A Miss Goldie Hawn from Golden Colorado asks...
"Dear Mr. Knowitall...What weighs more?
A pound of Feathers, or a pound of Gold"?
'Dear Goldie...Is this a trick question? Because if it is, you might be surprised!
A pound of feathers weighs more!
Feathers are weighed according to the avoir-dupois system, which measures 16 ounces to the pound. Gold is weighed according to the Troy system which measures 12 ounces to the pound'!
hehehehehe....Good Question, Thanks.
A Mr. Whitey Milquetoast from Grafton Vermont asks....
"Dear Mr. Knowitall...Which is heavier, light cream or heavy cream:"?
'Dear Whitey...Are you serious?
Light Cream is heavier!
Heavy and Light refers to the fat content, NOT the weight!
Heavy Cream contains a higher percentage of milk fat (36%) than Light Cream (15-18%)
But since fat is lighter than water, the other major component of Cream, increasing the percentage of fat reduces the percentage of water, therefore lowering the overall weight'!
Good Question....Thanks.
Only FOUR more shopping days till Christmas...Fa la la la la!!!
If a tree falls in the forest and noone is there to hear it, will it still make a sound?
Don't mess with me Bangalore-Bound Susie!!!
you know...it never ceases to amaze me...
Such interesting trivia. Bet you've won a drink or two over this info.
Feathers. Cream. Gold. I think there's a theme going on here, but I'll be darned if I know what it is.:)
This just doesn't measure up! Something a boil in that head of yours?
Now pull a rabbit from your hat!
Aloha, Friend
Comfort Spiral
I think if you ask a question about weight, you are assuming the same scale. Otherwise it's like asking which is warmer, 54 degrees or 100 degrees and not specifying that one is celcius and one fahrenheit.
You're so smart G!
But, I'm pretty...
Ha, ha. Now I have no excuse. The other day at the grocery store, a man asked me what the difference was between heavy cream and light cream and I told him nothing but the price as far as I was concerned, buy the less expensive one!
Thank You Mr. Know it all!
You could have knocked me over with a feather when I read this golden post! You're the cream of the crop, you know that? jeNN
I learn something new everytime I come here..huggs Cazzie:)
i did not know that. hey mister know it all my daughter took a science class and there was something discussed about the origins of peanut butter and now she won't eat peanut butter. can you tell me what is so gross about the origins of how peanut butter is made and why it would stop a teenager from eating it today?
merry christmas!!
Veeerrry Interesting Dr. G (He's not a real doctor, he has a degree!)
Happy Solstice, What are you doing on the longest night of the year?
What expression does a senator make when speechifying and he actually breaks wind, passes gas in the middle of a sentence?
well aren't you a smart one today, i would have gotten both wrong...
ok, i learned something today. i did not know about the avoirdupois vs. troy systems. the cream bit i knew though.
Good bar bet material- just be sure they aren't loaded, or they'd never believe you!
You're so clever G-man - do you read a lot? LOL
if the first tree falls in the forest, what does it smash, the chicken or the egg? don't you even think about saying, the ground! lol
i'm heading out starting tomorrow morning. i've already posted my 55; however, you're going to have to read or scroll through some other stuff first.
Peace, love, hope, and oh yea,
warm smiles to all!
be safe :-)
Are you making this up?
G--do bears shit in the woods? What if a tree falls on them? What is someone hears a tree fall on them? Do they keep on shitting or do they go after that person?
I can't wait until some smart a$$ asks me about feathers and gold. All I'll have to do is dazzle them with your info. LOL on JeNN's comment!
Oh You Guys...hehehehehe
Stopping in to say Hello!
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