Just as the killer's name was about to be revealed,
the power went out! Shortly after that, she heard the
glass on the back door break. She was frozen in fear!
Sorry, ran out of characters...
Can you write a piece of literature using EXACTLY
160 characters? If you can, post it on your blog,
and go tell The Monkey Man.....Here!
I can't even write something using 100 words without going over, can you imagine the brain fart I would get trying 160 characters. Nice try, I have to think about attempting this one for awhile.
You my friend,are the master wordsmith, leaving us all on the edge.
Oh you NAUGHTY man! How could you leave us in suspense like that?
yikes...ran out of words just as she ran out of breath...well played g! happy mums day to all the mums in your life....
I don't care what happens to any (w)itch with a twelve inch waist!
I tend to agree with Fireblossom. That chick needs to be tied down by the killer and force-fed Twinkies.
her kid had tossed a ball through the window.....again...
she thought it was the police come to get her...
Happy Mother's day to you G ( you are almost a mom...)
Love that classic 1950's stuff. Thanks for playing along with the Sunday 160, G. See you Friday as always.
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