The small-time hood eyed his next mark.
She was Blonde. She was Leggy. She was Alone!
The rhythmic staccato of the short menacing steps that women in high heels make, now sounded hurried.
He prepared the attack...
Clutching the pistol in her pocket, she thought...
"Keep coming Mother-Fucker, I got something for you"!!!
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55.
Please come tell The G-Man!
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment...Then BOOK!!!
So from the most gracious host from coast to coast,
Have A Kick Ass Week-End!!!
And I have something for you right I'm up right HERE
Olive oil G-Man? Interesting ;)
He is about to learn a lesson a bit too late.
I have finished my 55.
You’ll find it
But it’s a groaner.
Woohoo! Give him what he deserves lady.
Mine's up. Happy weekend G!
You humans always killing each other.HERE.
snap! that was a wicked 55 gman! guess he got what was coming to him.
mine is up!
Woops we meant to say
Our is up
Not the killing is here.
Mine's up. Have a happy weekend there.
Surprises come in many ways...
omigosh.. I love this one.
You said so much.. in only 55 Words..
Hats off to you.. :)
Oh Master of the 55.
Betty Ann ..
Enjoy your weekend..
I'm going to write mine now..
Heh. Reminds me of a Wordsmith's Challenge I wrote 'bout a year or so ago. There's something about that sound heels make on pavement isn't there?
I'm up!
And because I just do this kind of thing, you can find Sandy's 55 Here.
And it's a good one too. (Like that would surprise anybody?)
Get 'im, girl!
Nicely done, those staccato heels foreshadowing the sound that's coming next -- ooooo, yes!
Mine's up right here, and I'll be back in a few hours when Thom's story comes up, 'cause he's playing too.
Good Lord. How about something a little less lethal, like pepper spray?
Holy Moly ~ gotta love a girl packing heat :-) [You said the "MF" word - nice going GMan].
You'll find mine here...with an added request to pray for my son and anyone you know in need:
Friday Flash 55 ~ Wounded Bird
Set me up nicely, g-man, with that ending. Though I've got to go with the 'pepper spray' comment, after all, only a 'small time hood.'
My 55 is HERE
Take that, punk!
I'll get mine up in the morning (if we still have power)!
This Friday Flash thingy you have is a great weekend kick-off.
I cheated. I took an excerpt of a longer poem I wrote in 2003.
I had a busy day.. but this was fun.. taking a small portion from something long.
Thanks for the 55.. in recovery I'm learning i don't have to be so serious..and can do things just for fun.
Betty Ann (hugs)
that is awesome!! mine is up too!!
well i tried but i can't link up!! just for fun;
Dark and menacing with a hint of impending justice!
I like it!
My own Friday 55 is posted right HERE.
I've got a whole series of science fiction stories that run along those lines.
Mine is here.
A woman in control. Yes!!
P.S. -- Is it Friday already? Dang!
That's right... watch out for those leggy blondes!
My 55 is up, too.
g--here's looking at you albeit through a blankin snowstorm! c
Guns make me nervous, but I do admire a woman who can take care of herself. Go, Blondy!
I'm up, finally!
hhmmmmmm glad I'm not him and I would never do anything like that anyway I hope she blows his jewels off. I'm up and posted just follow the link provided below.
Sweetest Of Sorrows
hope you all enjoy this one I've been thinking about this one all week.
A great edgy tale, that. Just as I like them.
You'll find mine here.
Okay, Thom's is up and it's right here.
(I can't believe I woke up at 8am to do this. I'm going back to bed now... will visit everybody in a few hours and after coffee, can't wait!!)
Yea baby, bring it on... I like this Mr G :)
Mine is up sweetie! But I don't yet know how to post the link to it here... so just come see me, ok?
I'm with Ms Hen. It isn't cheating to take an earlier work and shorten it.
mine is up. HERE
Fab Di
Her back story would likely show she is Clint Eastwood's other personality.
I liked this a lot. I could hear those menacing footsteps.
Hi Galen, She's a tough cookie, I don't think he's ready for her...smirk
It's good to be back, my girls go back to school Monday, and I think that must be inspirational! :))
Right on babe!
I'm new to this - came via Stony River. Here's my offering
good for her! nicely done as always g-man!
i played this week.
very well done :-)
mine is up!
True power!!!! A woman ready to strike...
It's off to work for The G-Man folks, carry on with the stories, and I'll be back later on tonight.
Thanks For Playing...
My 55 is posted.
HERE Below my Show n Tell as always ---not really much 'fiction' to it this week...kinda lame. :o)
Just because you have long legs, doesn't mean you don't have brains...or weaponry. :) Nice one!
Mine's up. Check the rest of you later.
I loved the "rhythmic staccato of the short menacing steps" - loved that turn of phrase.
Very compact 55 delivering a swift punchline just like that little compact pistol hiding in her pocket that will also deliver. :)
Loved this g-man.
Mine is up.
Oh, I like it. Very edgy. Will she blow his brains out or will they have a passionate affair?
Getting Reacquainted in 55
Hey there G that was great atleast she was aware and one step ahead of him lol. Have a great weekend and mine is up.
Adding a few words to your 55--
"Do you feel lucky, punk?"
I WROTE MY FIRST 55! Check me out...
I LOVE this one man...My 55 sounds like garbage compared to your :) I feel her tho...
WOW! Some number of entries!
Mine is HERE
Ah, a girl after my own heart.
Mine's up.
This is so good!!!! Powerful. You are brilliant!
Mines up.
Yea, baby...that's what I'm talking about..a woman about to turn the tables...
Mine's UP!!!
Zee linky-loo...over at Element22.
Awesome 55 G-Man. I'm back in the game. I was the old Mike's Homefront. Now I'm www.realiveman.com.
I'm going to start 55ing again. I look forward to your great ones.
Great Turn-Out this week everybody. Thank You one and all!
And I'm whoring myself out to be the 55th Comment!!
Yay Me!!!!
Just came by to say hi and thank you for doing the same. Things should settle down again for me after next week. I sure miss flashing with you guys. This is one of your best 55's if I may say so myself. Have a lovely weekend Mr. G.
awesome !!!! liked it :)
mine is here : http://talentishere.blogspot.com/2010/01/scary-feelings.html
Jeepers! Creepers!
Well done, G-Man!
Here's mine; better late than never:
Good one.
Very cool Mr G! I wrote one and posted it but did not allow comments! Next week!
I thought this was a gret 55 galen I came back to read it again .. loved it .. here is a wordzzle Challenge I did last night I think you'd like it this is why I'm posting it so you can decide if you want to read or not. Thanks for being such a great host...
Thanks for your comments also Galen I appreciate them and look forward to themas always .
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