Hi Everybody...
This is gonna have to be TWO posts in one. My Retro Wednesday, and my Thursday Portrait. The reason?
The beer that I'm holding is a Stroh's Bohemian Style Beer!
It used to be the pride of Detroit, but ever since they were bought out by Pabst Brewery in 2000, this beer is only brewed at the discretion of Pabst. The little pub that I frequent, now carries it. I will say this, since it is now brewed in Milwaukee, it just doesn't taste the same as when it was brewed with DEEEtroit River water!
Anyway...I'm sooo excited! Wednesday Morning about 5 AM I'm headed to the Beautiful Commonwealth of Virginia. I will not post until I post my 55 at 8:00 PM Thursday Evening. I Need A Break!
Take Care Everyone...G-Man!
safe travels g-man...coming to my state...where about in VA are you headed?
I haven't seen Stroh's in years. Here's hoping you have yourself a great road trip and a most excellent adventure.;)
Have a great road trip! See you Thursday :)
I'm not quite certain yet.
My brother lives in Norfolk, and I have some frinds near Lynchburg.
Thanks Sherry...:P
Thanks Susie...G
Oh, you're so right!! It doesn't taste the same. There are a few places around here that still sell it. The Hitching Post in Lapeer, for one. My Dad used to always keep a case of long necks (and I mean the old fashioned heavy cardboard cases with the built in dividers) on the steps leading to the cellar, perfect temp year round. After they sold out and left Detroit (remember the brewery on the sharp 75 curve downtown?) he never bought Strohs again. Me....Yeah, I always ask. Have a fun, safe trip.
By any chance, ya gopin' to Richmond or Charlottesville? Just wondering.
Be looking for you Thursday night or Fri morning.
PEACE! have a safe trip!
Safe trip & Aloha from Hawaii my Friend!
Comfort Spiral
Have you a good and safe break!
See you when you are back?
You deserve the BEST, remember?
enjoy your travels, you discerning beer drinker you!
Beer is one of those items that inspires tremendous brand loyalty.
Drive careful and stay away from the paddies who don't hold their Bushmills well.
Enjoy your travels..!!! (hugs)
Stroh's beer. This really retro for me as I went to Wayne in Detroit back in the early fifties. Tried to drink the town dry, failed (school too), was drafted and went to Korean in shame.
Moved back to D in the late fifties, the last two of my children were born there. I worked downtown on Columbia and 3rd. Stroh's was just down the street. The big sign hit me in the face every day.
P.S. Didn't like it.
Have a kick ass trip.
Safe travels. Catch you in a couple of days.
I toured Stroh's as a kid..they survived Prohibition by making ice cream! Remember Geyer Brothers in Frankenmuth? The old Carling Brewery that was there, too?
Beautiful Virginia. Have a marvelous time. We all need a break sometimes. Enjoy.
What a gorgeous view - from the car and of course, of your lovely mug!
Completely forgot about Stroh's. There is a display in the Michigan Museum in Lansing which includes Stroh's Ice Cream. :)
I hope you have a great time!! You deserve it!
Did you hit Columbus on the way through? If so you were only 1hr from me.
enjoy the trip!
lynchburg..i live in lynchburg!
G you better give me a shout out when you pass through (S95) Prince William county...but, if you're breezin down 81 foget about it!
Have fun! :)
Damn G, where in VA are you going? The NC/VA state line is only about an hour north of here. Of course, I may be a little tied up. You'll understand in a few days.
Haven't seen a Stroh's since... damn, gotta be high school days. Or shortly after. I thought it was Schlitz that bought them. Or was that the other way around? Too long ago...
hope your break is just the stress relief you need. drive safe.
Stroh's Fire Brewed Beer! That's what I cut my teeth on.....
safe travels g-man...coming to my state...where about in VA are you headed?
data entry india
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