Sweating like a pig.
Hot Steamy air sucks your soul!!
...longing for Winter.
I can't feel my face!
Cold Stillettos with each breath.
...longing for Summer.
If it's Wednesday and you have poetry, prose,
or a short story to share....Go Here!
I will NEVER complain about the heat in summer. Seriously. :)
We always want what we can't have--until we get it. Nice one shot, G-Man, and very a propos.
funny what perspective does to us eh?
You nailed it, G-Man!
We're just never satisfied, are we? I guess it's the old "grass is greener" thing.
i'll just take spring...smiles.
We need some balance for sure...and just as I thought we'd get through a relatively light winter, Mother Nature has a few more icy tricks up her sleeves - ugh!
Can't I have perpetual spring? Mine is here. http://razzamadazzle.wordpress.com/2011/02/01/footprints/
Very cool connected haiku. Inventive, not sure I've ever seen that done before.... kind of sick of winter already. Bring on Spring!
I have never felt the humidity anywhere in the world like we have in the Great Lakes region. The heat, the weather blowing off the lakes, love it, but some days more suffering than a body can take.
I'm ready for spring!
That's a nice one two punch at the weather
you only get One Shot tho!
Thanks for the support of our OSP team
I bitch like all hell in the winter about the cold so when summer rolls around I force myself NEVER to complain.
I'm a summer baby.
yip, that's us, want what we haven't got...
Just think of all the clothing options in summer (not for us fat old men) and winter (for us fat old men)
Obviously the weather can't win! ;)
Winter just love em.. If you are from Delhi, India, am sure you will understand what I mean.. LOL
classic grass is greener syndrome...
Spring hopes eternal...strike that, reverse it.
Delhi Summer is HORRENDOUS!
tears of the sky fall to the ground
I keep telling everyone 'hey! it's almost summer!' :D I believe it, time flying and all. Thanks for a nice read.
Ha! Always, we want what we lack. As someone who makes her living out of doors, I totally relate to this!
hahahaha... we want just what we want..isn't it, G??!?!?
LOVED this one...
We humans are the greatest complaint masters of the world!! :)
But then you know what... I LOVE WINTERS!!!
My One Shot for you..
I can assure you that no matter how hot and humid it gets here, I NEVER long for winter!
I'm dreaming of summer too! I can hardly wait for lost of yummy green grass to munch!
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