An oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico, approximately 100 days ago.
The master control room that monitors all underwater pressure gauges.
A lone technician on duty, in charge of early warning detection.
It's Two AM.
"Hi Baby...Naw, NOTHINGS going on.
What are you wearing?
Mmmmmm... SOMETHINGS going to explode real sooooon!"
Hehehehe...Now you know, The Rest Of The Story!
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man!
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment....Then BOOK!!!
So from the most explosive host from coast to coast....
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!
Aha! I KNEW it! Beam me up Scotty.
Rumors of my untimely demise have been greatly exaggerated. Or something like that. Anyway, I'm ba-a-ack
BTW, love the new look!
Dragging it straight down, eh, G-man. I'm proud of you for being so consistant. My 55 is HERE .
Now go kick some ass.
groan...literally...lol. nice 55 g-man.
mine is up...
Slick post, G-Man...
Here's mine: INQUEST
cant handle the pressure!!
check out my journey here
That's a lot of wasted lube! :D
I'm up...
Ha-ha! Now we know the whole story.:-)
Mojo - no fair!!!I was trying from my iphone to beat you.
Geeee G: I would hate to be that guy
Happy 55 to all
Ya know I just love The Moon
Haha! And now we know. :)
Mine is up. Happy (almost) Friday, G!!
lol, only you could use the oil spill as fodder for such a funny 55. you blow me away week after week.
i played along too.
Just so all of you know Blogspot has net been letting me comment today. So if you don't get a comment it's not cuz I haven't read.
have a great weekend y'all
love from the Moon and great 55s ( I already know)
i got one up too!!!
Hey G-Man! lol Great 55 and thanks for posting for one shot the other day! Here's my latest...
Call It A Night
hehehhehe...that was hilarious!! As usual, the wife had more interesting stuff to share ;-)
Here is my 55... This is my first shot at it!! So.. apologies if it ain't up to par.. :)
Good one, G-Man! But methinks we'll never really know all that story. Now we have our own oil spill over towards Kalamazoo. Ain't that the pits? Hopefully they can keep it out of the lake (along with those nasty Asian Carp!). Mine is up.
Happy weekend to you.
Hi, Galen. Good one!
My 55 is up. I'll see ya later. D
Hiya G,
What do you know, The Only Cin set up a Google account just for leaving comments on your Fridays :)
Mine is posted here:
(I cheated a bit and made some very strange looooong words)
Have a wonderful weekend.
Ooooh, that was just BAD! What will all the poor pelicans say to that?!
I went all illustrated and Frenchy this evening; even posted a bit early for you, for once. Voici.
oh man - this is explosive stuff... mine is up as well..exit..
Yeah, I figured it was something like that!
Mine will be up in the morning (I hope).
Uh, everything that comes to mind as a comment makes me blush, so I'll just say, I’m up here.
And what a mess he made.
Mine is here
Now it all makes sense!
Thanks for the enlightenment. :)
Hard to believe it's Friday again already.
Thanks for another 55! :)
Mine's posted right here.
what is going to explode Galen? I have no idea what you are talking about! Is that man/ woman wearing a suicide bomber kit?
Something is going to explode??? Is it wet and gooey??? WAIT! Don't hang up!!! Mr G-Man, that is goooood.
And mine is HERE
`'Its 2am',, that work suits me... good. My
55 is up
He was certainly right about that.
You'll find mine here.
Obnoxiously funny and as good a theory as any.
Thanks for the laughs G, I sure could do with one. Mine's up x
Isn't it always the same, you try and get a little sugar time and the bosses blame you, when it's them that hogs the candy bars.
Just a fun 55 today!
Sending you a hug after your week honeybunch.
My domestic, nay fowl 55 is up! lol!
A very topical topic! Nifty 55!
Here is mine:
To Be or Not To Be
If only it was that simple. At least we'd know what to blame. ;)
I've been a bit nostalgic this week.
Very good, Galen. You're always right on top of things!!!
Mine is a: http://rnsane.blogspot.com/2010/07/motherhood-flash-55-friday-july-30-2010.html
I can't wait to read some 55's today! Highlight of Friday & a great way to start the weekend!
Here is mine for the day!
That is the best explanation given yet for that particular disaster.
Nice 55...Hee hee
Enjoy mine.
Love it G-Man. Seriously though, I just heard on a news program that there was no leak, initially, as BP was working to extinguish the fire. Apparently the Coast Guard decided to use high pressure water spray to assist (when their code states they are not to assist in oil rig fires as they are not qualified to do so) The weight of the water caused the rig to topple over and subsequently caused the spill. Don't know if it's true or not. At this point it really doesn't matter. I just thought it interesting and curious.
here is my 55
G-man you made me blush, and that's not easy to do. Naughty 55! Mine is up and have a great weekend!
PS What was she wearing???
Mine's up - the 55 that is. ;)
I keep getting knocked off of your site...I'll comment later from my home pc...sorry
Hee-hee, you are in ripe form
Mr man...
Mine is at home on top of the heap,
if you care to visit. Thanks.
Number one - you are naughty!!!
Second - I'm looking at this guy's telephone and now realize that the technology on this oil rig is way outdated. No wonder the place exploded. :)
Mine is up.
Well that's as good an explanation as any. :)
Mine's up. Finally.
Here's my second comment with my 55 included below. See my first comment for my actual comment to your 55 (clear?)
My 55 is
I couldn't get my HTML tag to work. Could someone send me theirs?
Thanks, Cee
Wow, your comments fill up fast! Loved the double meaning in your 55. Mine is here.
Oh yeah, that's totally how it went down I bet.
Apologies for my 55 being pre-empted today on acounta it's me and the hubby's 20 years since our firest date anniversary. Whoo-hoo.
Good one!
Here's mine...
We should have known!! :-)
I´m up now, although I nearly didn´t make it to the computer...and now I´ll have to let it back to the BF. Not that it´s his turn, but he´s just too annoying...
thought provoking 55.
love the ending!
got a 55 in my wordpress...
you can skip if you have difficulty accessing it, but letting you know that I am in...
Happy Friday!
Thanks for having a sense of humor.
and just to round out the 55...
Mine is up, called "Message In A Bottle".
for about more than 1 hour and 45 minutes,
I have visited 90% of the participants.
Thanks for the opportunity,
Have a Graceful evening!
I am just amazed.
I also think about how much money I wouldnt be making if I had to take the time to visit all these 55's every week...
You're somethin' else, ya know that, G?
Imagine that! Who knew?
So this week I have a late 55 entry for you G. Hope you are having a great weekend!
G- man
The truth always makes it self known. Interesting -- some news journalist maybe cruising the web and pickup this tidbit.
Maybe next week I will try this 55er- hard for me to say anything in 55 words or less.
I become a follower of yours lest I forget.
I never got the whole phone sex thing.
Just to let you know, I had to change URL's. This avatar links ot the new site.
I took a wrong turn
and ended up on a cliff;
I plan my path before I start,
I want to be smart
and accomplish things with firm belief.
I’ll bury all of the sorrows
and let go of errors,
I’ll know when to stop
and orchestra my way to the top.
this is my 55,
thanks for reading it...
I posted another 55 in my blogger account,
jokes, I hope that you feel better...
at least read it and have a smile!
Happy Sunday!
Haha good one! I have finally made an attempt at a Flash 55, come check it out!
Thanks :)
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