Friday Morning Staff Meeting:
Sales Mgr: "Today it's important......
Me: (Thinking...But looks interested.)
'No Donuts? Grrrrrrr'
'Tony has worn those same pants for a week'
'Shit!! My shirt has a grease spot!'
'She still has a nice butt for being 58'
'My balls itch'...
'I gotta fart'...
Sales Mgr: "Galen...? What do YOU think?
Hehehehe...Ever had one of those meetings?
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man.
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment...Then BOOK!
So from the most Vacationing Host from coast to coast.
Have a Kick Ass Week-End...!!!
Yes thats right folks, I'm 'Outta Town'!
So please help a Brotha out this week and visit as many 55 contributors as you can. I'll try to be around, but this week-ends weather forecast calls for Sunny and 72!!
After being cooped up in the Tundra all Winter, I'm ready to be outside in some fresh air!
Sorry for any inconvenience, and thank you for your cooperation...
Sounds like what REALLY goes on at these things.
Here's mine and in case she doesn't make it, here's Sandy's.
lol. yeah just about most of the meetings when i was in the corporate world...lol.
my 55 is up!
dang mojo got me...
nice 55...grrr....
Wow... really? lol
I have yet to do mine... still thinking...
YOU ROCK your 55!
I shall be back...
Start with the last one. It'll take the edge off for when you get to the first one. :P And yes, I've had A LOT of those meetings. Some of them unannounced and lasting three hours. I feel better about being a stay at home mom now. LOL ;-)
Mine will be up at midnight pacific time. :)
We've all been there...apart from the itchy balls. Mine's up.
Gah! I left a piece outta my links. Sorry bout that fellas.
Here's mine and in case she doesn't make it, here's Sandy's.
Good one. I wrote a 55 this week.
Mine is here.
Right when he says "So, Galen, what do YOU think..." That's when you should have farted.
Sure, you'd get fired, but it's worth it. :)
Thanks for another Friday 55. :)
My own is posted right here.
So those are the thoughts on the Boys' side of the table. Now we know, boss!
I am possibly here.
That should have been a TMI post.
it becomes free and relaxing or informative!
mine is up!
Happy Friday!
LOL! Yes, I have had one of those meetings.
Kick ass entry, G-man.
Mine is here.
love the meeting photo,
cool 55,
see you next time!
cheers, ;)
You sound like my husband - nice 55! Mine's up here
Sorry - link didn't work - hopefully it's up here
That sounds like every meeting I've ever been to. Well, except for the itching balls.
We're expecting 6 to 10 inches of snow on Saturday!
I'll post one in the morning!
I spent thirty years attending meetings just like this. I did not see you there? I probably wasn't paying attention eithe
Another 55: My Invisibility
Hey G-man, I'm trying to eat my lunch here, thanks for making me gag :( But seriously, f.u.n.n.y. - got to love those meetings, and the details you put in...
My 55 is Everything I Lack
Mine is here and I am not.
Well, I have never had my balls itch! LOL
I’m up right HERE
I am back.....
Keep the FUNNIES in your weekends!
Have had many meetings like that. My 55 is HERE.
Nah, I'm not buying it. I think they're all thinking about a nice peach tart with vanilla ice cream.;)
LOL! Haven't we all been there?! G, hope you enjoy every last bit of sunshine this weekend. No one deserves it more than you, I'm sure!
And, of course, my 55 is up. Visit whenever you've got a spare moment - any time!
Yeah, most of those meetings were dull and boring...good show g-man!
I'm here: http://onedaisychain.blogspot.com
Have a great trip!
Have a good trip!
My 55 is up here.
Mr G-Man, you remind me: relatives are leaving after a three-week visit! "Steve, don't you have something to say to our company?"
I have a "55", first one in months. http://steveroni.blogspot.com/
Meetings are a product of HELL! Run away, run away...
Mine will be up at 12:05am PDT. Not a minute before, not a minute later. You can suffer here
I have a meeting like this every Tuesday!
It's been an age since I joined in the 55 fun, so it's a pleasure to be back. :)
Hey! I trust this Fri finds u well. Here's my 55 post.
Just in case tht link to my 55 post didn't work here it is shortened. http://wp.me/pNHIz-3z
I hope this works!
I played hooky on Wednesday and went to Seattle for some fun in the sun (and rain). From the sound of your sales
s meeting, you deserve a break!
Quilly -- 55 Flash Fiction: Found Innocent
mine is up, though not so light.HERE
have fun in the sunlight, Galen-man
Fab Di
I can definitely remember meetings like that :-)
Nice one. You'll find mine here.
Funny! Yes, I have been to meetings like these. To come up with a clever answer when you are sitting there bored out of your mind, and with you thoughts flying off all over the place except where they ought to be flying... it's... well, it's difficult. :)
My 55 this week is called "Let's go" and is about love and the things you say and the things you really should be saying.
LOL...that's why I drive bus now. LOL Mine is up HERE. Have a great weekend :)
If your balls itch in a sales meeting how do you scratch them?
Hehehehe :D That sounds so 'Realistic'
By the way, My 55ve is up!
no wonder you got caught in the meeting. have a most excellent time.
