Kim has an enormous Wazoo
Her sister's have Big Booties too
When they start passing gas
You can hear the ass blasts
From Fresno to Kalamazoo!!
Please...Before you pass judgement.
Someone has to write these things!!
Is it Wednesday? Do you have have any poetry
or prose laying around? Yes?
Then post it on your blog and go.....Here!
Okay, you got me. You win. I loled. :D
Goodness G
what have you been eating lately?
Happy Wednesday (well almost)
Oh good grief! Blasting arses? And right now, on TV they're making farting noises with their armpits! I can't get away from it! Help me, Lord.
Egads! And now my tummy is rumbling! Awkward.
You always keep it real, G-man. That's what I love about you. :)
Too much broccoli, I suppose. Those veggie eating granola types need to come further North and have a steak once in awhile.
oh dang...i thought that was a passing airplane...guess i was wrong...beware the fall out...to the gass masks everyone!
IS it Wednesday already? Dang, I need to give my calendar a good whack. I guess big booty people pass some big gas -- but I'm not passing any judgment on that.
It's hard to imagine those three Barbie dolls doing anything as crass as you describe--but I'm more than willing to take your word for it, my friend.
...I won't be reading this rhyme to the wee ones before bed. Although my 18 year old might like it...
He did.
So very G-Man. It's important to be true to your muse. ;-)
*shakes head*
LOL. :-D
lol! I definitely think they should stay away from weiners and beans! ;)
Hear Ye! Hear Ye! G-Man is the truth giver of the day!
To Kalamazoo?
No way!
Too many mangoes?
LMAO - you never fail to surprise me, G!
That sounds like a limerick! ;)
that was hilarious!
really a huge shot... But really..all of them ..uh..US, do fart. Even the ones in Chanel suits...
Galen! I saw some RED mangoes on your blog! I posted some Green ones!Come and take a look , they are from my tree!
someone HAS too!
lmao! only you. but i love it!
Hope all's well..
If I need to stay here any more; I would need gas mask.. help!!
Hugs (from a distance) xx
Thanks for the smiles today G-Man :)
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