You can make them out of Cotton...
Nylon, Mesh or Lace.
But Lycra, Leather or Latex, brings a smile to MY face!
Flesh-Toned, Colored, White, Soft, Smooth or Frilly...
They can be Transparent, or quite Frumpy and Silly!
Classic Briefs, Boyshorts, Bikini's, Hipsters, Thongs.
Some stay on for DAYS...
(Some not for very long)
See how easy it is to turn any subject into a Flash 55?
Hey...This is supposed to be fun, NOT an Epic!!!
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55,
Please come tell The G-Man.
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment...Then BOOK!!
So from the most gracious host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!
lol. no one wants to steal my underwear..just saying. fun 55 g-man!
mine is up!
and have a mervelous weekend!
Your Flash 55 was exactly that - great fun. I'm smiling and laughing. What a wonderful gift to me. Thank you.
My 55 will be up shortly.
Just from what you found in the drawers, right G?
I've got a host tonight. 'Cause I'm just that kinda guy.
and mine
Yo, don't steel my junk, yo.
Or gank it.
Or, or...
Wait. Gimme back a vowel for $200, please. I'll take an "a" for effort.
that was funny!
here's mine:
Oh, this'll have 'em talking. LOL.
LOL - days? I'll go with the "not so long" ones.
Mine is here.
And who is stealing what??? Uh oh.
My 55 is up. Have a good weekend. D
But, don't put that latex in the dryer!
I'll post mine in the morning, G-Daddy!
fun fun fun,
i am sorry I could not log in with my wordpress account here,
there is no problem with brian miller, I am not sure why..
Happy Friday!
Yes you can make a 55 out of any topic. My 55 will be HERE after midnight Pacific time. I'm a stickler about it being Friday before it's up.
I can appreciate your concern with decorem. But I need all the head start I can get with answering 60-70 stories each week.
I appreciate especially your weekly support...Thanks...G
Ha! Methinks this the funniest yet. But do you suppose they meant to misspell stealing? Some stay on for DAYS?? And then they peel them off with a crowbar? Ohhh I didn't say that/
Pretty soon it'll be summer and we won't have to wear any
Mine's up. Getting an early start this week. But does anyone ever beat Brian??
To the best of my knowledge, no one has ever, ever wanted my underwear.
It's ok.
I'm usually not bitter.
Thanks for yet another Friday 55. :)
Here's mine!
errr, shortly.
A glitch so shortly.
Sorry G-Man, my comment came across all wrong. (Try no.2)
You cracked me up big time, accompanied with thoughts of TMI. (I'm far too old school British.)
And that photo? The last line is priceless, if someone stole my underwear, I'd never ask for it back...
My 55 is Twisting Roots
Oh, and on the topic of being too old school British, I should write a 55 one day about my trip to the onsen (hot spring bath) in Japan...
*tosses her underwear on the stage* WOO!! hehehe Great 55 G-Man. ;-)
Mine will be up at midnight Pacific time as usual. :)
Flash is very appropriate for this 55 topic. You made me LOL G. Happy Weekend. Mine's up!
Actually, mine's been up since Wednesday, I have lost track of the days. LOL!
Damn, you're funny. Thanks. I am going to have to compose myself...
Fine, fine, fine. Next week my 55 will be funny. I promise. However, this week it is EPIC!!! LOL Oh, I am with Brian. No one wants my undies, LOL.
I’m up right HERE
Aloha from Hawaii my Friend
Comfort Spiral
OMG.. I really can SO RELATE to this, G.
We used to have a problem with that...
it was so annoying and we definitely do not want our underwears returned.. we finally caught the pervert. An innocent looking college guy who came along every other afternoon to spy , flash and smell the ladies underwears. Yucks!
I love the prompt and your 55!
Again, you ROCK !
Mine is here
I liked the feel of that one ~ Gman
Mine is: Respect
Glad to see your still having fun, G-Man!
Missed ya last week. Friday just wasn't the same...
I'm up.
I'm up and running
into the night.
And it is offically Friday!!
Had trouble with the linky thingie. Let's try this again.
G-Man, that was a short pair of shorts. After 1 AM Pacific time, My 55 is here
I didn't do a 55 for this week but coincidentally my posting for today was rather epic and not at all fun. A bit miserable, in fact.
So I dropped by to get a little pick-me-up and say hi into the bargain - the mood here on Friday is always good. :)
whoa--a multitude of experiences here--you are always fun and never, ever boring...mine's up! Enjoy the weekend g-man!
HA! Steel Panties! The chastity belts of Virgin Ironpants!
Bring them back!!! EEWWWWW!
That is a great subject for reflection! LOL@ "some stay on for days, some not very long!"
My personal opinion is 'why wear panties at all!'
Galen My 55ve is up!
That is why I love flash 55 it can go in any direction, most often unexpected.
Love it...
Mine is up.
That post 'll get somebody's knickers in a twist! LOL!
Mine is up! No puns this week, sorry.
