A Robin's Egg, Denim Jeans
Moods and Streaks, an Aubergine
Unhealing Bruises, a Cloudless Sky
Unreleased Balls, Azure Eyes
Some say Hawaii....Some, Lagoons
Vibrant Indigo, the Third Full Moon
A precious Sapphire, an Endless Sea
Ice Cold Lips, Danish Cheese
But My favorite shade of this color I've seen,
is on a Michigan Wolverine!!
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man!
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment....Then BOOK!!!
So from the most gracious host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!
Now will someone please tell me what I want to hear???
you need Mr. Linky Mr. G.
So who is U of M playing this weekend?. Hope your Blue does well. My son made me so proud I had to write about it
Touch Down!!!! (Forget those whimpy Yahtzee dances) I'm in the end zone
Happy Friday Everyone
moon smiles
ha. looking forward to watching some football this weekend....nice 55 g!
mine is up!
Maize and blue. Second only to Orange and Black. My 55 is HERE .
Hey, you poet!
ahem, ....but the blue moon is the second in a month. no such thing as a third full moon....anyway,
glad you have something to be poetic about. I love what you wrote.
Fab Di
Unreleased WHAT??!
And... if have to let you all know... The Spammer is now up.
How sporty of you. :) Great 55 as usual. Mine is HERE. Have a great weekend. Go Warriors! Beat the Bulldogs. Go Blue! Beat the Spartans.
Fab Di...?
Some may refer to the second full Moon of the calender month.
But Originally, some Seasons had 4 instead of 3 full moons. On those rare occasions, the THIRD Full Moon of that season was refered to as a Blue Moon...Hence, Once in a Blue Moon!
(Mr. Knowitall)
You've got a happy case of the blues.
Mine is here
I never thought I'd love a poem about football...way to go, g-man!
Mine is HERE . Musical, once again...
And today, I'm going to wish YOU a kickass weekend, my friend. :)
Crimson and cream!
another awesome addition to this wonderful meme we have. i got mine up, it is kind of sad but i hope you sign the petition
you are a die hard fan, my friend. am i blue has an entirely different meaning for you. ;)
i played along too this week.
Those ARE classy colors! (WV's are the same, I did a double-take at the photo LOL)
Mine's up too and I'll be visiting everyone tomorrow -- past my bedtime now.
Happy Weekend G-Man!
HAH! Dont come over yet, I am not up yet, but we are having a psychic thingy here.
I got a 55 for ya, come back after the Giants kick some butt!
CROWD: "Hand the ball to LEROY"
LEROY:(eyeing the HUGE front defensive line) "Leroy don't WANT the ball!"
Ah! It IS the season, once again. Colorful! Good descriptive, Mr Know-All G-Man-Thanks for hosting!
Here is MINE for this week
I'm not sure, but I'm getting the impression you're a Michigan fan ;) I finally got around to doing a 55...
Can we still be friends, even though I went to MSU?
Please don't hold it against me.
It was a long time ago. :)
Thanks for another Friday 55!
Mine's here. :)
I agree about Mr. Linky (although my Millie goat likes all of her accidental visitors)! Are you waiting to hear "Go Iowa Hawkeyes!"?
Mine is here. http://razzamadazzle.wordpress.com/2010/10/07/piggy/
Those are mighty pretty words you've devoted to wolverines. They're mean little things! Have a KAW.;)
All those shades of blue so poetically expressed, G-Man! I love azure the best, but the Michigan Wolverine shade is pretty nifty :)
Mine is HERE
great 55
and what i just found out is that my teacher is a packers fan and i happen to be a bears fan so school is fun right now :)
Sorry...Notre Dame here. A 55 awaits.
Fabulous 55 Mr-G. It's obvious to me that football season is 'your season'.
Let's see....what do you want to hear?
My 55 is finally up after a computer Trojan something or other keeping me away from it all night till Mr. Steve came home to fix it. I thank him very much.
those are the real fans!
great 55 - fast paced and "blue" smiles
Love the ode in 55 words. Makes me want to be a Wolverine fan too. But... alas.
I posted one this week. But I must confess, I have not linked to yours and comments on my blog had to be disabled for awhile. I wasn't sure if I should even share it here... but? It's 55 words!
