That was once me..
My very own Star to travel the Galaxie!
Now I sit alone on the Moon.
Waiting for my lost Star to return.
The lovely and Talented...Susan at Stony River.
Hosts a Monday Challenge called Micro Fiction Monday.
She's provides a weekly picture...
YOU provide a caption in 140 characters or less.
Thank You Susan.....
do you know how long I have waited for this
Happy Monday y'all
G Loved your microfiction - you have found a new nitche me thinks
Congratulations MoonDustWriter, You Nailed me Good!
Thanks for visiting...G
Hey G-Man, or is it Mr. Knowitall? Whichever...I really liked your story!
Nice little SF poignant story. Laughed at your comment when you dropped by. And what, you don't read theoretical quantum particle physics? As far as I understand, the problem is that if the universe was a can of baked beans then picking it up ( the can,not the universe) suggests that only one bean in the can. But when you open it, its full, So a Higgs bosin is the way of trying to explain this difference. Simple really. But that's why you need my metaphor machine microfiction. Oh, if you want a proper explanation one is here.
That implies that even though she's immortal she'll still have to grow old. Not nice!
Excellent take on the picture and a very good read.
Hi Mr. Knowitall. I love your blog title!
A great MM. I really enjoyed it.
That is quite lovely, g-man.
loved your story!
wow. that was quite moving g-man...waiting on my star...excellent write...
i think yu made moons day too...smiles.
I guess we're all waiting for something ...well done!
Yup the Moon would be a good place for star gazing, but a tad chilly
against the skin.... Thanks!
once lost , gone forever dear!
was it given to you? Then it must have been taken away!
Do something to 'earn' it back !
Very thoughtful microfiction G-man, I love your interpretation of the picture. :)
Beautiful take for MM, G! I love it! Hope you have a great week!
hey g-man! got to catch up on your 55, as well as your dreamy mfmonday offering :) so, what's up with the 'gotta do whatever it takes to heal' ending of your coffee tribute???? what's going on wit' you, galen?
Mr G;
You are really good at this. Took to this like a duck to water.
Beautiful take on the picture of the week. Lost youth.
Have a great day.
Poor Galen, I hate the thought of you there alone...but I know it won't be that way for long!
Galen? A seriously poetic post? I am floored. nicely done. If you can do 140, can you do 160? My Sunday 160 was patterned after your 55 and I even credit and link you in my original post.
No worries. You'll hit middle age, have a crisis and buy an even bigger, shinier star. And people will talk behind their hands about it...
well said Mr. G!
Nice one G~Man, This was good. Funny it doesn't look like Alice Kramden though.
Ohhh, a poignant mourning of lost youth, a time when we all thought we were immortal.
Good one.
You took an apparently sad picture [according to the majority today] and turned it into a thinking moment. Interesting. :)
you'll always be a star, g-man!
At least she wasn't swinging on a star...
Great job, G-Man. Evocative.
Have a great week.
Oh wow Galen - that's fantastic. Waiting for an improbable return, that's the pits -- but so poignant and somehow heroic, too.
I love it!
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