(Margaret Catherine enters the confessional)
'Bless me Father for I have sinned...
Last night my lover ravaged me SEVEN times!'
"Young lady...Go drink the juice of seven lemons."
'Will I then be forgiven Father?'
"No, but it WILL wipe that big smile off your face...
Now for your penance say SEVEN Hail Mary's!"
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man.
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment...Then BOOK!
So from the most penitent host from coast to coast...
Go and sin no more.
And have a Kick Ass Week-End...!!!
Hot damn! Whatta babe!
You crack me up G. Lemons...
Ti had a conflict this week, so she sat this one out, but I got back to writing pure fiction finally. (No mothers were harmed in the making of this 55).
and... (wait for it)...
(I just love being your first, G)
Hi, Mr. Knowitall, I think your unrepentant confessional visitor should visit the witness in my Friday Flash 55 Flash which is now up at the alchemist’s pillow
Just thinking... 7 X 49 seconds = ...
Here's mine: FIRST DAY OF TERM
I can't believe so much can be told in 55. Congratulations.
Being a good Catholic girl, the juice of seven lemons made me laugh. All those Hail Mary's... I wish I had a dollar for every one. Wait. That might be sacriligious. Father, forgive me.
I'm participating this week. I missed you all! And one of these days I'll figure out how to post a link in a comment.
This goes great with the one I did this week.
Mine is here.
haha. i need to go suck some lemons myself...nice 55.
mines up!
"Naughty Mr. Knowitall" - that kind of has a nice ring to it.
You deserve that accolade after such a 55. :)
And once again - very original and very creative.
Mine is up.
too funny,
will post soon!
Darn it all. Me and code....I'll try again.
So I was saying that jealous bugger of a priest needs to be more tolerant of others' joy!
Mine might be here. But who knows?
Lemons LOL. Beats sour grapes. Mine is up HERE.
With seven lemons and seven Hail Marys, I'd say Margaret Catherine is good to go again.:-)
funny, g-man, funny.
I am out of town and scheduled the following to post in my absence. It can be found
Good Evening,
I posted my 55.
Many thanks for reading!
Good thing it wasn't a little boy in the confessional. My 55 is HERE after midnight Pacific time.
Only seven?
Must be a slow week. :o
Mine's posted here.
It's part three of my three-part series on "The Ugly Truth About Vegetables".
Great story!
I'm actually gonna try another "55"... my second in three months! It'll post at 8 a.m. tomorrow.
(Ever consider setting up a "Mr. Linky" widget to coordinate these "55" posts?)
Hope your weekend is sufficiently kick-ass, too!
Hmmm...seems a small price to pay, when you get right down to it! ;)
As always, you and your 55s crack me right up!
Mine is now up...
Happy Friday. :)
Seven lemons will keep her healthy for tomorrow...and for seven more days, each with seven more times?
...and THENNNN: Another Sacrament of Reconciliation!
You probably just conjure these ideas, "All-Knowing Man"....
Good one! Mine is up also--OH! You already knew that. I'm still confused over the "address"-and-calendar thing. Maybe that's a joke I'm not getting??
lol. you cracked me up. nice story as always.
I'm going corporate this week with my story. It's here
LOL...seven lemons!!! I like that, seriously funny. Have a great weekend G-Daddy. :)))
what angel is this
Hahahaha..remarkably outrageous.
mine is here
Have you a wicked weekend.
Ha! Good one. Does the church have stock in lemon orchards? I'm guessing they provide a lot of business.
Here's mine
That was a fabulous one...I loved it!
Mine is at:
That was a great one. Loved it.
You'll find mine here.
hail marys huh bol I used to do those myself to funny gman
I'm up also just follow the link.
Gas Thief
Thanks Everybody
I would rather eat lemons than make confession!
that's a lot of lemonade - baby!!!
Tree House is here
When life hands you lemons......well, you know the story :=)
I'm up:
Friday Flash 55 ~ The Girl in the Mirror
Have a great weekend!
What a way to rid a smile from a naughty girl's face...you naughty boy!!
Your a funny man G-man ... this made me laugh!
Lola...give me the lemons! Gone for gangster this week. My Friday 55
I'd make some lemonade if I was her. Just adding a little sweetness, you know... ;)
My 55 this week is called "Fall on me"... /Jo.
Hail Mary x7!!!!
Oh wait, my name is NOT Mary Catherine!!
