Sunday, January 30, 2011

Micro-Fiction Monday.....

There it is Melville, the only survivor....
A Double Entendre!!!
Although Melville thought the whole thing was...
A little Redundant!
Every Monday, Susan the Missing Mensan posts a picture
of her choice on her blog. Copy the pic on your blog and
provide a caption in 140 characters or less. Then go tell her...


Dianne said...

well done!!
a Melville reference and a good laugh

Peggy said...

I liked it too, G-man.
Have a great week!

hope said...

You do have a way with words. And clean too. :)

Sylvia K said...

Great one for the day, G-man! I love the Melville reference, too! Have a great week!


Jim said...

Little did Melville know when he was writing that the double entendres would get more press than his puns.
A great µ-fiction, GM. :)

Kay L. Davies said...

Yes, redundant, indeed.
-- K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Other Mary said...

Very clever :o)

Brian Miller said...

nice...where is my great white whale....

Pat said...

LOL--a a redundant double entendre...made me laugh.

Hey, I just wrote something redundant.

Susan Fobes said...

Mellville connection? Wonderful!

Serena said...

Very clever, Mr. G.

Diane said...

LOL! They are quite the duo!!! :O)

Jen said...

Redundant, but still no suds...

Lisa Ricard Claro said...

Terrific story to go with the pic. Melville would approve!

moondustwriter said...

Hmm redundant, Melville, double entendres - you been taken Lit classes at night?

nice MFM

the walking man said...

Now that is a very humorous take on the prompt.

izzy said...

Thanks, have a great week.
Not having any luck with posting pictures to specific blogs- but I credit it anyway.

Shadow said...

okay. this one's over my head......

clean and crazy said...

someone needs to reference the 'gordans' fishsticks!! or is it gordmans?? dont know i dont eat fishsticks but that guy looks familiar!!

Akelamalu said...

Who's Melville?

SY said...

this is really good. :)

Michael G-G said...

Hoo baby, thank god it wasn't the great white whale up there on the beach.

Have a great week.

Doc FTSE said...

Like the reference to Melville. Funny too!

Sylvia Morice said...

Great reference to Melville this week! Loved it.

Elizabeth Mueller said...

Lol. This made me laugh. Have a great week!


Anonymous said...

Very clever! LOL! :O)

lime said...

if it had been ivory it would have floated on its own.