I understand your dilemma!
You've worked hard these past four years
to bring useless information and a smile to DOZENS
of people from all over the World.
But remember... You have a full-time job, AND a real
3-D life! Cut back on your 'obsession', and concentrate
on Your Baby...Friday Flash 55!!!
Five Cents Please.....
So there it is in a nutshell... I'll still visit my friends,
And I'll occassionally play in some prompts from around
Blogdom. But I'm NOT letting my Sales and private life
suffer because I have self imposed "obligations".
I'm still irrevrently around, and It will ALWAYS be business
as usual on Fridays...
So if you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man!
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment....Then BOOK!
So from the most gracious host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!
so there you have it.
My 55 is HERE .
smart choice g-man...and definitely understandable...but will look forward to fridays...
i am up...
I will be facing the same situation very soon.
Oh - Yahtzee.
I'm glad that you were only charged 5 cents for that advice.
G- You are appreciated - dont know how you do it without help. I am grateful for a team that covers my back.
waiting for knight
I hear you!
Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral
Definitely worth the nickel!
I decided to do a show and tell for my 55. Hope it is acceptable and up to your standard. It can be found HERE
Take care of business at home, G-Man!
Mine will be up in the morning.
Enjoy the increased home& work time.
I know how you feel. I've had to cut back a bit myself just so I can actually write the books I try to get published. But I'll always visit anyone who comes to visit me.
Mine is here
aaa you got busted on the computer!!!! hey i got one up too!!
Susie....Not at all!!
I just didn't want to feel obligated EVERY DAY!
Been there, done that. I understand where you are coming from. Balance is the key :)
Oh and I've done a 55 this week !
Everybody deserves a little R&R time -- well worth the 5 cents, I'd say.
Whew, you scared me there for a minute. I thought you weren't doing Fridays anymore and I was going to be annoyed. Even though I haven't been a very faithful flasher I expect you to always be here on Friday! Totally understandable that you step back a bit. Blogging is fun but it isn't life. I'm up.
This is my first and hopefully not my last! It was much harder than I thought. Thank you for hosting this!
Thought I would try this again to direct link it. If it doesn't work, I'm sorry!
I see many others have done a direct link HELP ME! :) Can someone explain it to me, please?
Lucy is very very wise as is the G-man :)
My 55: Cautionary
You scared me for a moment there...
So you ARE still doing Friday 55, right? I love it so much, and it wouldn't be quite the same without you to lead everything.
Thanks for the time you put into every week of this!
Mine's here. :)
I ruv U man!
Oh, my dear friend. I *so* get this. But you knew that, right?
Be well, Galen.
PS - Mine, half-assed though it may be, is up. Tried the hyperlink thing but am having technical difficulties tonight. :(
Ugh! I totally get this and have had to cut back on a lot of networking to stay sane...which is why I haven't been around here in awhile...but I was inspired to join tonight. Hope you don't mind...thx :)
I Gotta See That Eye
there is a lot of that going around... I myself go to one of those gypsy fortune telling machines but they charge 25 cents, and last time I followed the advice printed on the ticket, well I will save that for another time.... but will say that I did get myself in a peck of trouble,,sigh!
mine hopefully will be up sometime tomorrow on Friday...work & stuff in the way...
Gr8 55.
think i should book a session with lucy as well...know this dilemma...
my 55 is here
Always take care of home. You'll find mine here.
yip, i understand. there's a time and a place for everything, and the 3D does take preference. love ya!
I think I will soon land up in the same state..
Here is my "55 words":
a raw rant
I myself prefer the smiles over too much useful information. Glad you're not abandoning us on Fridays. And glad to be linking up again.
Here's mine: http://thehalfwaypoint.net/2011/01/that-at-home-feeling/
sorry for deleting the comment above
repeating here
good on you mate!!
my ultimate 55 http://instantwords.blogspot.com/2011/01/ultimate.html
back with a seccond 55 for the week that i wrote to a music prompt...making the rounds now...happy friday everyone.
Yeah, those self imposed obligations are enough to make you totally wack-o. Blogging becomes a full-time job too easily.
