The deputy returned with my license, registration, insurance...
AND a speeding ticket!
My first EVER!
He just wouldn't believe me...The car was haunted!
(Turns on the radio)
"Gonna write me up...125.
Post my picture..WANTED:Dead or Alive.
Take my license..All that jive.
I CAN'T DRIVE...55!"
(Japanese voice)
'So Sorry'
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55,
Please come tell The G-Man.
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment...Then BOOK!!!
So from the most gracious host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!
Vroom! I'll never forget my first ticket!
I’m up right HERE
Totally haunted, man. :)
I'm up, here.
I can't even seem to drive 80 lol!
I am up at
haha. got my first ticket on my 17th birthday...he even wished me a happy birthday...it seems to be the gift that keep on giving...
my 55 is up!
I love that you can't drive "55"! Mine's up here
Haunted is as haunted does. So find the haunter, Mr. Policeman!
Sure did enjoy that!
Maybe I'mhere.
What a great song LOL but I hope the 55 wasn't a true story for you!
You CAN'T drive 55 on the highways these days, you'll get killed for going too slow!
Happy Friday Galen -- Mine's up here.
Well, I see your 55 is up and I love it. The only speeding ticket I have ever gotten (to date - I speed a lot) was for doing maybe 35-40 in a 25 mph school zone....not even near 55.
Well, you showed me yours so now I'll show you mine. :) My 55 is going up now.
Lot's of haunted Japanese cars lately. On the money G-man!
The Buzzard's flyin: A familiar face
Hold your breath ... I'm EARLY!
Haunted bike complete with haunted radio. Loved the detail of the (Japanese voice). And that everything in the song rhymed with 55...
My 55 is School Lunch
I tried, this is my first time,
please let me know what you think!
Happy Friday!
Cool Blog!
LOL! You gotta love this 55 coming from a Chevy man.:)
Your first EVER?? Maaaaan... you're good!
I'm not especially briliant in this this week's entry. But as always, Sandy's Sandy's brilliant enough for two. She's the real deal.
hehehehehe...You So Smart!
You Got It!
VRooooooooooooooooooooooom!!! Sounds like my scooter at 95 mph...
Hopefully while you're in jail, someone can post your 55's they are SO good!
Like the song--my speakers must be not working--or maybe my listeners?
So I'll get to see Doctor PC, or doctor ENT. Maybe I'll just see BOTH!
Was that 55 words? I'll be dam--darned!
The car was haunted? Indeed.
I really like it!
Mine is up WHEN WILL IT END?
Happy 55!
You deserve a FANTABULOUS weekend!
Vroom vroom vroom. Loving it!
I have a completely different take on this week's 55! Feel free to come visit me here:
g-very funny and fast!! happy weekend!! My will be up as of 12:01 am!
Cop must not read Stephen King.
Mine is here.
so sorry
Aloha from Hawaii my Friend!
Comfort Spiral
I had a flashback to the movie "Christine". (japanese voice dubbed in) Too funny. I'm up.
55? So sorry, even the speed limit is at least 60. :P
Mine will go live at midnight Pacific time. :)
When I was younger I had a red car.
It IS totally true that cops target red cars.
When I had that car, I got so many tickets I almost lost my license.
When I got rid of the car and switched to a different color, the tickets mysteriously ceased.
Thanks for another Friday 55!
My own is posted right here.
I was a very young driver when I first was stopped but I cried and the officer didn't quite know what to do with me so he let me go! I couldn't get away with that now, though!) My first try with 55 - see me at: http://onedaisychain.blogspot.com
Classic. My 55 will be HERE after midnight Pacific time.
he,he,he we all go fast, i use cruise control baby!! and i have a good old dodge!!it works, by the way mine is up too
I'm a couple of years away from having a license and i just can't wait!!
Mine is up so come and check it out
Funny. :) You can't drive 55, you say? Ha! I never got a ticket. I am driving way too safe in my black Volvo for any traffic police officers taking any interest in me whatsoever... :) (I am such a boring person that way).
I posted a 55 too, a poem about feeling strong, or wanting to feel strong.
Peace and love/ Jo.
A concept I know all too well. I think I have bought a cop car or two...
Mines up.
I remember my first ticket but I don't remember ever slowing down I'm up now. Just follow the link provided below.
thanks Larry
Now that's the way to get away :-)
You'll find mine here.
This is great...what I can't understand is why all these car owners are NOT just turning off the ignitions to shut the boogers down!!
Here's Mine...Spring Break 2010
[scroll down below Show n Tell as always]
Have a great weekend.
I believe you G-man! LOL
Mine's up too.
LOL oh you speedy man you. LOL Mine is up HERE. I hope I don't get a ticket LOL
a streetcar named desire?
