Emerald, Black or Blue.
Brown, Gray, Hazel.
Pink and Blood-Shot too!
Loving, Piercing, Glowing.
Googly, Dark, and Needy.
Shady, Sultry, Bed-Room.
Evil, Cross, and Beady.
They always Blink
They sometimes Wink
One can even make them Roll
They see Beyond
They see Right-Through
They are Windows To The Soul!
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man.
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment.....Then BOOK!!!
So from the most Starry-Eyed host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!
The Eyes Have it!
Ti's pre-cycling this week... as for me, I'm just reminiscing... And grinning like a Pez dispenser.
Now that's outta the way, I guess you're a happy Original Six Camper today, huh? Or is it bittersweet 'cause it was the Hawks? Better watch out for those guys, they're gonna be good for a long time with all those young guns they got. They even broke the Hossa curse!
Aye, aye, Sir!
(The eyes have it.)
nice...and so much can be seen in their depths...nice 55 g-man!
mine is up!
I'm not just sight seeing...
Here's mine: DUNC THE DRUNK
Eye see -- you have a dreamy kind of theme going on today.;)
wow. where is everyone tonight?
Hi Sherry...:-)
I dunno Brian...Summer Vacation?
I'm going to comment right now while I'm still near the beginning of your queue of comments.
I love the pictures you chose and I am particularly happy when the "Windows to The Soul" are not shuttered up.
My 55 isn't even conceived yet, but will surely be born by sometime tomorrow. :)
Very nice G-Man. Thanks for playing and have a kick ass weekend. Oh yah, my 55 is HERE .
awesome 55!! very good description of my neurotic eyes!! mine is up
I posted mine!
Thank you for the attention, G-man!
your 55 is very complex and brilliant!
thank you for sharing!
Wow! You are turning into a wonderful poet!
Very cool!
I'll get mine up in the morning, G-Man.
Mornin' Darlin', mine's up here:
I see you too! great one! mine's up--have an amazing weekend!
*eye roll* *wink*
Mine is here.
How neat!
I especially love the 2nd picture.
Very cool.
My own eyes are telling me right now that I need to hurry up and go to bed because it's late and I'm tired.
But first...
Thanks for another Friday 55.
My own is posted HERE.
whoa baby - you are on!!!
my "Desire Unfulfilled" is on
Quite an eyeful in 55 words, Mr. Knowitall. Mine is up at the alchemist’s pillow.
You've certainly got that right.
You'll find mine here.
Now this is a 55! Well done G-Daddy.
This one I particularly love. :))
I don't have a 55 this week. I have a poem, which I probably shouldn't be mentioning here. :)) (but i did)
Have a great weekend G-Daddy and week too.
Hi, you have a wonderful ability to expand on any subject and this Friday 55 is a brilliant example of that…loved it absolutely!!!
Mine’s up here
This is a terrific 55, G-Man. I love it!!!
you are such a romantic...
I am still trying to cook mine up...
pray I will be back?
I spy with my little eye
and very funny 55 guy.
Come, looksy at mine.
Keep your pea shooter at home though.
My Flash 55 - You Quack Me Up
VERY poetic!!
Hey? Just for you Mr. G----I wrote a FFF55! And as always, scroll down below my Show n Tell to read it.
Here I think it'll 'crack you up' this time.
Wow... I absolutely loved your poem G-man it was awesome!
And mine is up...but nowhere near as fabulous as yours!! Have a great weekend!!
Oh this is so true...The eyes are the key to ones soul...Love it!
I am in the game this week :)
My 55 is here http://msjstar1275.blogspot.com/
Oh, "Eye" get it! LOL! Good one Mr. G!
My 55 can be found HERE
Mine are blue ...ye is such a poetry man. Luv it! I have insight this week and was able to pull off a 55 this week!
och "eye" the noo, G-man.
Have a brilliant weekend! I'm off to watch Bafana Bafana beat the pants off Mexico...
Way to go again Starry-eyed.
Late but I'm up.
Mine's up!
Not a story in the traditional sense, but it does tell a story.
Everyone who agrees say, "Eye!" LOL Great 55! G-Man...I'm thinking about making a 55 career out of being late to the party every week, LOL
55 Flash Fiction Friday: Two Ships Passing In The Night
Brilliant piece of eye candy! Nicely done I see! Trying my hand at Friday 55!
Love it! Eyes are truly the window to the soul. Have an awesome weekend! My 55 is up!
My 55 is up.
Happy Friday, G-Man.
Aye that was spot on G! ;)
Mine's up
mine is here
have you a truly blessed weekend!
Love it.. and so true.
Mine is up with a twist
i loved this!!!
i won't have a 55 today, however i will have a new post, just a bit longer than usual.
have a great one Galen!
mine is up.
take it easy
Since contact lens implants, mine are reflective sometimes!
That's the sparkle that gets a man sparked...Hammer Horror for me today. My 55
Wonderful descriptions of the eyes - didn't realize there were so many. Mine 55 is up. Thanks!
i get in trouble all the time for rolling mine!
still cool that i got to meet you eye to eye :)
I see you're still up to entertaining the troops. :)
Sorry haven't been playing. Perhaps once I get the Auntie's estate headed in the right direction and the furniture distributed, I'll be allowed outside again to play.
wow, galen, truer words were never spoken! what a grest 55...you've shown a side of yourself that i didn't know was there. i'm probably the last one on the totem pole but oh-so-worth the trip ;) you can find me hiding out right here.
if anyone thinks they know how to fix sheri and her direct link then feel free to fire away!
My blue eyes are cryin' cuz I'm late to the party, but nonetheless I've put up my FF55 here
kick it!
Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral
I'm laughing a little at the idea of bloodshot windows to the soul.
So-o-o-o late this time!
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