Leaving the 30 year Rat Race behind, Larry retired to isolated bucolic bliss. But 10 months later, extreme boredom set in.
(Knock .. Knock)
(STARTLED....He opens his door)
"Howdy, I'm your neighbor Jimbo...
Big Shindig Friday... Drinkin, Dancin, Wild Sex, can you attend"?
'Gladly Jimbo...Is it Formal'?
"Don't matter...Just be us two"!
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man!
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment....Then BOOK!!
So from the most gracious host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!
Yee Haw, G-man. This from the land where the men are men and the sheep are nervous.
I guess the appropriate term is YAHTZEE. My 55 will be here HERE shortly.
Make that a double GAAHHHHH.
eww...umm...have fun at that party...smiles. nice 55 g!
my 55 is up!
have a good time.
Still being naughty, huh?
Again, you made me smile and that is such a wonderful thing. Thank you for this fun 55.
Mine is up.
Yipe! Head for the hills! Or, um... away from the hills?
Mine is here.
I guess two's company...
Here's mine: DEADLINE
Why, that was a purty funny down home tale. Jimbo might begin to look real good if you drink enuf white lightnin'.
At 65, I've done it! My poetry book - Life's Journey by Carmen Henesy - is out on Amazon!
( Poems about the things that have been important to me in my journey through life, some humorous, some sad, some that may have meaning to you as well )
Oh, boy -- another hillbilly hoe-down. My neighbors would love it.:-)
Hey, it ain't Friday yet! (LOL!)
That 55 reminds me of a pirate joke I heard recently.
I also remember Hillbilly Jim. He could really pick a guitar too!
I'll post my 55 tomorrow.
A real hillbilly love fest huh? LOL. Mine is up HERE. Have a great Friday.
Love that joke! Mine's here. Time's tight this weekend, but I'll be sure to give a return visit to anyone who comments on mine!
oh, g-man...hahaha!!!
You are wicked. :D
Mine is up.
Chasing rats for 30 years? More fun kicking donkeys.
Thank God it's not... oh no, it is!
Mine: PART 4
OMG, that 2nd picture of the guy in the overalls looks EXACTLY like my next door neighbor.
I'm afraid to ask.
Thanks for another Friday 55. :)
Mine's posted right here.
oh boy! whoa boy! Always can count on you for a laugh --I'm back and ready for the weekend!! thanks g-man!
goodness what a party - you know how to write 'em
Happy 55
I think we should do a 55 week based on everyone's comments - a witty /clever group
Moon *grin*
Mine's up here:
Snort, snort!
Thank you for your kindness on my blog today, G-Man.
My effort will be up at 1 a.m. Pacific time.
Is she saying goodbye?
Well I don't know... Jimbo has some darn nice arms there... so give him my address, but for heaven's sake tell him to turn off the lights when he comes in! Yikes.
Come to think of it, I'm sure I saw Jimbo today, sitting at the back of the bus. (I'm up)
Shhhhhh! It's just "us two", right?
Hey G-Man mine is up HERE
...and I need my ass kicked!
Parties come in all types :-)
You'll find mine here.
Hi, g-man. I now see what you mean by a kickass weekend! My 55er is up with a somewhat similar twist as yours at the alchemist’s pillow.
Mine is at:
Howdy... Well, I'll be... ain't love just grand? ;)
My 55 this week is about having your roots in the soil and stretching towards the sun... :)
Come visit if you want. Love/ Jo.
:)great one!
check out my attempt at http://instantwords.blogspot.com/2010/06/happiness-friday-flash55.html
He should stop being so picky, in the dark who notices. Don't you agree fellows? Fellows? Where they go? Here's mine
Mine can be found
Go Jimbo!
You're fekking hysterical!
Now that's a horror story! I can help with the aftermath: Flash 55
galen, THIS was hilarious!!! i'm still laughing and i can't wait to find someone to tell it to!!
i appreciate you stopping by to say hi...i've been posting a 55 but i haven't been by to tell you. i didn't have the time to read through the other 55 posts so it seemed sort of "look at me, look at me" if i were to leave my direct link :(
today's a different story! i'm up and you'll find me here. thanks for the concern, g-man ;)
I did not see that coming! Good one, G-Man!
Mine is up!
ha,ha, i tried to get 55 words, don't think i quite made it but i think i found your long lost brother in the dessert!! maybe he is jimbos brother, i don't know maybe he is jimbos neighbor!!
My new 55 is up: Seaside Vision
LOL@ Monkey Man.
I have been unwell but I am back.
mine is here
Have you a blessed weekend, Galen!
Ah...your 55 was very inspiring and naughty...
poor Larry...
Better get those dancing shoes ready! Hilarious...I hear some dueling banjos playing! My 55 is up and have a great weekend!
why do i suddenly hear "dueling banjoes?"
Deliver him from Jimbo ...I hear bajos, LOL.
55 Flash Fiction Friday: I Thought It Was Thursday
Wonder if he attended....
Ask and you shall receive,
mine is up, you made me do it....
Fab Di
I forgot to mention (or re-mention?) this: Poetry Challenge
Good Morning, G-Man:
I posted my 55.
Thank You in advance for the feedback!
Happy Friday!
Keep Encouraging and Shining!
hip howy...your weirdness makes me smile....
Laughing, I wish I could have seen Larry's face when that last line was delivered.
Mine's Up How-to manual for finding a perfectly pluckable peach « Nara Malone
Funny! Didn't see that one coming...
Somehow those muscles don't look right on that guy..now the beard definately...but muscles, NAW!
I have to go to the county of my mind to dig up this weeks 55 ...hopefully up by tonight!!
This is why I live in the suburbs...
Here is mine
LOL you got a perty mouth!
You brought sexyback, Gman!
LOL Mona!
Larry really doesn't want to go there!!!! LOL
Mine's up too.
OOOHHH! I sure have missed you lately! Finally, in the midst of all the moving boxes, I have a 55er up! The move has been horrendous! It will take forever to get unpacked and settled in. The new house is nice, but what a challenge. On top of everything else, we've had computer troubles all week long. Hubby and I are exhausted. But, such as it is, here it is--a Friday Flash 55...D
Hmmm... Run G-man, Run!
Mine is up. :-)
aaaaalllrighty! Here's another at http://marie-experience-strength-hope.blogspot.com
Hold your breath ... I'm back. ;-)
Missed you guys,
Huh, none of my neighbors have offered me alcohol and wild sex. I'm living in the wrong place.
Galen we yell Yahtzee in Hindi like this :
यात्ज़ी !!!!
Mona has special keys on her keyboard!
Hewwo :D *waves*
I'm just stopping by your blog. I found it on someone's blog roll (or a comment I have no fucking clue) and thought I'd drop in. I really enjoyed reading your posts. And you put pics!! YAY!! Love people who do that hehe.
Anyway, I'ma bookmark joo for more readage. Hope you drop by me sometime. I'll give you a cookie for visiting. Hehe.
Ok bai.
Lol, great 55!
Howdy, G-man. My first 55 Fiction is here. Have a look.
Ha. OK. I found it...your Friday 55 posts.
This one is creepy!
I can almost hear the banjo music playing in the background!
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