A Mr. Jay "Tonto" Silverheels from Key Mosabee Florida asks..
'Dear Mr. Knowitall, Did those crazy Dutch bastards really buy Manhattan Island for 24 Dollars worth of trinkets way back when"?
'Dear Tonto, if the truth be known, in 1626 Peter Minuit did give about 60 Guilders (roughly $24) worth of beads, knives, axes, and clothes, to Chief Seyseys of the Carnarsee Tribe..."To let them live amongst us", on Manhattan Island. But there was only one problem...
They Didn't Own The Island!!
They lived on the other side of the East River...In Brooklyn! They only visited the Southern tip of the island to hunt and fish. Such a Deal!
The Weckquaesgeeks Tribe which lived on the upper 3/4's of the island, had a much stronger claim to Manhattan, and they were very pissed off when they found out about getting cut out of the mix. They fought with with the Dutch for years over this until they were finally paid off as well.
I hope you found this little tid-bit interesting, Mr. Knowitall grows weary...
I could probably scrape up $24.00, but I'm scared of what it might buy me.:)
Sherry...You've spent 10 times that much for a pair of shoes!!
Yeah, and to think I could have all the boroughs if only I'd run into the right Carnarsee.;)
Crap 2 packs of smokes is almost that price now days. It's now wonder you grow tired. Knowing how to spell all those weird names...woah!!!!
LOL on what Thom said. If I wasn't so weary I'd come up with something funny too. :P
i bet that did not even make a dent in the taxi ride home...
Ok it was a good deal then but right about now there are portions I would be willing to pay them $24 to take back, starting with Madison Avenue and Wall Street.
$24??? that's a FORtune!!!!
very interesting info indeed. the Indians had a right to be pissed.
Everything you write is interesting Gman especially when food in involved! Have a great day!
Indian casinos soon will buy back Manhattan.. with my money!
strokes my chin and says, "veddy interestink, indeed."
The Indian casinos are taking over ...already the one in the Poconos has taken money from Atlantic City...so, who knows a casino in the Big Apple might not be far off! :D
That's karma.
They got paid? My people were removed!
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