Hi everybody....
It's a damp, dreary, rainy, cool Sunday in Mid-Michigan.
Not wanting to be cooking all day because of back to back football games, I thought of something easy and Yummy...Chicken Chile Verde!
First of all, let me relate my thoughts on something....Cooking!
Coming from a 'Blue Collar' background, my Grandmother was a fantastic cook, but it was nothing fancy and very basic. As one gets older you get exposed to ethnic, gourmet, and all types of cuisine, and you sort of settle in on a combination of all things tasty. As an avid reader of cook books and cooking blogs, I sometimes feel that I'm commiting a Mortal Sin by loving Velveeta, Miracle Whip, or Sloppy Joes made with Manwich. Don't get me wrong now, I can make Tamales from scratch, perfect Home made Pirogi's, and Tandori Chicken. But I also enjoy fried Bologna sandwiches, and Chef Boyardee Ravioli out of the can! You like what you like...It's just that simple! You are not a bad person if you prefer Hershey's chocolate to Godiva Chocolate. Or if you prefer Preggo Spaghetti sauce to your old Aunt Sophia's!
Get over this trendy Food Elitism people, and get back to grilled cheese and salmon patties!! Thats why I like that Sandra Lee chick from The Food Channel. She cooks like I do, she takes as many short-cuts as you possibly can and still keeps it delicious and cheap.
Getting back to the Chicken Chile Verde...
I de-boned a whole baked chicken.
In a pot, saute' a whole onion, a green bell pepper, and 3 cleaned Jalapena's. When onions are transluscent, add a quart of water and bring to boil. Turn down the heat, add two cans of navy beans, two jars of salsa verde', a bunch of fresh Cilantro, cumin and LOTS of garlic.! Simmer for a bit, then add your cooked de-boned chicken.
This is a version that I just came up with out of my head. I have made it with pork. I've made it with turkey. I've used fresh green tomatoes out of the garden. I've used canned tomatillo's from specialty stores. This is just how I'm making it TODAY!
Don't ask me for the recipe', I never make Chile OR Meatloaf the same way twice!
There is no right or wrong way, it's NOT Rocket Surgery, It's COOKING!!!
Just like that bald guy from The Travel Channel, Andrew Zimmern says...
If it LOOKS good...Eat It!!!
Have a Kick Ass Week....Peace!!!
I play around with chili a little myself....
Sorry, being a Midwest Catholic boy having trudged through too many to count Lents and Lenten laws about "no meat" I've eaten enough salmon patties to last a life time.
Also now that I'm down here in the south it's great to hear the mention of "navy beans" as down here they are referred to as "white beans".
Cook on!
Yummy. chili is the best.
You know, I'm really starting to hate your Sunday posts, LOL. Sounds great. Thanks for teasing, I mean sharing :P
It you send me chili I'll send you my buttermilk pancakes and eggs on the side..
Thanks for visiting my blog..
Now I did a theme -thursday .. a g man 55 and a 160..
What is next in Blogland..??
I had fun.. the simple things in life seem the most special lately..
For me, it's more like hmmmmm.
Although I do like a good vegetarian chili.
Yea yea...Galen, you make it sound so easy... ;)
Sounds great to me...and if this is the second comment ooops!!!
At least you have life's priorities correct. Give me good food and I'm happy! Ha!
Haiku Di
Yep as many short cuts as possible. I have like a 1000 or more cook books and Mr Gab gets upset when I buy another one. So imangine my surprise when one day he came home with one! I dont like to cook per se but I do like looking at different recipes and once in awhile trying new ones out. I love grilled cheese. But I also like spam. Grandkids are like isnt spam what you get in your email? LOL
food and football...would love some chili! hope you had a great weekend gman!
I bet that you are a fabulous cook. Seriously, I can feel it!
I love grilled cheeses made with Velveeta, Prego spaghetti sauce, Cheese Doodles, instant mashed potatoes, and Grands frozen biscuits. Comfort food!:)
How about Micro-Wave Pancakes, and Brown and Serve sausage links?
I Love those too Sherry!!
You bet, Galen. I adore those little microwave pancakes. And let us not forget ... instant Cream of Wheat!;)
I couldn't eat that at the mo...it's boiling here. Jealous?
g-daddy, you gotta watch out for the sodium intake!! those danged canned goods are so loaded with them.
Mr G-man! I haven't heard from you in a long time. It's nice to be back and see some familar faces.
- Mike from the old Mike's Homefront blog
amen to that! recipes are for inspiration only, not for following them strigently. i cook like you and i've had no complaints either....
i could cook if i wanted to ... but i don't...
Yum food!
i like fluffer nutter sammiches. actually as much as i love bread i'll actually skip the bread and just mix the peanut butter and marshmallow fluff in a bowl and be very happy to eat it off a spoon.
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