When I was back there in seminary school
there was a person that put forth the proposition
that you can...petition the lord with prayer.
Petition the Lord with Prayer!!
"Can you give me sanctuary, I must find a place to
Who's God am I praying to?
Whats the deal with Blind Faith?
For the last 40 years, whenever I was feeling
pensive, I put on a Doors Album...Thanks Jim.
And Prayer?
I still haven't heard an answer...
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man...
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment...Then BOOK!!
So from the most searching host from coast to coast.
Have A Kick Ass Week-End!!
Hi Everybody...I'm outta Town!!!
If you post a Flash 55 today, please visit at least TWO
people that have contributed to the Friday Funfest.
Please? You would be helping out Ole G-Man, and
you will thrill a fellow blogger....
Sorry for any inconveniance, and Thank You for your
yo man...hope you are having a kick ass time of town...
i have seen prayers answered though charlton heston has failed to call me directly...smiles.
i am up!
you're an ace to put this up while you're lazing around enjoying a well deserved rest. Enjoy--and I really am having a hard time totally believing in the seminary.
Mine's a crazy dream I couldn't figure out, so I made an inscrutable poem of it:
Sunset Dream
Have fun. I haven't done a 55 for ages, maybe next week.
As in all things, it is always a good idea to consult Jim.
Mine will be up the moment Blogger stops acting like a crack addled dingbat.
Have fun while you're out of town. I have faith you will be back.
HERE is my 55 for this week.
Have a good time, whatever you decide to do. :)
Thanks for another Friday 55!
Mine's <a href="http://jannaverse.blogspot.com/2011/07/when-horticultural-ocd-strikes.htmla>. :)
hey man, was surprised a bit to see you...i dunno where everyone is...guess they heard the big man was out of town and decided to throw a party without us...smiles.
hope you really are enjoying yourself pops.
hmmm..I thought it was a bit quite in blogland...hope you're having a fabulous time. Sadly, my 55 is encumbered with a whole side bar story...but I had to share or it isn't as serendipitous.
Oh, and if anyone reads this...I work late tomorrow, ergo, probably Saturday b4 I check out 55s.
"turn the page"
prayers should be short like the flash friday 55s!
check out how lifestyle changes can be at http://goo.gl/W5GEf
I gave up on receiving answers. My Magic 8 Ball is useless.
I'm up. I hope you have a great weekend.
Great photo. Great words. Hope you're having a great time!
Here's mine.
Now I'm off to visit some other 55-ers.
Carpe diem my blog friend,,,
my ff55 is a little over hope you all don't mind..
Enjoy your time n make the most of it. Once you are recharged, you can make the things happen for yourself on your own..
Many Hugs xoxox
Raining Tears
Those are some deep thoughts, G.
Hope you are enjoying your vacation!
I played. Mine is HERE.
enjoy yourself and thanks for doing this even while you're away. here's mine ~
nice one, g-man.
p.s. blind faith is..... blind!
I've had prayers answered.
Hope you're having a great time G. x
The human is running behind, but here's here 55. http://razzamadazzle.wordpress.com/2011/07/08/my-life-is-a-country-song/
I think maybe you just don't recognize the voice...
Hi Everybody...
I'm sharing a computer so my access is limited. Thanks to ALL that played!
Hi there, you always make me smile.
I think we all see who we pray to differently.
I sure don't pray to an old man with long white hair and flowing beard...LOL
Come see my flash 55 effort, please.
Happy Vacation!
Mine's up. It's another musical 55. I was actually going to write about The Doors! (It was between The Doors, Judas Priest and Tom Petty, you'll have to check out the 55 to see who won.)
I listen to The Doors when I'm pensive too.
hope your vacation is wonderful!!!
my 55 flash is herehttp://rainbowslifejourney.blogspot.com/2011/07/friday-flash-55_08.html
my post is a little different today than normal
Hey G! Hope you are having a fabulous holiday. I've got a 55 for you despite you being gone.
Relatable, good write.
Here's mine. It's a strange one.
Galen Galen! I love you my friend!
George Carlin said once that he prays to Joe Pesci, because he looks like a guy who can get things done.
hope you're enjoying your vacation, lazing around. G-man, I've had prayers answered too, but more prayers asked than answered :)
Mine for this week:
And the sign read..
i've heard a still small voice from time to time. other times the answer has come thru flesh and blood people. and sometimes the answer has been a flat out "no."
Sorry just got back into town - hope 55 was fun and your trip as well
have a great fun and great 55s...here is mine
Happy kick ass week end for you ;)!
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