Hi Everybody....
No Food today!!And even though I don't give a Rat's Ass about Nascar and the Daytona 500, My little watering hole Down the Hatch, is having a Daytona 500 Party today with drink specials and a Pot Luck with grilled chicken. I think thats where I'm headed...
And speaking of giving a Rat's Ass....
Here's My Personal Pictorial of just a FEW of the many many things that I am sick of reading or hearing about in today's media. Let's hear some of yours.
Have a Kick Ass Week.
Very, very soon my answer will be: the Winter Olympics!
Wow, I don't know who half of those people are!
I don't recognise some of those people at all. Hope you enjoyed today. :)
How come my mother's not on that list?
There are quite a few of those that I can't even identify. I guess that's the benefit of keeping the TV tuned to the History channel. :P
First Happy Valentine's Day to you and your family. Big deal I say but I just gotta say it LOL. Umm why did I think you would like NASCAR. I'm glad it's back :)
Every single one of your picks is so RIGHT ON!! And the first one is the one I could just puke over. I can't stand that little bastard. Edwards should be ashamed of himself. Angelina and Brad...pffft...rich is as rich does. Adam Lambert...what an entertainer he is I think. But enough of him in the news. He's famous already. I could comment on everyone but I wont...Oh and the one you didn't mention: Every Politician in DC. BITE ME!! But then your post would have taken days to get through :)
Uhh...I know all of them! hahaha My brain has completely melted, hasn't it? I promise to only post once a day IF this coming storm lets me go back to work Tuesday. If not I'll just spam the web in retaliation, LOL. Thank you for not posting food. I'm dieting and exercising and I'm getting hungry. So hungry in fact that I might eat this page. *yum* G-Man, I'm kind of sad that I keep missing the chance to nail you first. I'll have to try harder (That's what she said...get it..rim shot please!) OK, I'm having way too much fun commenting. I'm going to go write a new blog post. Bwahahaha
Eff these celebs and celeb wannbees. We are so screwed up as a society that we devote publications and television shows to these idiots. Grrrr. You hit my button on this one Galen.
Oh, yeah.
And Toyota and Avatar and iPad and tweet-tweet and Octomom and Jacko and Barbie and...
I hear you.. Loud and Clear.. Enough of them.. lol.
I did talk about God today.. on the phone with a nice person.. it was refreshing (and not in a preachy way).. it is like the G*D word.. or HP one turns so many off..
My theory is that actors; sports players..musicians are here to SERVE us with their God Giving Talent and should be done with more humility and not given so much money and newsworthiness. They are not Idols.They are just with talent (and gosh so many don't even have real talent .. it is all just slimy stuff more and more on t.v..not worth watching)
Enjoy the FOOD.. :)
I give a rat's ass about NASCAR, I love it! But I am really sick of hearing about Danica Patrick. Enough already like you said. Got some good vittles goin' on here today. Prime rib, lobster, baked potatoe and sour cream, oh and salad of course. Served with your choice of Peligrino or Sparkling cider. Happy Valentines Day!
Ok If no food good is this gossip... too cold outside!
hope you have fun today no matter what you do! news...you mean someone actually watches it. smiles. no TV here so nothing to grow tired of...
I don't watch much T.V., but I know who most of those people are -but if you don't like em' - don't watch em'!
Valentine's ... bar chicken? Okey-dokey.:)
Not just Bar Chicken Red!!
It was charcoal grilled...And Delicious!!
And I didn't have to cook!!!
Happy Valentines Day G-Daddy!
I thought you liked to cook ♥
media? what's that. i don't do newspapers and veeery little tv... so nothing can really piss me off.
I second that! I hope you had a wonderful Valentines :)
The same old politics of politics has just about got me ready to kill my flat screen.
I don't know who any of those people are...
sadly I think I recognized all of those pictures!
Adam Lambert is in news? I am sick of simon too...
even though I haven't watched television for months...
i think you've hit my top ten list!
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