Been driving for hours, you need a hunger tonic.
Burger King, Arby's...Oooooh, theres a Sonic!
McDonalds, Rally's, Chick Fil-A.
Is Wendy's awesome?? Fuckin-A!!!
Subway, Quizno's, Taco Bell...
Too many temptations, in Neon HELL!!!
But you're on a mission...Forget the gut bombs.
To the best joint on earth...Your dear ole Mom's!
Answer me this and tell the truth. If your Mom is still alive, or when she was, one of the very first things you did when visiting her was go to the fridge and see what left-overs or goodies were there? I did!! My kids STILL do before they even say Hi.
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55,
Please come tell The G-Man...
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment...Then BOOK!!!
So from the most gracious host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!
I love this 55 -- only it's making me sooooo hungry!!
And yes, Mom's is always best.
Mine's up right here!
Damn G-Man I'm trying to diet here! LOL
I’m up right HERE
mom's is the best...but i might pick up a strawberry lime-aid on the way at sonic! great 55! about to eat dinner so that helps. lol.
my 55 is up!
Never had a Sonics...hmmm. These 55 words sum it all up...Mom's is still the very best!
mine's up too...
Of course! Actually, she usually offers me home-cooked goodness long BEFORE I start prowling. She knows I'm clumsy.
Mine’s up!
Great one, g-man.
Wondered where it was going, but to Mum's cooking, right on.
Though for me, my parents have so many allergies that the food was plain as. However, my kids and me prefer my wife's cookin' over anything...
My 55 is here
You are making me hungry G. I have two 55's this week :)
Heck, it's only Thursday.
G-man: Always a treat here. Speaking of treats, I think I saw a Taco Bell tease.
Uh, yeah, one bean burrito with 6 packs of Fire Sauce, please.
This makes me hunger for my loving mother's wonderful cooking. She is gone now so I can only approximate.
I remember her fried chicken (not duplicated by anyone anywhere as of now),
German Christmas cookies, magic lemon pie, and many more.
Very memory inspiring 55.
Very good...but I like Popeye's spicy fried chicken - what about those SAINTS and that great Drew Brees!!
My 55 is up.
My mom got me started in all this nonsense of cooking :-) Of course I check the fridge...mostly as she walks behind me wanting to know what I'm cooking for dinner!
I'm up:
Friday Flash 55 ~ The Gift
My mom was kitchen challenged. She had me be the cook from 12 on up. But one year, before that, she started cooking pinto beans and baking homemade bread. Oh, my, gosh.
My 55 will be up at 1:00 a.m.
My mom actually hates cooking, so there usually aren't any leftovers in the fridge. At least it's really rare. And the kind of things she does cook usually aren't the kinds of things I crave. (The one exception is tuna casserole, and that's so good there usually AREN'T any leftovers. :)
Thanks for doing Friday 55 yet again!
Mine's posted right here.
I do not! I wait until there's something fresh. :)
Mine is here.
I like this one. Mom's cooking..!! The Best...!
Hey you forgot my favorite fast food place.. Boston Market..!!!!!!
Mine's up... http://ahenwithoutarooster.blogspot.com/2010/02/friday-flash-55-frankenstein.html
I could go for a Sonic burger and tots right now. Have a great weekend.
Dearest G-Man,
I would like to take up the challenge.
Please check mine out.
thank you so much.
Have you a nice Friday.
Love this 55, G-Man! But don't you know that this is every Mom's plan? We spoil you with home cooked favourites so you just can't stay away from us for too long!
My 55 is up too!
My mom is the worst cook in the world! we would only agree to eat her food if we were seriously thinking of dieting. It really helps us lose appetite, its so effective in that respect!
((HUGS)) Galen. I must try a 55ve today sometime...
Mom can fatten you up just as well,
With stuff that won't contain things you can't spell.
Oh wow! Is that Mona I see down there?? Excellent.
So once more I bring you the double-barrel of mine and
Sandy's offerings for the week.
I don't check Mom's fridge any more. But I sure can relate. My 55 is HERE.
Ok, I wrote a 103...its an attempt at translation rather...
mom's home cooking and fast food--I am going straight to the treadmill but before that I will take an extra helping of mac and cheese;-)
mine's up-c
Truthfully, mom's cooking has always been mediocre and she knows it. I learned all my epicurean culinary skills from my father and my mother's father's mother -- also a few good cookbooks. =)
*huggles the G-Daddy all up*
Yes, I've got one up this week.
Fridge? Fridge? What's a fridge? This is the UK,G- Man!
We're a 3rd world country! We don't have FRIDGES!
I've posted my 55 UNDER HERE
You've hit one of the great truths today :-)
You'll find mine here.
My offering has eventually appeared - I've had Slow Computer Syndrome this morning!Perhaps it was hungry...
Another Friday another flash 55 Loved your 55 Galen I still drive by moms and raid her fridge when I'm in town nothing like home cooking by ma
I'm up and posted it's now 12:00 midnight. Just follow the link below.
The Crash
Food porn! I love it!
Mine is up.
Mine is up at:
I wish I knew how to do that HERE
Here's mine. Good one ya did.
I wish I had MOM's to go to!!
My 55 "I Want No Flowers on My Grave".
[scroll below my show n tell as always]
Happy Valentine's Day Weekend!
If my mom could only cook!
I'm back for another attempt. You can find me here: http://5thsister.blogspot.com/2010/02/flash-friday-55-true-tale.html
I still get care packages of my mommy's food. That's the bestest in the world.