Flash 55 - Help?
Looks like everyones sleeping at the meeting hahah. I'm posted for flash fiction 55 Just follow the link below.
Zephyr's Revenge Part 4
Thanks Larry
Don't know if I would have wanted to be in that meeting? Especially if gas was passed! LOL! Oh wait...I "pass gas everyday (I'm a respiratory therapist)!
Anyway, my 55 can be found at the following link:
It's so difficult to concentrate on the agenda in these wretched meetings! There's quite an art to looking involved while thinking about something completely random ;-)
Mine is here: http://jabblog-jabblog.blogspot.com/2010/03/friday-55-flash-fiction-intimacy.html
I can't do the clever flashy linky thing *sobs*
Yup, I know those! ;-) Great 55 as always. I´m up this week too. Have a great weekend! :-D
Hi, since i am fairly new to this blogging thing I thought it was a really nice idea to do a Friday Flash 55. I would love for you to check it out and let me know what you think...the url is
Definitely been in one of those before. Hope you have a great vacation Galen.
I'm up after a few weeks off:
Friday flash 55 ~ Pride
So....really, what DID you think? What a hoot! I loved this one so much.
Here's Mine!!
as always just below my Show n Tell.
Have a super weekend.
Gosh, It made me laugh!
Mine is now up!
Right on. I wish I could get fired! Have a great weekend. And,yes, this is the way I now start my fridays.
This is so funny. Office politics and office culture can be so weird. I wouldn't watch "The Office", till daughter got me hooked. Too outlandish and funny for words.
My 55 will be up later today.
lol, I just left one of those meetings. :D Great 55, Galen. I actually posted one this week as well...
Have a wonderful weekend in the spring weather, Galen. I'm just thrilled that thanks to Larry I can put a link to my 55
insert word Here
Okay, so I forgot to hide part of Larry's instructions to me, and I look like a goofball. He really did teach me better than that. I swear.
Wow...you're out in the fresh air and my 55 explains why I'm avoiding it. :)
Have a wonderful time playing outside. :)
Mine's up.
hahaha, i've been at a few like that, and others where i h ad to grit my teeth so nothing that would get me fired came flying out of my mouth.
cool meeting! ::lol:: I've been there once or twice!
check mine here <a href='http://fickleinpink.blogspot.com/2010/03/friday-55-little-jane.html">Little Jane</a>
Have a great week!
Double dipping here to let you know my 55 is up.
I've had more meetings like that..you struck a cord with that one!
I feel like this at ALL meetings lol...Being at work was the best place to read this :) I HATE meetings...I dont care how alert and awake I am...As soon as the meeting starts I am struggling to keep my eyes open...
I'm up and I don't miss any of "those" meetings.
I LOVE this exercise and so jealous you get to be in warmer weather. Too soon we will all be complaining about the summer heat, I'll take that bet.
i can SO see these thoughts being yours in a meeting!!! lol
i'm not sure i'll have anything up this week -- but i'll be reading about...
damn right i did. hasn't everyone? great story!
We had meeting like that. Ive noticed it...
My 55 is Here
You stayed awake during a meeting? LOL
You make me giggle. ;)
Mine's up too.
You are so funny!! However, I am at a conference in beautiful Shell Beach, CA right now where my mind is wandering and I've been thinking such thoughts for the past two days!!!
Mine is up:
Yikes! Glad we learn as adults not to say what we're really thinking. I'm out and about too, but I'll visit y'all soon!
Here's mine:
okay g-man, mine is up.
have a kickin' weekend!!
Why are these meetings the same ole Bla Bla Bla...I missed one meeting today ...I went to the park for some sanity! :)
Jessie...that's |KICK-ASS" weekend. C'mon Ms Prudence, get with the program--grin! (I would not write this if I did not know you, Jess!)
That's why i am glad i don't have a 'normal' job. No i never had meetings like that, or... is yours, here, like that? i am in.
I hope someone thinks I still have a nice butt when I'm 58!
Have a wonderful time outdoors this weekend Galen! Still cold enough here to curl up and play 55s all weekend (which is a good thing, when it takes that long to get through them all anymore LOL)
I'm late this week, but here's my 55.
Hi, Galen! Oh, the staff meeting stories I could tell you...
Busy last few days. But managed to get a 55 story posted! Later, D
My internet connection is JACKED UP!
Sorry if I can't comment on your 55.
Important to cover everything in the minutes... ANY OTHER BUSINESS?
the corporatisation of human culture continues apace. Here's mine committed to continue to focus
I am NONPLUSSED that you did not comment on my 55ve!!!!
Here's a blog that serves for your spiritual needs, and will surely be a blessing for you.
It has messages from the Holy Scriptures, taught by the Spirit of God.
These messages teach us how to have God in all the aspects of our lives and have God's rule over every matter :
Have a blessed reading and gladly write back if you need any prayer help.
God bless you and your family.
Oh, priceless! (Grin) Enjoy the weekend, have fun..
have a post,
someone else pays to help kids who are needy,
blog to support children,
hope that you take a look and think about pass it to your followers...
thank you!
I have yet to do mine... still thinking...
data entry india
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