Yesterday a film crew was in the store shooting a new commercial.
We had to all wear the same
shirts..It looked so Stepford Wiveish!
Anyway, there was a scene shot in My office with
an actor portraying a customer, either someone coughed,
the phone rang, someone was getting paged, or the director
was being a perfectionist!!
How many 'takes' do you think it took to get it right?
One Guess.....
Hehehehehe...See ya Friday (or 8:00 PM EST Thursday)
Hi everybody...
My laptop is acting up and it's in the repair shop. I'm getting a new Toshiba tomorrow night, so I'm relegated to use my old P.O.S. for one night. Grrrrrrrrr
No fair being "Yahtzee" on your own post! Good luck with your POS. The night will soon be over.
Haha, good one, 5thsister...and he didn't even call it! :)
Having a hard time picturing you as a Stepford Wife, G! Love the blue shirt, though. A great colour on you.
See ya tomorrow!
Nah, you don't really look much like anybody's wife. Sorry about your computer woes.
ugh on the computer issues....nice shirt...55 takes...i might have given up well before then...
...must have made for a fun day though, i'm sure?
You get a cameo role in the commercial. If so did you get scale? $55 per shoot right?
seriously 55 takes??
I already did my 55
excited to post it!
you look good in blue
that is all
Had my 55 written and scheduled to post....now it's gone. Thank you Blogger. See you next week....or maybe Sunday.
That actually sounds like not a lot of fun. But at least you got your number out of it.
That kind of stuff is a lot of hurry up and wait, isn't it? Just thank heavens it wasn't 555 takes :)
And it's nice to have Blogger back and to actually be able to see blogs and comment again.
Did you get to wear make up?
Maybe 55 shades of stone
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