Nothing special this week.
Just a plain office snapshot.
You may think that I forgot something.
A friendly reminder of a certain upcoming event maybe?
C'Mon people, PERIODICALLY I love to leave a little mystery!!
I'm ready for tomorrow, hows about YOU?
Now that was creative and reminds me of highschool and good old Mr. McCready. Periodic element #55 perhaps? Hmmmmm....See you friday with a case of the serial cereal robber!
Dangit, I was first and I wrote high school like it was a compound word. LOL
I'm confused. Thursday Portrait, but it's only Wednesday. Then we have Friday Fiction 55's posting on Thursday. Has everyone forgotten how to read a calendar or am I going crazy? OK...don't answer that last question.
I always forget about doing a 55. It is supposed to rain tomorrow, maybe I can put one together!
Well, don't you look pensive. I know there's symbolism hidden on them there walls, but it's beyond me.:)
I'm ready!!!!!!!!!
i'm such a nerd i didn't even need the hint. cesium fifty-fivium!
Nice coiffure, Gman!
Just stopped by to say hi and catch up. I thought it was a picture of your brother! Damn man...you clean up nice!
Hope life is treating you well.
ack. i thought i put chemistry behind me...see you tomorrow.
you are always mixing it up -- i would suggest staying away from the chemicals though...
You energized my Ion propulsion engine and reset my Atomic clock with your nicely quaffed near profile.
...I prefer quaffing!
Hmmm....what could you be thinking about?
Hi Galen! May not make it in to use the computer tomorrow. So my 55 is up early. Hope you like it. See you later! D
Well, aren't we lookin all teacher like! OK...Mr. Smarty pants
I'm puttin on my thinkin cap right now!! :P
Nice look Galen!
I didn't do so hot in Chemistry...but I'm back in the 55 game ~ where I belong :-) I'm not only ready...I'm up!
Chef Kar
Friday Flash 55 ~ Fortress
Atomic Number 55 -- hey that's a good name for a band Mr. G!!
I'm up already, just hanging out 'til you post yours LOL ...
Oh no ... now it's in my head to the tune of Love Potion Number 9.
Ah crap.
YES i'm ready Galen I'm always ready for Flash 55 friday. Hey I ran by this websight this morning it's away you and I and everybody else the plays the flash 55 game can support the Haitian people without costing us one red cent Linda the person who owns this blog Leftbrain is sending a buck to the Doctors Without Borders for every person who leaves a comment on her blog from now until midnight friday. If you link to her website she will donate two dollars yep she doubles the donation if we link to her website. I think this is a great Idea why don't we all get together and support her on this I know I am.
Support The Haitian people come on folks lets all do this...
Kinda like looking for the Playboy bunny on the cover...
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