So, he says to me......
"Margaret, my employer is sending me out of
the country for a year, I hope you understand".
He hands me a strand of pearls, gives me a kiss
on the cheek, and he's GONE!
Uh Huh.....
I've got news for you big boy.
I'm NOT so easily discarded....You'll find out!
Ooooh, she does have THAT look doesn't she?
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man!
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment....Then BOOK!!!
So from the most nervous host from coast to coast....
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!
I think Margaret will have a field day or 365 of them over the next 12 months.
I posted a 55whooo-hoooo!!
And I believe a YAHTZEE may be in order??
I know you were writing from *her* perspective, but I couldn't help picturing *you* saying the words. You were, of course, wearing the pearls. ;)
Mine is up HERE.
That is a kind of 'don't mess with me or I'll put your eye out with cigarette' look isn't it?
My 55 is HERE .
Oh please. Those aren't even real. His sports memorabilia and golf clubs will be on craig's list before he's even on the plane. ;-)
this is classic.
i bet she sells the pearls and finances her own set of travels!
i played along too here
Think she definitely means business. Hope he has good credit.
Mine's here:
Just Like Them
Margaret probably likes knots in her pearls but not in her stomach. Hmmmm, what will she do?
You'll see...hehehehehe
Why, does she have a Plan B?:-)
And C....and D....And E!
Go Margaret! Enjoy the freedom!
Mine can be found HERE
Not my best but wanted to get something out there...
Yeah, he's in for it.
Mine is here
Margaret sounds well prepared. She must have been a Girl Scout.:-)
I'm rooting for ya Margaret - a woman scorned... Indeed.
Not only is my 55 here but so is a feature - history in the making of Friday Flash 55
Thanks G-Man for the interview and for hosting faithfully each week - your'e the bomb!
You're wearing the pearls right now, aren't you? :)
Thanks for another Friday 55!
Mine's here. :)
I wanna know what she is gonna do next!
Here is mine:
curtain of pebbled path
that's a very interesting 55,
classical story indeed.
here is My 55
My human wrote a 55. Here. http://razzamadazzle.wordpress.com/2011/01/06/miracle/
why yes, yes she does. she is a bunny boiler that one!! oh and hey i got one up, again !!
yikes! nice one G! will be back next week...
yeah - she has this look..seems she looks right through him to the depths of his soul...
my 55 is here
Ohhh, payback's a bitch...named Margaret, perhaps?
I'm in this week here.
Oooooh, good one! Starting out the new year right.
Mine's here.
Roses to Rainbows
I don't know, I think she's weighing options. Perhaps absence will get the old boy out of her hair while she chats up the pool guy.
I am a totally unserious girl today, so this is a completely silly 55
Grandma's Attitude Problem
She's got that look...the one that says, "I'll have a blast while the blighter is gone, but when he gets back! Oh yeah...then he's gonna pay..."
Loved your 55, Galen.
Mine is:
She is gorgeous and I love your 55.
Mine's up too.
She does have that smoldering look in her eye - the lady is no one's fool. Mine will be up on Friday .
Poor guy. Hope he survives that look that can kill.
I posted my 55.
All sorts could happen there. Nice one.
You'll find mine here.
Oh boy, hell hath no fury........
A follow up to this one is an absolute must G.
Mine's up.
Mind you - that's SOME rope of pearls!
Great 55 G-Man!
Ahhh! "String of Pearls" can have so many meanings. But DISCARDED has only ONE!
Yipeee! I wrote one HERE
I guess that's one way to split without saying take it all. Hope he stopped his direct deposit before he left.
Hmm..she does have a look in her eye doesn't she!! Great 55 G-man, as usual!
Do I feel a serial 55 coming on? Or at least a few episodes? aaaaand she could be real trouble with that cool look in her eyes.
I'm playing this week G-daddy...
my 55 :)
You have done a GREAT Job Here!
Oooh, if looks could kill!
I am running behind- sorry, will try and play my part soon- Happy Friday!
OK- happy hunting all-
Nice one, G-Man! That woman looks seriously annoyed!
Mine's up!
No need to wake up Maggie...mine is up.
Nice pearls! My 55
Ahh....that look. And, yes, I love your classic style. I was thinking I was late, but then it is Friday morning afterall. Prompted to get my fingers moving by the nice tribute over at One-Stop. Congratulations! I'm proud to be a part of your Michigan-based 55.
My 55 is here
If the link works, I have Jinksy to thank.
Oh dear. It failed. One more try....
i love this ! totally !! :)
Mine is <a href="http://ladynimue.wordpress.com/2011/01/07/turn-back-time/>here</a>
My post here
If it doesn't work this time, I'll go away.
Hey Yvonne, I am putting up your live link:
Here is Yvonne Osborne's 55 words
out of sight, out of mind, me thinks...
I think pearls were not enough...perhaps, diamonds were in order!
Mine is at:
I know I have strayed from the "fiction" aspect of Friday's 55's but I will reform....promise!
Here's one from a guy (H Picasso0that left his URL at One Stop
its good
Galen: I didn't get a 55er written this week. My Mama passed away, and it has been pretty stressful. I did manage to write a small tribute to her that I would love for you to read. So I put that up on my blog today. Please keep my little Mama in your thoughts. Best, Donnetta
I am comment 55! Score for my first attempt! http://poetrybyadamwhite.blogspot.com/2011/01/55-flash-fiction-friday-suit.html
I can just hear the radio announcers voice saying "stayed tuned to mystery theater"...my 55 will be up before the announcer signs off! Promise... ;)
Ooohh.. she got attitood!!! :))
Let's see who dumps whom! Can I expect the answer to this in a future post of yours?! :)
Here is mine, G...
Have an awesome weekend!!!
Oops.. and before I forget..
I see you are feature at One Stop!! AWESOME!! Congratulations!!!! That is so so so well deserved, my friend!
Keep rocking!!!
Love those old gorgeous girl days! She may want to use those pearls as a weapon.....:) My 55 is up, and have a great weekend!
Well, I guess I was thinking along different lines. Like maybe he was in the army and was leaving the states for a year.
But her look does look murderous
Man, my grandma used to give me the ol' stinkeye like that. Yikes!
Personally, I think his giving her the pearls AND leaving is just a win-win.
Anyhoo, I didn't forget you. I'm just late. BUT mine's rather terrible today (sick kids, yeah, blame it on the sick kids...)
Have a good weekend Galen!
Hey G
Just wanted to let you know when I typed Flash 55 into google, you were at the top of the list! Woohoo, exciting! I am playing along this week here
Want to thank G-Man again for letting One Stop Poetry feature the 55
We really are making history folks - our grandkids will be talking about Shay and MM.... and marveling
thanks to each of you and your fine writing
I suspect she'll manage to find someone to keep her company.
YEAH!, you win The Celebrate Poet of 2010 Award
Happy Sunday!
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