Do this for me.
Look around you, anything that you can pick up by hand, check out the bottom. A coffee cup, a ball point pen, an ash tray, ANYTHING plastic.
Does it say Made in China? Made in Indonesia...Philipines...Thailand?
I've had this flashlight since the 60's. It's metal, the lens is real glass, and it says Made In USA! And it STILL works!!
How many flashlights have you ever bought at The Dollar General? WalMarks? The Dollar Tree...Do they work?
Nuff said!!
BTW, how about that Eisenhower Silver Dollar?
I ask for them at the bank, it really fucks up a cash drawer.
Hehehehehe...I'm such a naughty boy!
I have a three pound cast iron embosser within reach. It was made in the good ole US of A.
It's older than I am, though... that might be why.
Oh... and my coffee cup? Hand cast by a Buddhist monk on the island of Kauai. Yep, that's still USA as far as I know.
You are such a Maverick!
Every once in a while I'll come across something old and look on the bottom and it'll say Made in the USA and I always think Holy Shit! Antiques, the whole lot of them. We used to have an old canvas tent made in America and it kept us dry all the way around Lake Superior through thunderstorms I haven't seen the like of since.
Love your flashlight, by the way.
My mother has the exact same one that still works too. It also has real glass & is made in USA
Ya know ya got somethin' in your pocket when you put one of those babies in...NOT the flashlight, the Eisenhower DOLLAR!--grin!
Ya know ya got somethin' in your pocket when you put one of those babies in...NOT the flashlight, the Eisenhower DOLLAR!--grin!
Ya know ya got somethin' in your pocket when you put one of those babies in...NOT the flashlight, the Eisenhower DOLLAR!--grin!
I have flashlights, but they're plastic. Dang, I'd rather have Eisenhower silver dollars.:)
i know i gotta have something here made in the US...
hey i may be a half breed but i was made in the USA!!
There was a campaign here in 1968 "I'm Backing Britain", when people were urged to 'Buy British'. Now it seems there is nothing made in Britain! :(
I've got a Stanley Knife - it says Made in England, and has been a crafty companion for fifty years!
i have this awesome and very heavy (I could clock a burglar with it) metal pencil sharpener that used to be my grandmother's. i'm betting it's at least 50 years old. it works better than any other pencil sharpener i have ever used. it doesn't say where it was made but i am betting USA hhmm...maybe i should do a retro wednesday post next week....
oh yeah, i have an old swingline stapler too. also heavy and made in USA. hehehehe
We had that flashlight!!! My Father still has one like it from about 1975.
i can't believe it! i actually found something. an old, tan colored metal Swingline stapler. it says USA on the top, then on the rubber bottom, Long Island City, NY.
I have nothing within reach that doesn't say "Made in China." I don't understand why no one (including Uncle Sam) seems as alarmed by this as I feel. To be honest, it scares the daylights out of me.
The ONLY manufacturer of the paper on which the US currency is printed is headquartered in a town near us. A few years ago, they almost lost the contract to make the paper to a foreign company! That would have been wrong for so many reasons.
Maverick? Oh dear god. Please. No.
Not a hopey-changey mav-rick. Help, I'm drowining over here in Youbetchastan. I can't get er done.
Hey, to be fair- I like custom things. Beautiful things. Objects of desire. I love things made in China, when they are hand crafted by an artisan and purchased at a local market. Also, although I once lived in Wasilla, I don't buy my flashlights at Squall-Mart.
Galls. All day, all the way.
Those silver dollars sure weigh down your pants, though. I had someone take me out to dinner one time after emptying the coin-operated washer and dryer in their three flat. Paid a $35 dollar bill in quarters!
My Papa always used to give me Eisenhower silver dollars. Thanks for bringing back the memory.
And peace to you as well - naughty boy!! :)
I wonder if in Britain they have stuff that says made in Britain? Hmmm...
I have two marine style flashlights- no batteries! You just shake them, and bingo- a flashlight that works. Courtesy of a company in Lowell Michigan!
I know there was this family a year or so ago that did an experiment not to buy anything made in China. It was a very hard challenge. I do get upset at how much crap we buy and it mostly comes from china. But I must say I love my Dollar General store...so, sadly I'm to blame too! :(
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