After trying for a week, Jerome finally
hacked into the company's system.
Why would Wordpress want to hack into
Blogger on a Thursday?
Evil Abounds
Can you write Micro-Fiction in 160 characters?
Is it Sunday?
If the answer to both of those questions is yes...
Post it on your blog, then go visit Monkey Man...Here!
hehe...so that is what happened...never underestimate the power of corporate espionage....nice 160 g!
my 160
That evil Wordpress and their insertion of a single line of wrong code.
Ok, now I know who to take the hit out on..
Please forgive us evil Wordpress types, it was just an innocent prank that got out of hand.
Actually it was LLCoolJoe, and he admitted it on his blog -- you know Joey's Pad?
My human now understands why you make her go through me--it's clearly a jealousy issue.
Blogger tries to keep up with WP / WP tries to out do Blogger
Can't they let us blog in peace???
Happy Sunday G
....and it was also a personal affront to FFF55....that's for sure! Although it didn't stop us die hards from playing. Great Sunday 160, G. Thanks for playing along.
he did it big didn't he?
It's a plot. But I'm sticking with the blogger blog I have.
Whoever did what, it was a mess. Glad it's fixed.
On a serious note.. This is rivalry!
Competition- cut throat war!
Hope it's peaceful now.. many hugs xx
...and so the rumor starts! LOL
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