A Mr. Mike Hunt from Slippery Hole Wyoming asks...
"Dear Mr. Knowitall, Some words seem to have more than one meaning, why is this? Did we run out of words? And could you please give us a few more examples of words with multiple meanings?"
Dear Mike...You mean ambiguity? Sure I can, hehehehehe...
1.) COFFEE, n. The person upon whom one coughs.
2.) FLABBERGASTED, adj. Appalled by discovering how much weight one has gained.
3.) ABDICATE, v. To give up all hope of ever having a flat stomach.
4.) ESPLANADE, v. To attempt an explanation while drunk.
5.) WILLY-NILLY, adj. Impotent.
6.) NEGLIGENT, adj. Absentmindedly answering the door while wearing a nightgown.
7.) LYMPH, v. To walk with a lisp.
8.) GARGOYLE n. Olive flavored mouthwash.
9.) FLATULENCE n. Emergency vehicle sent to pick someone up who has been run over by a steam-roller.
10.) BALDERDASH n. A rapidly receding hairline.
11.) TESTICLE n. A humorous question on an exam.
12.) POKEMON n. A Rastafarian proctologist.
13.) OYSTER n. A person that sprinkles their conversation with Yiddishisms.
14.) CIRCUMVENT n. An opening in front of boxer shorts worn by Jewish men.
15.) BACTERIA n. The rear of a cafeteria.
I think thats enough information for today, Mr. Knowitall grows weary.
Good question though... Thanks.
Just an observation here Mike, I certainly hope that you do NOT have a job where you are paged very often.!!
Willy Nilly LOLOLOLOL hehehe...I'm rolling. That was awesome G-Man.
ROFLMAO!!! Too funny!
Ha, ha...groan. Ha, ha...groan.
haha..these are over the top amazing...from slippery hole...omg!
LOL! And you've made my day by informing me that it's been Tuesday today and not Monday.:-)
hey i think i had an appointment with a Pokemon!!!
I always manage to learn something new whenever I visit you G. Thanks for the lesson - and the laugh!
LMFAO G-Daddy ..
huggles ya all up
Thanks for putting a grin on my face today! Too funny.
By the way Galen, I have created a new Blog Award and you are one of my first recipients! Come on over to "pick it up" and read all about it. No rules really, just my gratitude for having you around!
Bragging Rights & Inspiration Awards
LOL you're too funny! :)
Gman you are always the fount of education. jaysus man there is an opening at the top of DPS.
Still giggling
YOu have a blog award, Mr
i may just have to abdicate because i am totally flabbergasted.
I will never be able to use these words in the same way again.
RnPB: Ch 013 - Clean Up
hahaha, G-Man! Classics! :))
you have out done yourself on this one!!! loved, loved, loved it!!!
i may have to resurrect some of these terms for a future post...
laughing smiles
It was the "hope you don't get paged very often" that got me!
I know a few- mostly obscene!
CIRCUMVENT n. An opening in front of boxer shorts worn by Jewish men.
BOL that is hilarious I Can't wait to tell ma brother that one. Your to much Galen. I'm posted come on over by clicking the link below and find out whats happening there.
Love Boat
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