The Daughter...
'Stop wallowing in the past, it's a new century,
things change. It makes life easier!
The Mother...
"Easier for who? I've gotten along just fine for
75 years without it. Whats the big deal anyway about
talking in 'Real Time'?
I don't need no new fangled Tell-EE-Phone!!
To all you Mothers out there..Happy Mother's Day!
I guess all change comes with some skepticism no matter
what century we are referring to.
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man...
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment....Then BOOK!!!
So from the Lowest-Tech host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!
ha. my how the times have changed...if your phone does not have the net and apps now you are out dated...guess i am...
happy mothers day to all moms!
my 55
Yes, and Ancient Romans shook their head at all those new-fangled contraptions coming out too, like The Wheel and such. Kids, these days...
And thanks for the Mother's Day mention!
My 55's here.
Refuse to give my kids a phone, they can get a job if they want one, however, tried to get a hold of one of them at school today and the secretary wouldn't get the son. If they don't want these kids to walk around talking on phones, then at least help a parent out when we need to connect with them.
Here's my 55
Happy May 5,
May 5=55, I realize it and happen to have some free time doing it.
love your 55, super realistic and brilliant.
here is My 55
where is everyone?
I suppose I am still primitive..!
Here is mine:
musically yours
My cell phone looks like a flint knife from some prehistoric cave compared to what most people have--I keep waiting for Ma Bell to tell me it will no longer work,come spend a few benjamins on a new one--so far so good though.
I'm playin and am on a moon thing, now, apparently:
Low tech is good. Goat carts may replace Silvarados soon!!!
Happy Mother's Day Ladies!!
Paralyzed for a day
Wait... telephones ALL being new. or the newest version? No, but that's a computer, isn't it? I've lost track.
- Alice
Changes are coming faster and faster...the things my kids take for granted blows me away sometimes. Ah, the generation gap!
Happy 5/5 day, G-man! This must be like a national holiday on your blog, no?
By the way, I'm in! Mine is Here.
Oh technology. I still like real time conversations, but we must be flexible.
My 55 is HERE.
I know people like that. :)
Thankfully my mom tends to be ok with technology stuff. But I do know older folks who tend to view technological innovation with ridiculous skepticism.
Thanks for another Friday 55!
Mine's here. :)
Love it! My mom was a telephone operator in the age of switchboards and cords connecting us all, phone numbers like "Cypress" 23716 - this was a great reminder!
I played this week. Well?
PS: Thanks for the mother's day wishes - and happy mother's day to all the ones who mother those around them, blood or not.
Oh ho! I too was thinking technology today with my 55.
lol! I love it, Galen!
Who knew how far-reaching technology would really become!
Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms!
My 55: Rest(less)
Changing over with changing times is being smart.. I am.. :)
Happy Mother's Day to all mommies over the world.
Many Hugs xox
It's the tech that has connected us.. however low it may be! Having fun already..
Ha! G...ma-bell and I have a "don't phone me, I'll phone you relationship"! Nice way to remember (and remind). Hope you don't mind, but I stole an idea from ya with my crazy 55.
(first time was total link fail)
hahaha My 89 year old grandmother got a cellphone before I did. I use mine as more of a watch and alarm clock more than anything else, but Grandma still doesn't understand what I used to do for a living before kids...Try explaining web design to an 89 year old.
A good call.
You'll find mine here.
Haha !! Love this . I have to start teaching my mom to use internet next month .. Its gonan be fun ! she loves learning new things ..
My 55er
I never thought I'd think like that - but technology is going faster than it needs to these days. Am I getting old?
Great 55 as ever!
My 55 are up here.
PS - UK Mothers' Day was weeks ago.
Awww, I love it! Times, they are a-changin' as we speak.
Thanks for the Mother's Day wishes. I hope not to get terribly behind he times like this sweet grandma in he picture.
Mine is here:
Hahahh.. yea My grani says the same.. Shes actualy feels V.comfrtable to use landline...
So heres mine 55 The Rainbow Sunshine
Happy Mother's Day to all the mums....
great 55 as always, G-Man!
Oh so sweet! with all these changes happening so rapidly, will we be left behind, too, I wonder.
thanks for the Mother's Day wishes.
played this week,
Thats a conversation/ exchange I've heard many a time in my life since the cellphone came about....
Oh I am forgetful now sorry G I am late again for 55..too late in fact. Posted for friday and then remembered :(
Perfect example of contempt prior to investigation!
Mine is HERE
Wish I could visit everyone but am on my way to work where there is no blog access. Have a great weekend!
Now, you can't escape from your phone!
Nice one, G-Man!
Mine's up.
Happy Mama's day (what my 3 year old says) she is stuck in the new age!
Blood, Sweat and Tears is mine this week.
Every time new technology comes 'round. . . LOL.
Thanks for the chuckle, and the hostin'. . .
Here's mine.
Ah yes...now Mom nags me by e-mail. ;)
Mine's up...have a great weekend!
Mine is up.
InspiredbyLisa – Friday Flash 55
Phones are a hot topic over here with my kid.
I wrote another Flash 55, this might become a habit!
that is all
Times do change. Sounds a bit like something my Mom would have said. I miss her.
Here's today's contribution at Roses to Rainbows
Happy Friday...
Danged kids and their fancy gadgets! LOL!
Sorry I'm late, but it's not easy writing a World-Changing 55.
I feel so left behind with so many gadgets..oh well..Happy Mothers Day and I will be with you soon G! :)
I remember my mom FINALLY got a microwave... years after I moved out. Never an answering machine and JUST recently got a "modern" phone - no dial anymore! I TRIED to show her the internet so she could see my blog... it isn't going to happen... the MOUSE confused her too much.
Oh well, Here is my 55 -
My 55
My children and grandchildren are ALWAYS saying ... 'you need a new cell phone.'
No I don't. No texting, no apps, no nothing except hello and goodbye.
My mom is stuck to her phone all the times and whenever she sees me on mine, she tells me that using mobile causes brain cancer!
Mother's day Bleh! Yuck!
Cute...my mom's learning to text at 80 years. This is both a lesson in patience and uncondtional love on my part!
I tried,desperately, to get my mother to use a computer which she would have loved..but it was a no go! She barely mastered a cell phone, this brilliant RN.
Mine 55 is at:
My Friday Flash 55 is at:
Remember all the terrific mothers in your life every day of the year!!
Yay for FF55!
I haven't played in a couple of weeks but I am baaaaaaack, and mine is up!
Hey G-man,
Thanks for the Mother's Day well wishes! Cute post...very clever. It made me laugh.
Yeah... I agree with Brian. Happy Mother's Day to all the other Moms!
Click here to check my 55 out
Hey there G Man, you are the bomb :) xoxo
is this the party to whom i am speaking?
cute one,gman. i like it :)
I admit, I'm one of those who jumped on the smart phone bandwagon. And now that I have email, internet, music, GPS texting, camera, and oh, yeah, telephone, rolled into one little device, I don't think I'll ever look back.
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