This Thursday, a great friend and fantastic supporter of our Friday Flash 55, Doctor John, was laid to rest. For about a year, he and his 'Dragon' Fandango, were nearly ALWAYS the first ones to contribute on my Flash 55 post. They also visited nearly all of the other authors that day with wit, wisdom, and warmth.
And in the spirit of Doc's 55's.....This Groans For YOU!!!
They thought they were discreet.
But the paparazzi were on the prowl!
They had spies stationed EVERYWHERE...Even on the exotic island of Bali.!
The outside open-air shower felt MARVELOUS following their daily swims.
And upon returning home, The London Globe's Headline screamed....
"A Rolling Stone Lathers Kate Moss!!!"
R.I.P. Doc....
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55,
Please come tell The G-Man!
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment...Then BOOK!!
So from the most gracious host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End...!!!
A great guy and a great 55!
I'm up right HERE
Hey, I nailed you first...niiice!
A beautiful tribute to an amazing man. He will be missed.
Mine is up.
lol...big groan! wonderful tribute 55...DR. John will be missed.
have a great weekend g-man!
my 55 is up!
I did not know him, but he sounds like a wonderful man! Nice tribute.
I am up. I will visit people when I can. I may be late, but I will get there!
(I know, just copy and paste it! LOL)
A great groaning tribute to the master of groaners and a dedicated 55 visitor. He will be missed. My 55 will be HERE after Midnight Pacific Time. Come see what's up.
Great tribute, and, yep, what an groaner. And those blasted paparazzi...
My 55 is Meandering Streams
New 1st time player. I appreciate the opportunity.
You will find it here:
I'm laughing and crying at the same time.
Mine is here.
Damn... Dr. John? How'd that happen? Is it just me or does this seem sudden? :(
Here's this anyway...
OOOHHH that 55er! Another good one. So sorry to hear about "doc." Was he ill or was this sudden? Hope this finds you well. I am writing this from Arkansas! Still on the road to Oklahoma. Be home soon. d
I'm sorry to hear about your friend!
Mine is at:
total groan!!!
Sorry to hear about Doc John. I'm fairly new here so didn't get to know him that much but it sounds like he was a really special guy. Sarah
He will be missed. Nicely done G. Mine is up :)
A perfect groaner!
Nice tribute, G-Man.
Thanks for another round, G-man. I hope you have a super weekend. Mine is here.
A beautiful tribute.
Wow! It's sad to have him gone.
I liked the groaners he posted. :o
Thanks for doing the pun tribute. I imagine he'd have liked that. :)
And, as always, thanks for another Friday 55!
You can find mine posted right here.
So sorry about Dr. John's passing.
That *was* in the spirit of Dr. John! Great way to remember him, G. 55s won't be the same without him and his dragon.
I'm up a bit late...
Sorry to hear that...but great tribute.
My 55 is here
This is hysterical. Dr. John would love it. Mine will post tonight at midnight PST. I am dedicating my very first Flash 55 ever to Dr. John.
hey there that was a REAL groaner!! ha! The good doc is smiling at us all tonight from heaven, and at mine too!! i finally got one up!! a 55 that is!!!
Sadly, I came too late to know Dr John, but from all accounts, he was special. Nice tribute, and clever 55 (is the part where I should groan?)
My 55 is up here.
Awesome 55 thanks for sharing mate!
I wish I had a chance to get to know him--a wonderful post-- mine's up and in his honor I will do my best to read and comment on all the posts--c
I'm up at 1:00 a.m. Pacific time. Sure wish I could help you out by doing that linky thing. Sorry.
hahaha! Love it! ;-)
I'll miss Doc and the Dragon :(
I don't have a 55 for you this week.
Nice Tribute to Dr.John Gman I'll seriously miss him he visited me and I the same with him. My 55 will be up midnight sharp which makes it friday.
Romance In The Air
Thanks for the comments you all leave on "This Blog Of Mine" I appreciate the time and effort it takes to visit each blog and leave the comments, I have to express how much I appreciate them along with each and every one of you
Thank You Larry.
Ha! I've been too preoccupied lately to write any quality work, I see you have too! Just kidding, Galen, you are the BEST, and MY number 1 55!
Mine is up HERE I don't think anyone missed me!
Keep it up! and HAKAWE!
Fab Di
Hi G-Man! My 55 for this week is HERE
All good wishes.
Dr John would have loved that one. He'll be missed.
You'll find mine here.
Wonderful tribute. He certainly will be missed. Mine is HERE. Rest In Peace Dr. John
I guess 55 is addictive...I couldn't resisit yet another one...
Dearest G,
Nice tribute to Dr. John.
R.I.P Dr. John.
