Perfectly Serene...Mata Hari Guile!
A uniquely charming sense of style.
She'll fly your kite
She'll float your boat
She'll rip your lungs out thru your throat!
She suggests you leave..She knows you'll stay.
She questions your Love...No matter what you say.
Shrug your shoulders...Exhale a sigh
Because without her...You'd surely DIE!
This IS a FICTION site .
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment...Then BOOK!!!
So from the most persistant host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!
my 55
Good thing you mentioned it was fiction... I was just starting to get worried :)
Happy Friday Fifty-Five, G-Man and crew!
My schedule’s a whirlwind this week; I’ll be around to visit everyone tomorrow. I rounded up fifty-five words and coaxed them into a smile…
Treasure Hunting.
mmm...there are some way of dying that are just not that bad you know...smiles.
Once the kite's up and the boat is moving you just don't suspect your throat is about to be removed. Great 55 with a poetic flair! Thanks for hosting, G
Mine's here:
So, it's about doing what she wants. Kind of fits in with my 55 this week! :)
My 55
Margaretha Zelle, Lady MacLeod, Mata Hari. Enchantress in her day regardless of name.
My 55 is HERE. My fictionalized version of a sad, but true story.
They are some good women out there you know :) Mine's up!
Hmmm wasn't there a song "The Man Eater"
this gal fits the bill
always right on the money with your fiction G-Man. thanks for the weekly challenge to us mere mortals
Veil of Brown
This dame is guilty as charged.
And is it just me or does she look like....? No better left unsaid.
Mine's scheduled to post at 5:55 a.m. Friday here?
halleujah if that link works, trying the code from memory.
love your post (it's reminds me of a song my father in law would sing-he was a sailor to his core)...I did a 55...maybe more non-fiction, than fiction...but hey, I did it in 55!
This was my very first try with this challenge...come on over and visit, wouldja?
Ah, beware the vixen...summon all the courage you can and RUN!
I'm an hour late but my flash is finally tweaked to my satisfaction. I hope it makes sense as it is from a personal dream I had the other night.
This Tiny Twig
super 55!
check out the mumbai summer at http://instantwords.blogspot.com/2011/04/mumbai-summer.html
Ah the femme fatale. You have to watch out for the zombie ones--they also eat your brains.
I'm playin--we have met the aliens, and they are us:
Science Fiction
can't live with her, can't live without her...
i'm here
I love this one, G-Man! Very, very cool.
Another gem from you...!
A pleasure to read!!
Here is mine:
an oracle
Oh well....!
Someone I know often compared me with her but with an image highly tom-boyish.. Thanks for enlightening me now!
Hugs xox
Shaping- Up
Oh, my goodness, GM, it's a good thing it's only fiction, huh? Otherwise, I'd have to advise you to go with the consensus -- run!
Almost reminds me of that Billy Joel song where he mentions all the exasperating things she does, but then admits "She'll Always Be A Woman To Me."
Which I hope he means in a complimentary way. :)
Thanks for another Friday 55!
Mine's here. :)
Nicely done. I love the images in this one, and especially like the line "she suggests you leave...she knows you'll stay".
I'm in, I'm up. Mine is Here. As always, I have trouble with the "fiction" part. But you can pretend I made it up, if you want to. ;)
A beautiful character sketch of the ultimate Femme Fatale, Galen! I imagine all her victims dying with a sigh and a smile...but I'm crazy like that :)
My 55: Eremitical
But will she get your goat? Excellent work of fiction! My human wrote a 55 and has it posted here: http://razzamadazzle.wordpress.com/2011/04/28/horse/
Mr G, like Mata Hari, I screwed up again. Welll, not EXACTLY like Mata Hari. that was a good one, but are you certain of the 'fiction' asspect? grin!
Anyways, I wrote TWO '55' pieces on different posts:
Here's how I screwed up.To get my SECOND '55' just GO HERE
I'll be seeing you in a few weeks, or sooner...or later!
fertile atmosphere here
Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral
I love the Mata Hari character type, but I always forget how to spell the name.
I've had mine up for ages, but the kids had me running around so much I couldn't get over here. Sigh.
Mine is up
Mine is up. Had a crappy day so that is the inspiration.
InspiredbyLisa – Flash 55
Those ladies have all the fun...HA! Great rhyming 55, with a dramatic end!
As for mine...walkin the pup this morn before a short road trip and this song shuffled up, I thought you might like the band.... fab weekend, G-Man ~
Watch out double oh seven! ;-)
LOVE it!
i wrote a 55 word haibun {again} ~
I come bearing multiple choice of reading matter HERE
That's one scary looking broad! :)
I was less than romantic myself today.
What away to go eh G? ;)
There's nothing a man likes more than being abused by a beautiful woman.
I talk with my hands today: Flash 55 - fingering
Woh! very sensual in a very sarcastic way G. Here's mine
Great rhyme and rhythm.
And oh yeah, many have died without her.
Here's mine:
Hope you have a sunny weekend.
Ah, the truth is rarely spoken so clearly! About fiction, I mean ;)
Mine is up: The Wish
some things just ain't worth sticking around for...loss of lungage through a ripped hole in the throat. Nope can't see any benefit there.
Only my second try at 55, but I love it!
My 55
Mata Hari in poetry-how charming...and dangerous.
Here's mine at Roses to Rainbows
Thanks for asking me to do this.
I just posted it, however I am not even sure I did it correctly.
Let me know
that is all
I can never get enough of your words .. 55 are too less ;)
Thanks for the good laugh !
This week i offer Prayers
And you may just die with her... Love those old potboilers, G.
I like it. I'm sure many men would agree, they'be met this woman before...Have a great weekend....
55 word stories are fun!
"Mister MacAllister"
Without anesthesia, I'll bet, ths Mata Hari performs surgery. Yikes, you pick these wild ladies.
My 55 is at:
Careful, G-man! You could get into a lot of trouble with this one. Putting aside the fact that I am a woman, I thought it was clever.
Click here to check mine out
pissin the wife off again are we?
You should know better G! Ok, I'll have a 55er today..thank u very much. :)
The Royal Wedding has sapped my ability to write a string of 55 coherent words!
Noiresque-fun piece. =)
Here's mine.
I like this flash...I don't know why exactly. Perhaps, it is the cleverness...Perhaps, because I have been lucky enough not to meet such a beast. My best.
Perfect role model .....
She sounds perfect for you G. Hot date tonight! My date is with a pumpkin tonight.
Friday Stories
hey double fives..
sleepless Nights
Thanks for reading...
It's been too long. I haven't made time to write lately, but tonight I was able. Click.
First timer, tried once many moons ago, but couldn't figure out how to put my link on here. So here goes.
An enchantress always finds new prey...lovely one.
Mine here
my 55 a little late but anyways
a little late but anyway here;s mine
Here's my 55 Loved yours!
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