Flash 55 - New Beginnings
I understand completely, G-daddy!!!
I'm so glad you're not disappearing altogether...that would make me sad.
Soooo, another real life 55 from me.
itchy scratchy
hugs, Eaton
I don't blame you for cutting back, G-Man. As long as you're here for Fridays, I'm sure we'll be alright.
THIS is my 55.
helloe my friend in the maize and blue, bye bye RR, hello Mr Hoke. Here's to good things and a return tothe big blue machine!
My 55 is here: www.sobernuggets.blogspot.com
I apologize for not being around the past few 55's, been a busy fellow!
You mean a Dozen thousand people, and fifty five million cents -of course!
Yes Some 3-D life I need too!
I've posted something 4 u today...
Peaceful weekend GMAN and all of you readers!
You had me worried for a minute there...just when I get BACK in the swing of 55s I thought they were leaving the station. :)
Understand totally! Have a great weekend!
Be yourself, enjoy life..
agree with your standpoint on your 55.
here is My 55, Thanks!
G-man I have missed you and everyone else. I am back and hopefully this time I can keep doing it. But you summed it up with your 55 work calls. Have a great 55 hugs to you
I'm not submitting this week for some of the same reasons you give in your 55. I sure understand.
Glad you'll continue Friday 55. Take care.
Glad to know you're still going to be around on Fridays.
I've done a very tired 55
I think it's AWESOME you are seeking balance between Real Life and blogging. I can totally relate. I have cut back to posting 2 days a week so I can get around to you guys' blogs better.
Fridays (and you ) will continue to RULE!!
I posted a 55whooo-hoooo!!
Looks like everything I wanted to say has already been expressed. I can relate and I'm relived that you'll continue hosting the Flash Fridays. You are, after all, the most gracious host from coast to coast.
Mine's up.
Now I really like you! Peanuts are just about the best, and Lucy is a rare breed. Stick with your convictions and I will see you on Fridays! Mine is up and have a sweet weekend....
I understand, G-man. Priorities...
My 55 is here
The internet can suck every minute of your day away. And garlic doesn't work--I've tried. Glad you're keeping the 55 going!
Here's mine--(and I'll be making the rounds a bit later--Much as I hate it, I also have to pry my rear up and do a few things today):
Goodbye Already
Understood G. There is a fine line between mind and 3D matter. I have been very hit and miss lately and on vacation and forgot it was friday! I'll put a quik one up now.
I *love* this post (thanks Lucy, definitely a nickel's worth LOL)
Real life is out there claling, isn't it? Which I guess is why I keep doing 55s... !! and I did one. And I should also cut way way back on the online thing.
Have a great weekend Mr. G!
IT'S CALLING, I meant. Jeeeeeze, typing impaired today.
Ok Galen...I got one done. Now go sell some stuff and I'll see you around the cyber cafe' soon.
I understand..as you know I have cut back blogging. But I dont have a job like you just a family who pretty much do their own thing. Including Mr Gab which you can read all about. I will look forwards to your friday 55 posts.
That's my cheeky punt for today, Enjoy.
G, please don't you ever stop Flash 55 .. EVER!!
I will give you company.. worry not :) Here is my 55..
Have a rocking weekend, my friend...
Write on...
Totally understand..that is why I only do the 55's. And even sometimes i get sidetracked and can't make it. Mines up! :)
Very wise human. My human should get a clue about that. Hers is posted here. http://razzamadazzle.wordpress.com/2011/01/14/beginnings/
Hey G-Man. Thanks for the visit to my blog - and the coffee ;)I have Biggby's Michigan Cherry from breakfast today. A friend from Ann Arbor ships it over for me.
I hope all is well and peaceful for you today! thanks for sharing as always.
I am going to dash around and read as much as I can-I did come visit yesterday and then had to "Run-"
G- Man
My 55 became a 105 === a villanelle, so I left it that way... oops,
balance in all things
I think there are many of us who have had to make that hard decision. And because of those real life obligations, I have no 55 this week. I so appreciate this meme, though. You're indeed a gracious host and you definitely Kick-Ass!
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