I should have gone to Bali, huh?
Nice post , now I got to google them.lol
Mine is up
( I really tried , 10 times, just too tired, html and I do not get along today, sorry, for the mess.)
loved your 55. but then again, i love anything 'rolling stones'...
so sad to hear about doctor john.
I am so sad to hear of Dr. John's passing. He will be greatly missed. Nice tribute to a talented and inspiring man.
I'm up:
Friday Flash 55 ~ Know
Yes...yes, it's a sad day in blogland!! He will be missed. I always enjoyed his wit and play on words.
You did a great job with your tribute Mr. G!!!!
YEs, Mine is also dedicated to my dear Dr John.
Thanks for this G. MAn.
And HAve a superb weekend!
and there it is...the first groaner of the day has escaped my lips.
Dr. John would love it. He's chuckling along with his dragons..
G-Man, you should get a job from the tabloids with THAT headline, a true groaner too!
I tried to do one too, in the spirit of Dr. John. I'm missing his posts already, and my thoughts and prayers are with his family.
Here's my groaner 55.
I'm sorry I never had the honor of meeting or getting to know Dr. John. From what I gather he was a very popular blogger with many friends who will miss him but remember him always. My sincerest sympathies go out to all who knew and loved him.
Here is my flash 55: http://5thsister.blogspot.com/2010/02/flash-friday-55-memories.html
This is a great tribute! Although I never crossed paths with him, I am sending prayers to his family and friends.
My 55 is up!
Dr.John would have been so proud of you with that one G-man!
Nice tribute to a man who will be greatly missed. x
Mine's up too.
Loved this G-Man. Had me laughing and smiling early in the morning. That is an accomplishment you can be proud of.
My 55 is up.
55 posted. :) Good stuff!
A very special 55 for a special man!
I'm up at http://rnsane.blogspot.com/2010/02/where-has-my-mother-gone-flash-55.html#links
I need to learn to do that great
"here" thing but haven't time to look back through comments that someone was kind enough to post.
i am so sorry to hear this news. you however, did him proud G-Man!!
warm smiles for a kicker weekend!
p.s. for those that don't know already, mine is up...
I think I just heard a giggle in heaven. :) Nice tribute.
Mine's up. Have a great weekend!
This is a shock and makes me sad, he will be missed. But I bet Dr. John's not sad aaaand I love your tribute. :))
Wonderful tribute G-man. He sure will be missed!
Boy, you people start early. I'm sorry to hear about your friend G-Man. I will try to visit as many F-55s as possible. Looking out at the sunny landscape this morning inspired a memory of a hot sultry day long past. Maybe I'm just tired of winter.
I have found that I can hardly keep up withthe blogs I already follow - too little time, too little time!
Whoops...put 12:01 PM instead of midnight on my post schedule. Bad Monkey. My 55 is now HERE . Come see what's up.
wow, i had no idea. may he rest in peace and may his family and friends find the comfort they need at this time.
Oh brother....puns....
Aw, nice tribute. He will surely be missed.
Great 55.
I am new to the 55 game, but appreciate everyone's kind tributes to a faithful contributor.
Here's mine,
That is so sad... may he Rest in Peace. There was no match for his wit...
My 55ve is up galen & co.
I love your rolling stone & kate moss 55ve, it made me laugh out loud!
did not mike jagger have a song to that simialr effect?
Hi Everybody, I have about 12 more to finish, I'll see you in the Morning. I'm Bushed!
Hey G-Daddy...make it 13. Mine's up.
G'bye Dr John. Fair sailing through the next set of waters...
Good 55...had me giggling.
G-Man, I in awe of you and the other 55 people. 65 posts! I visited most of them, I think, intending all the while to stop for the night, and read the rest tomorrow. But, darn, they're like peanuts... they're so good, you just can't stop till the bowl is empty!
Twisted ... but ha!
Late again!?!
Me has an award for you!
Be http://justmeshakirack.blogspot.com/2010/02/happiness-from-tina-and-ishabelle.html
p.s just copy and paste the award picture.
I used to WONDER about that too. lol
I mean... I thought I was going to get a
AWARD, you know! LOL
Aw man, I am so sorry to hear that. RIP Dr john.
Deere misster gee- man, one fryday my jannie gonna do up a 55 werd something or another for yoo, whoo my jannie meeted thru mamma zens.
I hops yoo is well.
blue bunny
(my jannie's bloging manigir.)
Your blog is great, I totally agree with the people in the media you are sick of, enough is enough they've already made millions, why do they have to keep talking about them.
振動按摩棒 ,按摩棒,
I'll miss Dr. John.
@ G-Man Groooan.
mine is up
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