Back in the 70's, I worked in a gun store.
Every Friday, this creepy guy would come in and ask...
"Hey...How big a hole d'ya think this gun would put in someone?"
Yesterday, after 40 years...I saw him looking at an Impala.
His first question?
"Hey...How many bodies d'ya think this trunk holds?"
True Story....
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man...
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment.....Then BOOK!!!
So from the most gracious host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!!
Now remember...Next Friday
Everyone has Papal Dispensation from Friday Flash 55.
You May visit..You may leave a Comment.
You may post a Friday Flash 55 on your blog.
You may visit others and comment on their Flash 55.
BUT....I believe that most US Citizens, including myself,
will be watching Football, and enjoying left-overs.
There are only two week-ends that I take off a year.
Next week-end is one of them....G
Always a memorable 55 G Man. Listen in theEcho
Still sick and twisted after all those years. At least he is consistent. As are you. My first car was a 64 Impala. Plenty hit in that trunk.
My 55 is HERE .
This guy has a family???
All the trunks at home filled up?
Oh BTW - Yahtzee
Moonie smiles to everyone
and have a great Thanksgiving with family everyone
yikes...sounds like a guy i want to sell to quick to get him off the lot...
oh and my 55 its up...
Dear Papal Authority!
Mine will be up in the morning -- 5:55 Texas a.m.
And GET OUT on that guys saying that about the Impala! Really??
LOL! This is too good!
Here is mine:
Oh dear...I'll make sure not to come up to your neck of the woods anytime soon. Mine is a combo and can be found HERE
matter of perspective!
live and let live
That dude sounds creepy for sure! lol
I'm lucky I remembered tomorrow is Friday...I'll worry about next week, next week, lol. I'll probably be in a triptophan stupor.
Mine's up HERE
eww..he'll be the next "guest" on Criminal Minds. I watch that show too much; I'm addicted. Wonder what that says about me?? Mine's up!
Is that seriously true, or are you playing on my gullible nature? :)
Mine is HERE.
My he sounds like one strange human if he thinks murder and body disposal is normal.
My human's 55 is up here. http://razzamadazzle.wordpress.com/2010/11/18/mandt/
Creepy. Very, very creepy.
Mine is here
hmm, interesting folks you hang with G. I shall ponder whether I can concoct something worthy in 55 simple words in the morrow. sleep tight!
Good gravy. I bet that man doesn't get invited to many parties!
Good grief, what a freak! That's seriously creepy, dude. Yowzer.:)
What a creepy guy. Have fun next week!
G-man you always make me smile! mine is up and have a great weekend and a Happy Thanksgiving!
I thought I will do a 55 next week,
took a look,
then changed my mind...
I write a 55,
sorry that you have to vacation next week,
Happy Thanksgiving!
beautiful 55 today from you.
HA!! Galen, that is one of the best lines EVER! Did he remember you??
love ya bunches
Me? Watch football?
A friday with no 55?
*double shudder*
I might have to actually, like, do laundry and stuff.
Thanks for another Friday 55!
Mine's here. :)
Hey G, Why are there 2 spare tires in the trunk? ...Well mine is up.
Have a glass asses week end. (You will understand what I mean when you stop by.
oh my...
but your pic made me think of an app i have on my iPhone - it's "how to escape a car trunk..." but it only works of course if you're not dead..
my 55
I'm surprised he's still around cuz in so few words you managed to totally freak me out about this guy. So how many bodies does an Impala trunk hold? Enquiring minds want to know ;)
Have a stupendous turkey-filled- over-flowing-with-football Thanksgiving, G!
My 55 is HERE
EEks, Friday Already???
Must work on getting something up soon.
Don't you think that this guy is somewhat slow? It took him 40 years to put a hole in someone and now he is thinking of disposing off the bodies?
okay, so I posted Here
Some people need a wide berth, I think.
You'll find mine here.
Thanks, Gman...happy friday! Hiding Behind Glasses
Well, I guess it's nice to know that some things never change??
You have a kick-ass weekend and thanksgiving!
Mine is here: http://thehalfwaypoint.net/2010/11/home/
Hello Everyone! I actually did a 55 this week!!!
It's here, and y'all need to scroll down a bit to find it.
Have a great weekend.
Ask him what enough is.
Thanks ! have a great day.
You can fit more bodies in the trunk if you cut them up first.
Flash 55 - Eat Your Vegetables: A bit of out-of-this-world romance.
Haha !! That was creepy but fun to read ! I would have by now asked him how many people he intend to get rid of ;)
My 55er : <a href="http://ladynimue.wordpress.com/2010/11/19/just-my-imagination/> Just my Imagination </a>
The correct link :
Just My Imagination
Creepy stuff, G-Man!
My 55 is much lighter-themed than yours...
It was a lost 55 that I re-discovered: Sunflower
(Should be nice for those folks who are feeling a chill in the air)
I'm now playing the Repo Man soundtrack y'know, thanks to this... but wasn't that a Malibu instead? LOL
Nessa's comment is awesome!
My 55's up too.
I can't believe that is true! I think I would be a little freaked out....after all that time.
Anyway, thanks for hosting. Enjoy your break, AND, here's my link:
That is hilarious, G-Man!
Mine is up!
Mine's here - I'm racing off to the hospital!
Still laughing-the guy obviously needs to be kept to a bicycle for his & the world's own good..
Hope anybody can play, I built this with your 55 word blueprint
You meet the scariest people! (D'you think the world is trying to tell you something? ;) )
Mine's here
You are too funny. I just hope the guy puts down a heavy plastic tarp before he puts the bodies inside!
You and your football. I am not all enamored with that sport but, with three adult sons, I've given up on quality time with them during football season.
dude you kill me, love the 55 and thanks for the dispensation but I think I spent mine already!
My 55 is here: www.sobernuggets.blogspot.com
Hi, Galen and crew: It's my birthday! To celebrate, I've created a pearl of great price for the annals (not anals) of human wisdom.
The Straight Poop
Now that you mention it, I remember stuffing friends in car trunks to sneak into the drive-in.
How did you answer the guy?
Oh boy that guy was real creepy!
You're having a weekend off from FFF???? Really????
that is totally creepy! people are just disturbing sometimes.
sorry i didn't play along this week. just didn't have it in me.
I hope I never run into that creepy guy...but great 55 G! I'm up, here.
Creepy. When I was a kid, we had a murderer on the loose who confessed he'd ridden right by the cops because he drove a hearse!
Believe it or not, I added to your reading this week. Have a great weekend!
G-Man, if you'd like, I'll gladly volunteer to host your Friday 55 next week while you're away. (Let me know!)
got my 55cents worth G
got my 55cents worth G
Welcome to creepsville...mine will be up before the creepy hour of midnight!
Happy Friday!
done about 90% visiting...
awesome 55s...
EOWWW!! It took him those many years?!? :)) Or was he now planning on moving skeletons? ;-) Either way...scary!!!
NOW... Like they say, it's better late than never.. So here I am with my 55 for this week!! :))
Now lemme go hunting for more bodies.. oops..I mean posts! :)
Hi, Galen: It is almost midnight and I am just now posting my 55er. Talk about late! But there it is. And I have company coming on Friday. Sigh. Catch you later. D
forgot to post my flash fifty five so I'm late but oh welllllll..
Fantacy Match up
Incredible! True story! To think that he's still messin' w/ ya' after 40 yrs.!
So did you sell him the luxury model with the fold down rear seat for extra cargo space?
Wow, that is throughly creepy. He should be sold an MG midget or some other car with a tiny trunk.
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