The new lawsuit topic - no I wasn't speeding or driving drunk or driving recklessly. I was driving a Toyota.
Flash 55 - Avian Love
Yes Yes Yes Yes!!!!!
You get it too!!!!!!!
One of the very few....Thanks!!
Oh gee, now I'm totally embarrassed *blush* that was my theme thursday not my 55 and i thought it was published but obviously something went wrong and i've just discovered that, so it is REALLY there now and i'd be real happy if you come and check ...again *another blush*
a haunted Toyota!!! loved it! lol
my first ticket was going down a back road trying to get my daughter to school on time -- as usual she was running late. i was SO *issed when the state trooper pulled up behind me with his lights.
oh...mine's up.
lol, did the canevers put yo uup to this?
mine is up.
I've had more than one ticket for speeding. :( But I can't remember my first one. That sounds like I've had hundreds lol, I haven't, really I haven't.
Have a wonderful weekend, G-Daddy. :))
I love driving fast. It's exhilirating and I've had plenty of tickets but never an accident so what does that tell you? Coppers need to concentrate on those who drive too slow in the fast lane!!!
Love the Toyota sign!
Mine is up where it usually is.
Ah, the need for speed. :)
I'm up. Have a fun weekend!
Tickets! UGH!! I am up with a rhymer! Enjoyed yours!!
Have a Wicked Good Weekend!
Ha! Vroom, indeed. I've been there...I too can't drive 55...
Oh, and if you've ever had siblings, you will probably relate to my 55 Here
I realized that in America they give tickets for silly reasons. All the time they keep apologizing for the 'catch 22' situation while they write a ticket. Then you can go contesting your case in the court, if you have the breath and the time :)
In India, no ticket. Take my driving licence & I have ten more in my kitty. ( not personally)
PS. Long live Chevrolet! ;)
Hey, G-Daddy....I can't drive 55 either...oh well. )(PS--I got my first [and only--knock wood] speeding ticket at about 43....)
I'm up...in time, on the money, and with bells on!
Come on by!!
That was a great one....did mine, finally.
It's at:
Oh! Now I get it! Took Nessa to point the way for me. "I'll never drive that car again."
Hey, I forgot to book! I am up!
I have yet to get a ticket I have had warnings though. You should of given the pouty lip G lol. Well my 55 is up and I am so sorry I took a few weeks off. Hugs to you and TGIF
I used to rack up speeding tickets.
I bet Toyota feels like they are haunted, haunted by shortcuts and bad decisions.
Love your 55.
Mine is up here.
First one ever? Come now! Have a great weekend!!
Good one, G-Man!
Is there a prize for Sherry "getting it" first? I got it too...eventually. :)
Here's mine.
I'm a little speedy today
so i just say
I'm in!
Too funny...vrooom indeed!
OK, I'll be up any minute now!!! :)
I had a Corvair that wouldn't steer at 55! Front end was so light, it would "plane"..
I have been stopped for speeding many times, but never cited. Parking tickets I get, though. sigh
I have another groaner for your Mr. G.! Flash Fiction Oatmeal
I love it...the car was haunted. I have a Toyota, maybe I can speed and blame it on the sticky pedal. :)
I wanted to try the 55 Friday poem "challenge". Check out my entry YESTERDAY MORNING. It's my first attempt...go easy on me. ha ha
PS....thanks for noticing I didn't do a flash fiction last week...I'm truly impressed how you keep track of us all! You rock!!
Had a huge week long paint project in the house. No time to even boot the computer.
Have a rip snortin' weekend Mr. G.
My dearest G,
I am humbly inviting you and your friends to join me in a new meme that I have just created called,
Your friendship and participation is highly appreciated.
I have only had one ticket in my whole life, and I didn't deserve the one I got!
My 55 is up! D
I wish I'd thought of that excuse. I recieved my first speeding ticket recently too :(
Mine's up!
My first time here - not sure if there's atheme to follow.
Hope this qualifies: THAT'S ENTERTAINMENT
and our mutual friend was saying the other day on facebook :
"Dan Balogh
hasn't yet experienced the sudden acceleration problem with his Toyota. But he swears the damned thing entered the house when he was showering, raided the freezer, and ate the last of his chocolate peanut butter ice cream! The nerve of that car"
Damn it! Missed the boat again!
These are all really excellent. I'll try harder next week to get my act together in time.
masterymistery at cosmic rapture
Great 55 G-man, as always! Hope you´ve had a great weekend.
Hey G-man,
I tried the 55 Friday for the 1st time last week. I mistakenly posted it on Jingle's site & Jingle thought I should add it here. I love a word challenge...hope u like it.
Yesterday Morning
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