55 Flash Fiction Friday -- Blond Logic
Your 55 was simply amazing and so much fun. You are right any topic can be turned into one of these posts.
MY 55 is up and since I learned about what the 55 is from you I would love to know your views on it!
This was funny. :)
Don't you just love the notes some people put up sometimes? ;)
People steal my underwear All The Time...! (No, I'm kidding, they don't...). A lot of my socks and underwear seem to disappear when I am doing the laundry however, but I think that is a universal problem. I kinda feel sorry for all the single socks out there, though. :)
My 55 this week is about Earth Hour. Feel free to come visit! :)
What a Fun Friday Flash 55 that was G-Man.
I wrote one too if your interested in taking a gander...and there were no underpants involved!! He! He! He!
Well it's midnight here in oregon which means it's time to post my fifth part of Zephyr's Revenge. This has drawn some interest from a few flash 55ers it makes for an interesting few weeks but soon Zephyr is going to get an attitude and clean up the New Your alley's and by ways hope it catches your interest and follow along. he's posted now and ready to be read just follow the link below.
Zephyr's Revenge Part 5
Thanks Larry
good one!
A sublime ode there :-)
You'll find mine here.
I prefer when they stay on 'not so long'...
Here's mine: Big 'C'
Galen you need a apair of booty pops to round out your collection
it's that kind of behavior that forms serial killers. just sayin'.
Flash 55 - Before He Was Famous
Oh lordy, some stay on for days? Ewwww!!! I sure hope that part is fiction. LOL
[scroll down as always]
PS...I'm reading comments left here, and I agree about 'getting a head start' G Man.
Besides, it's YOUR blog!! Do what and how you want. Don't let anyone sway you differently.
Who dares do that?
Well I guess...
you crack me up! what about those who prefer going commando? hehehe
mine's up.
You clever G-daddy you, such fun from your pen this week. You know just how to make us laugh. ;)
Have a wonderful Spring weekend Galen. :))
The things you guys worry about. ;)
Mine's up...have a good weekend!
I'm linking up for Otin today. Have a good one!
So I did it...I posted my first 55, I think I am supposed to let you know, I am not sure what else...let me know and thank you for the inspiration.
LMAO..haha, that is a hoot, Cazzie
Too funny! And so true!
Mine is a bit serious and reflective, but it is what it is. Have a fabfun weekend!
You're "kick ass".
With wife, daughters, granddaughters and great granddaughters, I'm acquainted with the whole collection.
My 55 is up
Love it...I've never had any panties stolen from the laundromat...but, had some stolen off my ass! :)
Don't get your knickers in a twist..I'll be up later. Promise!
too funny! cleverly written.
i've posted my 55!
awesome pantie raid!!! great 55, i got one up too, a little late but it is posted, now i gotta run have a great weekend!!
you are a quirky one Mr. G-Man!!! lol
okay -- i don't have a 55 today, but i do have the conclusion to my story. just sayin' if you've been following, now's the day to see how it all comes together (a.k.a. full circle).
kick-it G-man
kick-it good!
I've written my first flash fiction 55 here:
LOVE it!!!! You so rock, G-Man!!
And I finally got my 55 up at...
Hey, panties are easy, how about that mouse in the loaf of bread?!? I guess you did put Syd in a trunk last week, though. Have a good one!
That sign is hilarious.
Here's mine: A Day in the Life of a Sportscaster
You left out whitey tightys and granny panties...
lol. love this one.
G-man, inspiration is EVERYWHERE!
My post is at:
Some stay on for days?? What kind of unwashed people are you associating with.
I never know what to expect coming here, but even so, Ode to Underpants came as a surprise. Love that typo in the sign. LOL
Happy weekend everyone!
I understand the "it's supposed to be fun" thing.
It's just that unless you garantee me that there are no video cameras, and you promise me that you really don't know that I... I mean whoever it was that stole the panties.
then this post is funny.
otherwise not only am I sweating thinking I've been caught, but I am also concerned that maybe Gerardine Baugh caught me on camera wearing them, and the high heels I stole.
Now I have to spend the rest of the night with the Fruit of the Loom guys in my brain! LOL
A first for me.
Here goes... SCHOOL'S OUT
Galen, ask susie to send a box of kleenex your way ( you will need them to wipe your tears) .
She did this to you! :D
Well sure, if you dont have a stack of stuff to sew.
Miss you Gman!
Hee heeeeeeee I did do this, didnt I?
Well, some of us have to work.
That's all there is to it. Besides, Gmans girl is all off and married and I am just starting the teen years.
Please save me...
Well I'm glad to see you're back and alive! When you didn't comment on my March 19th entry, I thought you'd gone on permanent vacation. :)
Have A Cool Saturday!
I am thrilled to see so many of your followers...
joy and creativity are abundant!
take good care.
LOL you certainly can make a 55 out of any subject G-man!
Thanks for your good wishes whilst I've been absent m'deario. xxxx
Come on, fess up, you're the phantom panty thief, aren't you? Fun post!
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