If just ONE MORE Ass-Hole Human says...
"Awww...They Shot Bambi", I'm gonna crash
thru this wall and kick someone in the head!
The Lovely Susan at Stony River.....HERE!
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Ha! Good one as usual!
Yahtzee! Whoo hoo...I never get Yahtzee!
lol! he's no Bambi; Bambi would never talk like that ;)
yes, I'm not sure what to say about it, but I'll think of something light this time.
...awwww...they shot Bambi.
I'm waiting.
you rock...for a dead deer LOL!
Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral
Oh, that poor thing! If they dressed me like that, I'd be tempted to crash through walls and kick somebody, too.:)
hehe...nice g! i really dont want to see a deer kick someones ass...
heh, the ones on my wall are plotting together. i'm sure of it.
It's humilitating having to endure the AH comment.
I bet this deer could kick some serious butt!
Love it! My deer was pissed off too!
Hope you have a great week!
He should crash through the wall and get a job as a Macy's Christmas model, also giving kids rides through the store. No one would call him Bambi then.
Why does everyone always say that? LOL!
ha ha ha ha! Well done!
I'm confident he has a good head on his shoulders!!!!
poor Bambi gets all the hits
Happy Monday
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving
Yeah, I'll bet they all say that when they see him. Is no one original any more? LOL
-- K
Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel
(I thought he was Rudolph......
angry bambi? can i be???
Bambi swearing?????? :0
Mine's up too.
Aww they shot Bambi.
Yup, gotta watch out for those spirits w/ energy! good one!
Now THAT is a hall monitor with some anger issues!
Good one!
Haha must have been the final straw ~ ouch ~ :) Lib xx
see now I'd be one of those who got kicked in the head! :)
Who could blame the poor thing for losing his patience! Hope the humans leave him alone for a bit to recover his sense of humour.
Have a great week. Cheers!
Bit-ter! Poor guy's heard it one too many times... :O)
Funny! Good work if you can get it, and you can keep your head about you...
Brilliant!! G-man, you're the bees knees. :)
Awww! bambi!
lol, ouch!
I say give 'em the antlers. :)
Ha! Ha! Too funny :) He's one tough Bambi.
Instant karma's gonna get you. Gonna knock you right on the head.
Nicely done, sir! Nicely done.
Aww... they shot Bambi!!
What a great character sketch you did for this poor fellow LOL
And yes, hunting season is now open in Wild, Wonderful West Virginia... I'm glad the local wildlife has no idea of the indignities to come! (this hangs in our local *elementary* school -- my 4-year-old calls him Elliot.)
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