The $3 Million Dollar upgrade to our dealership is less than two years old, and Chevrolet felt compelled to change the color scheme of the sales offices back wall.
The top pic was taken a few months back. Notice how vivid my 'Peachy' shirt looks against the Baby Blue?
The middle pic is the color now...YIKES!
I look almost invisible when wearing the same color shirt.
After so many complaints, they are now considering changing colors again.
You know something? I have a color picked out...Whatcha think?
See you tomorrow with my 'Lyrical' story....
LOl do you use that middle finger to stir that paint? LOL At least it's BadA55. Better than BadA54 or BadA53 by the looks of things!!!
That's how I feel! If we can't paint it bright, Why paint it at all! I like the blue too though! We painted our house a nice (ish) tan color some time back that is now fading to the same peach color. Time to paint, as soon as it stops raining! I'm going more natural though. Great site, by the way!
haha. love your choice...see you tomorrow.
Somebody annoyed you, did they? LOL. You should tell your boss that the blue walls were very nice but if they go with that putrid green, you're outta there.:)
that particular shade of BADA55 looks an awful lot like lime ;) good color. hehehehe
Oh Dear Mr G-Man...it would appear that you're not particularly happy with the choice of colours. (Not really sure why I get that idea)!(chuckles).. but snotty green (Hmmm not sure about that either) What about something neutral!
After seeing what peach & baby blue do...I would definitely by-pass colours like red...might make you angry!
No matter what you wear Galen you will never just blend in with a wall.
I love that BadA55 color! It would blend very well with your middle finga!! :D
Ok I'm gettin into Badass mode as we speak...
wise choice,
nice to see you in my place.
Happy Thursday!
Rest easy. You could never be "invisible," G-Man!
I'm with the others - can't imagine you not standing out!
I like your choice! :-)
Why do they never ask the folk who have to work in the place for their opinion on colours?
Thanks for the reminder. ;)
i vote for the neon green!!! lol
i will try to have a 55 up tomorrow, especially since i'm going to be "leaving on a jet plane" Sat. morning for a week.
back at yah... love the pictuers
Dear Galen: Your blog has consistently been "ON" since ... well, since ever! Thanks for everything, even being there when some of us dropped out. xo
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