I'm smiling because I'm officially....
ON VACATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is something missing besides two more of my teeth?
Oh Yeah.... No 55!!
You may write a 55
But you have the day off.
If you DO write a 55....
You May still comment here!
But I hope that you understand that I'll be....
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone......Galen
In place of other exercises
I wrote a Thanksgiving gratitude piece
I hope you enjoy your time off!
Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral
I wrote a 55 just because and I hope you have a great and very fulfilling Thanksgiving and a nice relaxing vacation!
have a wonderful vacation. you've earned it.
Galen, Galen! Get rid of all those teeth, because it is making you look so much younger!
Then why do you have 55 nose hairs sticking out when I enlarge the picture?
I concur with Mona!
You have a great vacation!
And I will still post a 55er!
Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy your break.
Happy Thanksgiving to you G. x
Happy Thanksgiving G-Daddy...
i can just imagine
what you are cooking,
you awesome chef, you...
happy thanksgiving G! you are one of my blessings...smiles.
Have a great Thanksgiving and enjoy your time off.
Relax Away and I'll take the day off too.
Have a wonderful day, my friend.
Nothing says vacation like gloating on the internet. And eating, and watching football, and sitting in your pajamas all day, and drinking three pots of coffee, and...doing whatever you decide you absolutely want to do. Almost as good as retirement. ;-)
Have a great holiday and a great temporary liberation from wage-slavery.
Hope it's great G time and a Happy celebration to all
we are glad you took a break you are always a faithful 55er
Moonie smiles
I took the day off... of course, that was Thursday... and 55's are supposed to be for Friday... and I've gotta be at work on Friday... so I'm not sure what I'll do.
I am always breaking rules
This is more than 55
so while the G-man is away I'll break one more
and smile
I love getting a long weekend vacation.
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