Box Turtle, Chipmunk, Short-Legged Lizard
A nearly whole Turkey....
But a Vulture ate the Gizzard!
Porcupine, Woodchuck, a Gopher met his fate.
Deep-Fried or Boiled, squished Rabbit tastes mighty great!
My favorite dish is Possum
It fills my heart with glee...
Hell.... It was good enough for FDR
It's good enough for Me!!!
By the time you are reading this, I'll be Long Gone!
But if you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please leave a comment..
The Most Gracious Crew over at One Stop Poetry,
has decided to help The G-Man out.
So for Today ONLY, you have TWO options.
You may leave a comment here....
Or you may leave a comment .....HERE!
Either Moondustwriter, Adam, Pete, or Brian, will....
Visit, read, enjoy, comment....Then BOOK!!!
So from the most grateful host from coast to coast..
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!!!
Hope you have a great time.
For all of you commenting you can easily put in your URL at One Shot's Mr Linky
We are looking forward to hosting this week for the G-Man
and have a kick ass weekend
One Stop Poetry
A special 55 for G-Man as well
Unbelievable - Yahtzee
Let's have a great time while G is away.
Possum? Um, I think I just turned vegetarian.
I'll leave a comment BOTH places, because you both rock.
Safe travels.
P.S. I LOVE FFF55 day!! My farm tale is here.
Tasty - so that's why you went.
A little class while you are gone here
This is too confusing for my little mind. I will leave a comment here AND leave a comment THERE. Then go eat possum.
And if you want to, you will find my 55 is HERE .
Ugh. I'm a Southern bo' and the only ting good about possum is... well gimme a minnit. I think of somethin' I'm sure.
Ti's on the way to Philly for a funeral just now and asked me if I'd post her 55 for her. Which of course I'm happy to do (even if I am a little late doing it).
i dont think i have ever had possum...maybe one day....did have kind cobra once...
mine is up!
This rocks. Eat up my friend and enjoy. Sounds mighty tasty. Mine is up HERE. Go Warriors. Beat the Bulldogs!!! Go Blue. Beat the Hoosiers!!! Have a great weekend.
I think I just lost my appetite, so it's a good thing I already had a good dinner. LOL.:)
sorry didnt mean to be confusing - comment here and go to One shot to read a special 55 or two
Happy travels, and have a kick-ass weekend.
Mine is here
G-Man, I loved you 55..
Here is a special 55 for you, a dedication to G-Man...
<a href="http://pendownmythought.blogspot.com/2010/09/101-few-miles.html>G-Man</a>
--Someone Is Special--
Have a fabulous time, G-Man! I'll pass on the possum and that will leave more for you - lol!
I'll link up through One Shot.
Well I hope you're coming back!
This was a post after any West Virginian's heart -- hmm, I'm hungry.
I'll be away this weekend too, but meanwhile posted a 55 here.
Happy weekend everyone!
i am so grateful for my new diet, it doesn't include rodents or road kill!! but it does include a healthy dose of 55's!! mines up!!
That's some fine eating right there!
Have a great weekend, G-Man!
I'll post in the morning.
I am going to be a vegetarian from now onwards!
BTW, I wrote a 55er after four years! I will post my link here as well as at One Stop Poetry! Can anyone write a haibun in 55 words? And does it work?
Here is my Haibun is 55 words!
Oops! in, not is!
Hmmm...around here, it's usually raccoon and squirrel, which might not be *too* bad, I suppose. But we also see a fair number of skunks...and I think one would have to be pretty darn hungry before THAT started to look appetizing! :)
Happy trails, g-man. See you soon!
BTW - I was out in the wilds as of late myself, and it inspired my 55, which you can find HERE .
You warned us to have our appetite ready for your Friday 55, but you forgot to tell us to bring a barf bag too. (The idea of roadkill makes me sick.) Oh, my.... :)
I'll comment here and "there".
Have fun on your trip.
hope as well you have a great time and you won't have to eat possum...smiles
mine's here
hey, hey! I hope the G-man will have good time!
My FF 55 is here
Happy Friday, y'all
xoxo, fickle
Note to self... never invite Galen to a potluck... :o
Just imagine the recipe books you could create from this.
Thanks for another Friday 55!
Mine's here. :)
Hey, guys, fancing meeting you here. But how am I going to give the G-Man grief about this whole poor possum thing?
I’m fluttering by here.
Love your 55 for today! Have a vacation!
Forgot to tell you mine is here. http://razzamadazzle.wordpress.com/2010/09/30/two-fat-kitties/
(Millie/Minnie like visitors at their blog too, but it isn't a 55)
Me too...gotta comment both blogs.