99 Steps is my day's entry.
No sour note there>
I'm up
Hey G-man mine is up now!!
Love it!
Only seven Hail Marys required?
Is this your girlfriend?
Here’s my sick 55
Yay, I´m up today! :-) Nice 55 G-man. Hope you´ll have a wonderful weekend!
Love it... glad I'm not Catholic ;)
My 55 is up
I bet it was worth drinking the lemon juice! ;)
Mine's up.
I did not do a 55, G-Man, but you'll like this one anyway.
Thanks for the friday funnies.
I have a Cheshire cat grin!
She looks IDENTICAL to my friends mother, craziness G
hear is mine dirtclustit
It's the first time I've joined in, I hope I'm in time, not sure what time-zone you're in.
Ooops, mine is here.
I did one after a long break! It was a special ocassion.
Lemons! Too funny!
My 55 is up here.
Too funny Gman! I needed a smile. My 55 is up have an awesome weekend!
Uh-oh, I might have sinned already. On Wednesday I took the side of a Nun over a Bishop. :0
Glad to be back...hope your weekend is great. I'm going on vacation starting at 5 p.m. today!
Being Protestant, I don't have to admit to sh*t!
why suck a lemon when you could suck a lime? bwahahaha. i kill me. i couldn't resist though.
I enjoy your funny 55's the most. Have a great weekend G. Mine's up.
Well I'm sure all that acid will kill a few germs! :D I'm workin on mine...sorry missed it last week!
Delightful, as always. I've posted one also, but I fear it's rather less amusing than yours.
Take care.
Hey, did you read Enchanted Oak's comments? I thought you'd found my facebook photos after the poison oak comment.... Ha Ha Ha, thinking aren't you???
yes it's a true story I really hated to do what I did but then again he's been getting gas from me for quite some time now. I finally decided the only way to stop this is to step into a lower place than I like to be. So I bought five dollars of gas and then filled the rest of the can with water and placed it back in the truck with the rest of my equipment as I always did. The neighbor figured out that I filled my tanks for my gardening tools every Sunday night. He'd hit me early Monday Or Tuesday morning. I waited up at night just to see if I'd catch this guy and I finally did he thought he was slick doing what he was doing so I had to show him who was smarter than the average bear and it's going to cost him money just to clean out the gasline and the gas tank as you all know gas and water don't mix I really don't think he'll ever do it again if he does he's more of an idiot than I thought.
thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.Larry This Blog Of Mine
I'm usually up for a challenge. Here's mine: http://thecrustycrone.blogspot.com/2010/05/55-words.html
Hi :)
what can i say
i am in
5555 favorite thanks very funny.
Can't you visit to My blog
Thanks for visit.
I can't access your blog.
Jumped over here from waystation one and Brian Miller. I've been finding wonderful 55's all over blogland. Nice to meet the genius behind the idea. I may just have to join the fun myself. Loved your naughty 55...smile on her face indeed!
Hi Mr. Knowitall,
You've got a very nice blog. Sorry for the randomness. I couldn't find your email on the blog. My name is Howard. I'm currently an MBA student at National Taiwan University working on a cross-cultural master thesis on "Change in blogger motivations over the blogspan." If you have time, would you please help me fill out the survey in the following link. Your 10 mins will make a major contribution to my study.
In order to express my gratitude for your participation, A PRIZE DRAW FOR A "4G USB DRIVE" will be held once the research is finished. Sorry, I wish it's an iPad too. Thank you for all your kindness. I truly appreciate it!
If you have any question, please feel free to contact me at r97741063@ntu.edu.tw
Survey Link
Best Regards,
That calls for bragging rather than confessing.
Who is that woman and why is she scaring me?
` Aw, now I'm thirsty for some lemonade... and me without my lover to ravage me this moment!
` Which reminds me, he sucked the juice of about a hundred oranges for this very awesome movie that I think is going to win some major prizes!
Cool 55! Enjoyed the humor.^^
That's hilarious, G-Man!
Phew, someone's going to have a sour face! There's a lot of juice in seven lemons!!
Sorry I'm so late, the Mediterranean came to Manchester this weekend and I've got a bit of sun stroke!!!
You'll find mine in this post: Androgynous
I've run across several bloggers doing the Friday Flash 55 thing and thought it sounded like fun. I'll come up with something for Friday, the 28th.
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