never seen a scoop necked t-shirt like that on a man before. As to your poem... only you can serve it up like that. LOL
Hey I'm a-visitin' our ol' home Petoskey. I hear it is HOT HOT HOT there. Can't wait to jump in Little Traverse Bay! My son is in Bay View's musical "Grease" next weekend. He is Kenickie. Funny, we were both in VA and now MI! :)
No 55 from me this week and probably next. :(
Maybe I should take up golf . . .
Mine's up on my poetry blog!
Oooo-er! I don't know WHAT you mean!
Cheeky G-Man. :)
I've done 55 words.
lol! brilliant!
check out a rain day in mumbai at http://instantwords.blogspot.com/2011/07/rainy-day-in-mumbai.html
I like being here...!!
Back after a break.
Here is mine:
This is sheer brilliance! Nice one G.
I'm back from the injured reserve list & mine is up!
Always a sport! ;-)
I´m up today! Have a great weekend, G-man! :-D
Am joining this week for the first time....just as you go on vacation!
My 55.
Quite the name, Sir. :)
Mine's up. Hope you're feeling better.
I have missed your humour so much! As usual you made me chuckle! My 55 is up and have a super cool (as in staying cool) weekend!!!!
I'm shocked--all that sexual innuendo. *blush* ;)
Mine's up and unlike "G"-man's, it's g-rated today.
it's too hot for golf. i'd rather have an ice cream cone where i lick all around the base then up to the tip before i suck it into my mouth. of course at the end i lick up all the dribbles too.
G...whiz, G-Man! Laughing and groaning at the same time (graughing?) at this one.
Better late than never! Here’s my link.
dang lime....
informingarts...link busted...
here's mine http://thesilenceoftheday.blogspot.com/2011/07/moondance.html
have a great day! happy writing!
LMAO, smarty pants!
Oh How much i missed reading you ! Sorry been too busy .. Here's my entry this week -
She sang
G, you are terrible, BUT always fun! Wow, this is crazy, though, third time in two days that AZ was brought up making me long for one of my fave places. (I almost moved there a few years ago!) Hmmm.. synchronicity in action... or... in other words, fate? This worked out spooky fabulous for my 55 title...
Enjoy your weekend, G!
Sorry I'm late linking up. I slept elsewhere last night because of the heat wave.
But hey, thanks for another Friday 55!
Mine's here. :)
And it involves Cheez Whiz!
Well, sort of.
Hi, Galen: Long time no see. Did manage to get a repeat offender up on the old blog. Kind like how I've been feeling lately. But, hey, it is better than no 55er at all! Trying to get back in the swing. Good to see you! D
Funny 55 G-Man.. I will be back to Flash 55 from 29th onwards.. I missed this so much..
Someone is Special
{{head/desk}} oh, G! i'm not going to say another word.
here's my post ~
thanks & have a great weekend!
real, cool, and worthy 55.
Been out of state for two days, thanks for the patience.
very remarkable story.
here is My 55,
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