I had to do 2 this week:
Flash 55 - Priorities
Flash 55 - So Sorry
Well thanks so much for totally blowing my healthy eating habits this weekend. :-D
My 55 is up and I can't blame the Krispy Kreme donuts on you..you didn't even mention them.
Oh soooo true GMan...Good thing I ate breakfast before I read this one :) Sorry, I didnt do a 55 this week...Being stuck in mounds of snow didnt make for a good muse :)
Oh yea, Brian just pointed out that I mentioned that we had 55.9 inches of snow :) Thought about you...
Absolutely, G-Man!
Mine is up!
Hmm, how long should I wait to be the 55th comment? Mine is up HERE!
We're gonna watch Supersize Me this weekend....
Galen...when visiting my mother the absolute last place ANYONE ever went to was my mom's refrigerator. Trust me on this one, the dear woman could not cook a lick.
Eeeeeek all that fast food! But a very catchy 55! Mom's place is always better...providing she can cook. :))
I got a 55 for you this week. I'll be around on your Friday to visit 55's.
Have you got snow where you are? I think America has snow where it never had snow before. Have a great weekend Galen.
You can't beat Mom's cooking can you? Great 55 m'deario. :)
Mine's up.
awesome!! great tribute to your dear old mom!! mine is late but finally up!!
I can really see the hustle and bustle of the area of which you speak, the flashy lights persuading them, and the artificial flavors fooling the senses into thinking their getting something like mom's cooking. Not even close.:)
Mines up.
Ohhh Great !
I am sorry GMAN- mine has 59 or so...(Damn it) so won't be able to take part this week...
but I'll be around and remind everyone which special day it is today FFF!
Have a nice weekend dear!
well um er....mom isn't the best cook on the planet. but she can bake some yummy desserts and she knew where to get the most awesome rotisserie chicken and my hometown has the best pizza and hoagie shop on the planet.
Great, now we're ALL hungry. So, are you cooking? :)
I at least say "Hi" to Mom before heading for the kitchen. She raised me with manners. As you'll see as my 55 is up. ;)
Have a great weekend. The sunny south is expecting snow this afternoon!
My kids don't live here, but they know where the spare key is, and the fridge is open 24/7!
Hi G-Man -
My first "Friday Flash 55" is at http://blinded-by-love-for-j.blogspot.com.
I love your style!!
my mom, whom i adore!, is a lot like me -- not much into cooking. so i look for junk food / candy, if i'm hungry when i stop by.
i'm not up to par, so i don't have a 55 this week.
yours was a good one though!
have a great weekend, later dude :-)
Chick-fil-A all the way!
Okay, now that Susan at Stony River was kind enough to teach me how to hyperlink in comments, I'm going to give it a shot.
Here's mine>/a<
Hello G-Man,
I'm new to this but wanted to play.
(Here from C.M Jackson's)
My 55 is up, and damm if I didn't almost post the 55th comment.
Off to an early Happy Hour.
Oh man, it didn't work. Here's mine, not hyperlinked, but I'll try again.
This is the first times I've tried this. You all do such a great job at it that I'm inspired.
My first attempt is posted.
Oh, and by the way: YUM!
Yvonne, I guess I beat you to it, but I didn't even realize it.
Hey, G-Man!!!
Gawdalmighty. You don't really eat all that crap, do ya ? lol
I've been making about 8 dozen meatballs this afternoon and am baking french bread...almost forgot it was Friday!! Whew!
I'm up !!!!!! WooHoo!!
My mum never has leftovers! Except after a Sunday roast...
My 55 - an anti-Valentine's tale
Actually, I don't. Sometimes when I visit I'll get a beer if it's in the afternoon, but I rarely look for food when I walk in. My mom's a pretty good cook, if a wee bit heavy on buttery, creamy things. I couldn't eat like that for more than a weekend.
My mommy lives in Georgia! Nevertheless, when I went over to visit last September, she had a fridge and cabinets JUST FOR ME, stocked with all kinds of food I couldn't even finish... especially blueberries and blueberry juice and waffles, mmmmmmmmm.
Long time, no read! I've been away. I think I'll be coming back on the blog circuit more often now that we've gotten the last roommate out for being a stinky non-bill-paying slob!
` How many roommates have we gone through? Let's see, there's Director Nate, Crazy Hollywood Meth Couple, Piss-Bottle John, Insane Nat, Drunk-O Steve, Psycho Brad and Bitchy Char, and now Stink-O Johnny (after stiffing us $900!).
` We HAD two other roommates, but now it's just one, but he's definitely not a troublemaker in the slightest! The other one, I don't know, but he actually just LEFT without telling us!
` We can't pay the rent, but luckily I don't think we'll be kicked out any time soon! Phew!
I take it all is relatively well with you?
Cute poem. Here's one in similar vein:
She nurtures and nourishes, our mother
cooks up a storm like no other
her food isn't fast; but it is unsurpassed
as agreed by you and your brother.
Great crop of FF55's this week. I keep forgetting to get it together in time, but next week I'll definitely be participating.
masterymistery at cosmic rapture
We just got a Sonic, but people are saying it's nothing special. Me and Mom don't cook...LOL..but she does take me out to eat every day when I visit her.
You made me hungry for some delightful American grease.
Bwaaaaaaah! Love the 55. Hilarious.
OK, I'm sort of stuck at 57 this time. Can't change without losing rhythm.
Color me REBELLIOUS this time. ;-)
Thanks everybody for contributing this week....
Thanks for contributing, but it is not easy navigating to your entry's.
Please continue to play, but PLEASE make it easier for Low-Tech G-Man (and others) to find you..:-)
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