Have a kick-ass weekend!
loved it!!
my 55 is here
I'm baaaack! Like a bad penny, I have returned to 55. My musical 55 is here.
I hope your favorite colors hold out for the season.
OK I am up with a big lame 55. Come on by!
Hey G-daddy, my favorite daddy in blogland, I managed a 55. Hope you like it. Have a wonderful weekend and week.
aaaaaand your 55 is special this week...a nice touch of blue. I'm very fond of blue, in most instances. ;))
Different type of football over here, but same kind of people ;-)
You'll find mine here.
Back in the game!!!
Mine is up!
I've had a hard time finding your blog. I have a FF55 on my blog, is this all I have to do -- post it on my blog then visit you and let you know? Mornin' AJ got me into this
I've read your name at the bottom of Talon's 55 several times now. So thought I should stop by. Good words to describe something I don't understand being a Brit.
I struggled to read past "unreleased balls" as I wondered to myself: is there pain involved or just discomfort? Definitely got my attention!
Mine is here: http://thehalfwaypoint.net/2010/10/rising/
Thanks for being such a gracious, fun and funny host!
So why is my Wolverines T-shirt grey? (It was a gift from a friend in Ann Arbor.)
Go Wolverines!
My 55 are here
My husband played American Football here in Australia for about 5 years until age got the better of him. His colours were Royal Blue & White, his number was 77 & he played Offensive tackle...He played for the Wildcats!
Great 55 G-Man..have a wonderful weekend.
I love team spirit!!!
And you most definitely show your Wolverine pride!!!
Here's My 55
Are you ready for some football!
Here is my
Wait, G-Man posted a 55 about U of M football? Gosh, now THERE'S a surprise! (Since the big game against Michigan State is Saturday)
My 55 is a 55 Twofer.
Go BIG BLUE!!!!!!! Oh YA!!!!!!
My 55 is here:
Finally...An Ohio Guy says what I was waiting for!
Thanks Scott....G
Nice 55 Ji... Happy Friday.. Mine will be up soon..
--Someone Is Special--
Nice G-man. I had a boss from Michigan once, he was such a crazy fan that he had a PT cruiser done in Blue and Gold! Have a smokin' weekend! Mine is up!
a happy blue, for sure!
mine's here
Full of images
and lots of color
a fast 55 !!
-I saw a man carrying a house-
Ah, you boys and your football...and it's only just begun. At least we know where you are these days!!!
Mine 55 is ready...
--Someone Is Special--
Ah you Michigan folks love your football! [I married into one of those clans...but we're not allowed to talk about Brett you know who].
Nicely done! Mine's up...even on vacation.
You're not in a (blue) mood then? ;)
Mine's up hon. x
I hope your team makes a home run!
Woo-hoo for basketball.
Flash 55 - Gangs of Gourds
Oh wow! Loved this one!
Mine is up - later than usual - but it is definately up!
Maybe you can get them to add that to the Crayon box assortment!
I'm late, but just flew with my offering here.
Ahhh G you make me smile and laugh with your witty stuff. I hope you have a great weekend. My 55 is up and cheers to your boys in blue.
Oh, my. Such is the season.
A football poet!
Mine is up. D
Danish cheese and azure eyes are part of me!
Enjoy your weekend watching the blue screen..I'm off to camping! Before I leave though I promise to have my 55 up...and hell I ain't just singing the blues! ;D
Very impressive, G! By chance, are you a 'color commentator'? ;)
My considerably less colorful 55 is (are?)
LOVED this one. I'm a die-hard football fan! Great color words, and the rhythm of this rocked. Mine is here.
Hi g-man, you make me laugh! i loved your comment and i love this poem, because i love colors, loving your poetic descriptions and the end is what makes me laugh because i do not know the first thing about football or is it baseball?
You got some dark purples mixed into that list.
My younger son went to a local college game today with his friends. I asked him if he likes football now and he said, "No, I go for social reasons."
Heard the news. Sorry, Galen.
I love the brevity and impact that a 55-er boasts of!!! Yours was a delightful and poetic 55-er. Well done!
- http://writerzblock.wordpress.com/
Hey G. Very late to the party. Here's one I just posted if anyone wants to take a looksy.
Bombing the LSAT
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