I'd like some Barbecue.... Chicken Almond-Ding
Fillet-of-Sole, Serve it Florentine...
I Wanna Be A Food Critic!!
A Porterhouse, Medium Rare
Fancy Pasta, Make it Angel Hair....
I Wanna Be A Food Critic!!
Thick Clam Chowder, Brunswick Stew
If you give me Seconds, you'll get a Great Review...
I Wanna Be A Food Critic!!
Of course I Want To Be A Rock Star by Nickleback
was roaring through my head on this one.
I think that being a Food Critic would be the Ultimate
in Careers.
(Second only to Ladies Footwear Editor for the Nieman-Marcus Catalog)
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man!
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment....Then BOOK!!!
So from the most gracious host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!
ha free food...i am in!
and i am up!
and Ti...Yahtzee!
nener nener nener...smiles.
i think being a critic on a cooking show would be the best...one where they have to be creative...i am open to pretty much anything other than lima beans....
Food critic? That would be da bomb, G-Man. Perfect verse, this!
Mine is here.
Brian- yours packed a serious enough message that it totally needed first and second place.
(tips hat)
You are making me hungry. I'd rather be a wine taster than a food critic :) Mine's up!
Brian you are numero uno
G- you are making us hungry
too clever
Moonless Night
P.S. Since you know it all you know we appreciate your hosting 55s on Friday
is that your way of saying you let me win ti! dang it....smiles. ty..
I'd never have guessed you'd what to be a food critic. You never write about food ;-)
My 55 is HERE .
Age before beauty, dear Brian.
I wonder if you get fat being a food critic? LOL. Good one. Mine is up Here. Have a great weekend.
Yum! I am a food critic, I just don't get paid -- unless you're counting calories and...
Fantastic 55. Have a great weekend, G-man.
Mine's here.
Color me DONE!
I'd take that job any day.
(Chicken almond-ding cracked me up!_
Mmmm...I should have had dinner before reading your 55! Yes, food critic would be a cool career, this is true. But when I grow up, I think I'd like to be a lottery winner. :)
Oh, by the way...mine is HERE .
I picked a good day to visit, huh!? I love the idea here!
I wouldn't mind being a food critic, either. I get pretty sick of my own kitchen. That's a fun "55," Mr. G.:)
You wanna be that Anthony Bourdain guy, tho? He eats really really weird sh$t. :)
You so very very ROCK!
And dang, I so had planned to be here 2 hours ago, but life happened. :)
My 55 is here.
sounds like a good gig to me....until you have to eat some swill that you wouldn't give to pigs.
i played along here
Food critic would be a fun one. Visit my human's blog to read her 55.
Now that's my idea of a dream job. I'll have one of each.
I'm up here
I'd love to be a food critic as well...hmmmmm...and the rhythm could be felt...yeah! Yummy 55!
here's my 55
Interesting game, thought I'd play along.
three eighteen
Now my tummy is rumbling, G-Man! Oh, it would be fun to a food critic...and it wouldn't be bad to be a Rock Star either.
Loved the cartoon!
My 55 is HERE
The only problem with being a food critic is that I would eventually be asked to try liver, snails, and fish eggs.
Be sure and let me know how that goes. :)
Thanks for another Friday 55!
Mine's here. :)
Mine's at
Mine's at http://meriak.blogspot.com/2010/10/another-55-word-flash-fiction-ink-on.html
Food is good for the soul, mind and heart.....
Now I am hungry, actually it is late here but my partner says let's go get a bite to eat, I think I better NOT let he read your 55ers anymore you give him too many ideas..
Galen? Thinking about food? Don't worry. Thanksgiving is not far away...
My 55ve is up here
You ALL know how I am in love with my food. Thats why my arse looks like it does.
Do it. Start a blog for that.
Set up a blog and start critiquing the food at the local restaurants. After you've done a few (freebies) make up some cards, pass them out, and let it be known at the restaurants that you'd love to critique the meal of their choice and all it will cost them is two meals (you and a companion of your choice). It just might work. I know of at least one food blog that started that way.
Come on by my place and meet The Math Whiz.
After my five days in New Orleans, I feel like I was a food critic. Mine is at:
I'm all for free food. nice one.
You'll find mine here.
You'd make a great food critic G and you're already a great poet! x
Excellent plan and excellent words.
This might just be the answer I need!
See my 55 to find out why.
A dream job!!! And you know they'd make the best dishes for you as a critic. Yummy 55!!!
Mine is here: http://thehalfwaypoint.net/2010/10/together/
Galen, just think of all the calories you're saving by not being a food critic. Your heart is probably thanking you.
Here’s my obsessive 55
I'd love that job as well!
My link is HERE
This is good!!! Now I'm craving a thick, juicy and sizzling steak please, medium rare. Oh and for the soup...yes......clam chowder.
Whoa! ::drooling::
My 55 this week
Well Mr. K The pressure of find 55 during a busy week of reading...burstable but I managed a little whining. Fifty Five....no is at underthedoorframe.blogspot.com
I am sure you'd be the best one critic, and they'll love you are for I am sure your reviews would always be POSITIVE!
Mine is up
Nice weekend to Great-Man and everyone!!!
ha! little of EVERYTHING! but mostly chocolate! you would make a KICKASS CRITIC! (naa to footwear!)
My brain worked again this week!! HOORAY~;oD
My flash TITLE OF POSThere!
Do you watch "Man Vs. Food"? Yes, I can imagine being a food critic has its advantages. My 55 is up, enjoyed yours as usual and have a great weekend!
Is an interesting job...you get fed AND you can complain if it's not good, minus the bill.
Mine's up...happy weekend!
I love good food...this was great! Been doing a lot of eating myself this week. Here's mine.
Roses to Rainbows
A great career!
Here is mine:
caricatures of vultures
And, an excellent food critic you would be!
I'm up!
I want to be one too! Like Brian said, I'd love to be a judge on Chopped or Iron Chef. That would be a great gig! Loved you 55. Mine is here.
this was cute when i read it last night but could not comment. don't know what was up with blogger, but i am up now. a picture 55!!
awesome! I am in this week: Running
Yeah, food critic would be a wonderful job. Except the newspaper expects you to pay for all your meals on what little they give you and the restaurants aren't supposed to know who you are.
I'm way late, but I finally came up with something.
Mine is here
You can tell I seriously considered it, eh?
Didn't "Sammy" sing "I WANNA BE MEEEE"? But I DO think you'd be a great food critic...we like the same dishes--FOOD!
Mine is
Hope it is not too late...
I am a food critic everyday. Most of the food I make tastes awful.
The thick clam chowder makes me hungry. I love clam chowder, but it is hard to find a good bowl of it and canned tastes just awful.
Hieee G and all ye 55ers!!! :)
After several weeks of no-blogging (had my in-laws visitng) AND no-55ing, I am back!!! And just couldn't wait to put up my 55 for this week...
Here it is..
Enjoy a fabulous weekend, and happy reading!! :))
hahahah... some food critic!!
Me too me toooo...as long as I get yummy stuff to gorge down, I am good ;-)
Enjoyed this one, G... :))
I'll be anything, as long as someone else is doing the cooking!
Here's my first 55:
P.S. Haven't figured out the whole linking thing yet.
You are too funny Mr. G. I love it. You can come to my house anytime and I will even give you thirds. My 55 is up have a wonderful weekend. I will be making my rounds reading blogs this weekend.
mine is up,
now out damn spot!
Fab Di
Of course it would be second to selling footwear to the ladies... :)
Ha Ha
Aloha from Hawaii
Comfort Spiral
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