For mine, please click
HERE and BTW, who or what is FDR? --grin!
Awful nice of your Peeps to perform this service for G-Man AND all us Peeps! Thank YOU!
Have a great time. Sounds as if you’re going to eat well.
All the best, Boonie
This was another enjoyable post G-Man !!! love visiting you :))
My post is here :
Guilty Pride
Have fun!!
Well G-Man
hoping you are having fun, I made some food to go with your Possum dinner
Now are you meaning squirrel cause that we've got! My Friday 55
Quite a feast there.
You'll find mine here.
G'Day, Possum, erm, Bruce, erm Sheila, erm. Have a great weekend.
Awesome 55.
what a buffet!
I just heard about you and you're away. Love this meme! As for possum, I'll pass for now.
well I hope you have a blast...
Gman you deserve it.
just folloe the link below
Bickering Siblings
Thanks for reading
I'll take Rabbit...fried, with taters and fixin's!!!! You and FDR can have all the 'possum.
Wherever you're going for the weekend...have a good time!!!
HERE's MY 55
I've eaten reindeer and puffin. Not sure about possum - but I'd give it a go!
Have fun.
I actually saw someone stop to load a deer into their pickup that was dead along the roadside.
Hope your having fun. My 55 is in honor of Munch's birthday and can be found
Wish I hadn't read G-Man's 55 and then read all the comments before mine! I've just had pizza and my poor stomach is churning! And all I can think of is all the roadkill that seemed to happen at dusk in Tasmnaia! O help!
Anyways! Hope you have a great time out Mr G!
Here is mine!
Hose With a Secret
(Now don't think bad thoughts!)
Sounds like the G-Man is having a tasty weekend at an extremely green function.
Flash 55 - Appeasing the Gods
(I'm hungry! LOL!)
I think I'll leave a comment on BOTH blogs, so nobody misses my Funny Bits
And it all tastes like chicken
I don't doubt that you are having one hell of a time and I don't begrudge you that at all ( well, maybe a wee bit ).
Mine is at:
eh, no thanks....not that adventurous. hope you're having a kick-ass time, G-man!
Mine's up. A little bitty based on an observation made yesterday....
Have an awesome time! Laughed the whole way through! Lots of "roadkill" this time of year! Mine is up!
Hmmm, not sure I would like that! ;-) Hope all is well, have a great weekend!
I've had some muskrat... hmmm not so much! I love the lilt and the meter, what a fun piece! Have a great weekend my friend! My 55 is at www.sobernuggets.blogspot.com
So you DO eat roadkill? I wish you'd come and kill the effing squirrel, that's digging up my Spring bulbs, and eat that! ;)
Mine's up.
Ahhh!!! And it rhymes so well!
So G-Man stands for'Greedy' man?
hey Mine 's Up.
Nice weekend;)
No, not possum- too minerally and mean
short sighted too...Do greatly respect
FDR though ! Good one! my link is over at one stop. Have a great day.
Gman, don't eat it if it's still movin' have fun in the back country. we're all jealous. If the white lightning don't git yer, the bluegrass will (ha)
fab di
Hi G,
I love the poem you made me laugh. I hope you have a great weekend. I am back and its up and posted. Hugs
Great 55 but I'm going to stick with supermarket meat..
Have fun where ever you are off too... I have 55 this week.
You can never go hungry in WV! :0
Hope you are having a great time relaxing and eatin the vitals!! I have my 55 up...:)
forgot to pass my link ---
it was not darn possum pie...
I'm here but later than planned! Have a great time!
My 55 is up!
G man - sad you are not here to join - miss you and hope you have some fun..
you know what - the Mr. Linky at onestop made browsing the 55's much easier - would it be an idea to have a Mr. Linky as well in your next 55's...? just a suggestion...
This is my first time joining in.. so I'll leave my link here as well as trying at One Stop.
Happy to be with y'all... find me here http://hisfirefly.blogspot.com/2010/10/moments-of-awe-in-55.html
I love the first pic but I wish I hadn't read this just before I eat my morning tea. Have a great weekend G.
P.S. I didn't write a 55 this week, was just stopping by to visit G :)
Would you believe they use to have a "Possum Trot Festival" in one of our small S.C. towns? One guy said to me, "I was gonna try the possum burger when I came upon a starving dog, all skin and bones. I offered him a piece of the burger, he sniffed and RAN in the other direction. I fed it to the trashcan, uneaten."
Hope you're having fun!
One more. A video on child prodigy Adora Svitak. A must-see.
love the photos. gives a great start of the day. take care rose
Wonderful poetry, Galen! Have a good whatever!
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