A Mr. Joseph Montana from South Bend Indiana asks.."Dear Mr. Knowitall, You just don't hear of people finding images of The Virgin Mary on Grilled Cheese sandwiches anymore. Do you know why? And can you share any Signs from Heaven that I may have missed?"
Dear Joe...Of course I can!
It seems that JC himself is making more Cameo appearances than his Mom these days, and even though he occasionally pops up (pardon the pun) on a piece of toast now and then. His food canvas of choice appears to be The Tortilla! Now thats not to say that you won't find his smiling face on a Latte swirl, or a gob of Marmite, but the next time you order a Burrito, look closely, you may be eating the worlds largest Communion Host.
Good Question Joe...Thanks!
Mr. Knowitall has been quite busy these last few days and grows very weary. And I apologize for being a bit remiss in my visiting fellow Blog Peeps. But work has been crazy, and the days are getting shorter. Thank You one and all for visiting me, I really appreciate it.
Oops, maybe I'd better come back later. I don't normally hog the "first" spot.:-) Funny post, but the pictures are a little scary.:)
lol. the one on the bottom of the coffee mug looks a bit like one of the guys from zz top...
Does it melt in your mouth and not in your hands? ROFLMAI!!
So I should pray to the holy toast?
He's not very photo/latte/tortilla genic, is he?
lmfao @ THE WALKING MAN!!!
Thanks a latte for this post, G-Man!
Yes, the last time we saw Jesus he was indeed in a tortilla!
Your blog is now very chocolatey!
Even Jesus goes to Starbucks?
What a revelation! ;)
Hey guys! Check this out!
Holy Toaster!
People see Jesus on a tortilla? I only get visitations from Bullwinkle. Not that I'm complaining.
"...work has been crazy." That sounds like a good thing to me, given your line of work.
lets see how many food stuffs have been visited by the devine!
It's good that JC is making appearances on toast. Maybe this will increase its popularity so it won't have to go up against the bagel as often.
i dunno, the one under the latte looks more like frank zappa than jesus.
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