Don't ya just LOVE The South
and all of their regional delights?
I also had some Pork Cracklins,
Hot Boiled Peanuts, and some Peach Pie!
I passed on the brains.
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See ya Monday....Peace!!!
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Nice. We're having pork rinds watching UH/LA Tech. You'd feel right at home.
Crap. I coulda used some pork brains for dinner. Was that Possum Wallow Rd.? They're ugly creatures, I get them hissing at my doggies in the back yard sometimes, but I wasn't aware they wallowed. Disgusting. Suits them, though, doesn't it? Please roto-rooter your arteries when you get home, will you?
oh Chris and I are sittin in a thunderstorm, waitin fer yer polaroid pics.
my 160 is trashy, show us your wilderness trip away from the asphalt jungle....
Fab Di
Oh sweet -- I love Some southern food, not all LOL had fried grits yesterday -- of course someone else made them...FF-55 I had a recipe to go with your possum dinner,,
S-160 of course had to add some coffee for dessert.
Oh boy...I woulda passed on the brains as well. Offal is just not my thing...yuk!
Peach pie sounds delightful though..yum!
oh man...brainz iz good...we have them at thanksgiving and christmas...so were you puckering in the closing minutes of the game...was on the road and listening to it on the radio...thought of you.
I love pork cracklin' but brains??????? :(
Cooking methods and names change
area to area-I remember being told 'sweet breads'was brains; just recall it was the texture of medium well scrambled eggs- and not sweet.
OH mY!!!
... Missed you
Egads! I live in NC and have NEVER seen that at the grocery store! Must be a West Virginia thing. Here, they sell something called "liver mush". No...I haven't tried it and don't plan on it either.
The moon pies are only half complete if you did not have a RC Cola to go with them.
Brains... no thanks..
Have a great time.
Y'all I had to google the Moon Pie which has been around with RC Cola since 1913. I think RC is a chaser for the Moon Pie. Them folks in the south have Moon Pie contests and festivals, moon pies the size of a bed liner.
I think I'd try the brains before the moon pie - don't like sweets in cellophane.(shelf life)
Glad I came from SF where we had the famous Its It (fresh).
Moon grin
I am sure there are many who would agree that you passed on the brains. Thanks for the 160 and the straight line.
I hope you had some RC Cola with that Moon Pie, Galen.
peach pie...mmmm.....
They can brains?! Ewwwwww.
My 160 is here.
Moon Pies, I remember them from somewhere! Now I'm hungry..
my 160
I would like to join 55FFF on Fridays if that's OK with you. Do I just send it as an email to you or link it from my blog to you. I don't know any html. Morning AJ persuaded me to join.
My mom makes a most AMAZING peach pie. And you *know* we're nowhere near the South. Peaches from the Niagara region are quite delicious, though. And ummm...Brains? No thanks. I have enough.
Well, that's certainly some interesting food items. LOL. I had cheesecake tonight; not sure that qualifies as "Southern.":-)
Boiled peanuts and anything with peaches - yes. The rest of it this Southern girl wouldn't touch.
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