OK, Mr. Haynes, hop up on the table and show me your butt.
And I promise NOT to say.... Oh My!
(Squeezes... Probes... Picks)
Does this hurt?
How bout this?
Well...Since you're feeling better.
And the antibiotics seem to be working...
Lets schedule the surgery for about 3-4 weeks from now...
Happy Birthday!!
Are you kidding me? This was THE best present that I ever received!
Yes, the meds are working wonders. And I will indeed have to go to the hospital in a few weeks and have things surgically repaired. But I'll be better prepared for it than I was today, thats for sure!
I have to say that because of everyone's prayers and well wishes, this milestone (60) birthday was was of my best ever! Thank you all from the bottom of my heart..
I haven't been able to sit in front of a computer for very long lately, so I have been MIA this week. But I can absolutely assure you that all of your 55's will be answered, and all of you that left well wishes and birthday greetings will be visited by me and thanked personally
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55...
Please come tell The G-Man.
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment....Then BOOK!
So from the oldest host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!!!!!!
Here in time to say " Happy Birthday"
Glad to hear your doing better . I know how miserable sick can be.
I have finished my 55.
You’ll find it
But it’s a groaner.
Glad for the good report!
You'd better sit down for this one . . . if you can.
I'm a day early.
Happy Friday 55 . . and Happy Birthday!
happy birthday g-man. glad to hear the meds are doing good. thoughts and prayers...and actually i hope you dont have a kick ass weekend...that might hurt, so i will settle for a good one. all too real 55! smiles.
mine is up!
We put up a birthday banner for you and prayed a little prayer.
Glad your feeling better.
Our 55 is up
Leave a comment on ours and we will leave one on yours. Dragon
That's GREAT!!! Something to look forward to!!! ♥
My 55 is up!!!!
Kick ass weekend! Ouch! LOL!
I am up at http://www.otinsopinions.blogspot.com/
Wonderful news, and may the meds keep working: I'd be in heaven after an escape like that LOL
Happy Birthday, and I hope good luck like that holds out all year!
My 55 is up and it's already Friday here.
Have a good weekend and take good care of yourself---
Hope you are doing better. Happy birthday.
happy birthday!! got mine posted specially for you tonight!!
For sure,whether We are having a kickass weekend or not, You really are ( literally)
I hope you feel better soon!
My 55ve is up!
That is a great birthday present. Good luck in a few weeks.
so glad to hear you sounding good and upbeat. Praying you stay that way. Mine's up too. Sarah
Happy Birthday Darling! You have been in my prayers today. What a great present! I have something for you today too.
Love you MAN!
I'm glad you're feeling well in spite of it all.
My 55 is here.
I have been remiss in reading all the blogs I like to read this week so I just found out about your situation. I will pray now for a continuing speedy recovery and successful surgery in the coming weeks.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I see why the postponing of the surgery was a great birthday present.
I'll be posting my 55 around 10 p.m.
Happy to hear that you are feeling better Galen. Hope you get a chance to enjoy all of your Birthday cheer.
I'm up ~ enjoy :-)
Happy Birthday Galen
Since nobody told me today was your birthday until it was too late to get Tonka to bake a cake, I compensated with not one, but
two 55's this week. One in honor of this milestone of yours.
Next year -- cake. I sweartagad. Maybe a few honeys too. I'm pretty sure I can get MZ over here for this. Probably Susie ji too. And Lime. Wouldn't be a party without Lime, yeah?
Get better there pard, and take your time gettin' around. You're at the age now where people have to make allowances. (There's gotta be a few perks to this aging process, right?)
Happy happy birthday, Galen! I just hope you're feeling better so that you can enjoy it at least a little. Hope your family spoils you!
I'm not likely to produce a 55 this week 'cause I'm out of town, but I promise to make up for it next Friday. Your's is hilarious, as always!
Happy birthday, I'll let you know if I 55!
Happy Birthday, Galen! May your day bring you some of the joy you bring to all of us. Let me wish YOU a Kick-Ass Weekend (sorry about the "ass" thing, I know its a sore subject....)
I'm up! (My 55, I mean....)
Wishing you health and tranquility... My thoughts are with you.
Thanks for still doing Friday 55, even under such dire circumstances! :)
Mine's ready too... right here.
this one is just for you galen.
Happy Birthday Galen
Okay, I couldn't help myself... especially given the occasion. Check out my 55; I think you'll like it.
P.S. As I'll be oot and aboot this weekend, and having far too much fun in NYC, I apologize in advance for be late to visiting & commenting on everyone's posts.
Ouch, G-man! I hope you feel better very soon. *shudder* And happy birthday. I'm sorry I didn't know about it sooner. (Your birthday, I mean... I could've done without the TMI.)
My 55 is finally up!
I am glad you are feeling better and got a temporary pardon from the governor, I mean doctor. Now you will get a little while to prepare. That was a wonderful birthday present for sure. Best wishes with you surgery.
I'll be glad NOT to hear about your butt anymore Birthday boy. My 55 is up. Have a kick in the head weekend! jeNN
Hi Galen, and get well!
Hope you have enough energy left to have a gander at my first 55 fer ya, though I cheated a bit and recycled something old of mine to resemble a 55.
Would you take a used poem from this man?
Happy Birtday anyway. And don't forget to cough.
Oboy. Aren't things a pain in the butt sometimes.
Says Aristotle, "A cock to Hephaestes , the god of healing"...Egad, do I want to go there?
Thanks for keeping us posted, Ha!
mine is up! 55
Happy Birthday G-man and so glad to hear you are feeling better! Mine will be up shortly.
Happy Birthday Galen. My 55 is Lost. Wait. HERE it is.
Happy Birthday to the one and only, the G-Man!!!
My 55 is up, just for you! Have a kick ass weekend :)
Happy Birthday, G-Man...
Sorry 'bout the pain in the arse!
This one's for you:
HB again... he heee realy good 55.. I am happy to hear you are feeling better.
Hau`oli La Hanau G-Man. I have two. My 55 is HERE and another birthday wish for you HERE. Glad you are doing better buddy. It seems this is one of the first times everyone gave a rat's ass!!! LOL
Happy Birthday and good luck with the treatment. Hope it all goes well.
You'll find mine here.
Does this mean I have to take my 55 down? Naaaahhhh it wasn't about your butt.
I am kinda jealous though...I wasn't able to escape my surgery..."No Mr. Durfee, we have to cut you to stop you from being an asshole."
Another botched surgery as we all well know.
That picture was priceless. I am glad that is a sight you *didn't* have to see on your birthday. Hope it was great.
You finally caught up with me...in age that is!! Happy Belated Birthday...I had read about your 'special day' @ Thom's Place yesterday. Boy howdy...what a day, huh? Good luck with the upcoming surgery tho.
My 55 is all the "F WORDS" this week. Here it is...don't be alarmed tho...trust me
Get REST G-man!!
I am so glad you are feeling better.
Flash Dancing
Mine is up!
Since you haven't been able to be on the computer, I wanted to be sure that you knew that Clean and Crazy arranged a little cyber birthday party for you yesterday!
Glad you got good news. Feel better G-Man!
I'm back with a 55 that was conceived and written as I listened to BT's Mercury and Solace over and over. I call it
Mercury and Solace! LOL See you on my blog :)
Some people do creative blogs. Some people do mommy blogs. Some people do humor blogs. But G-man, you do the one and only ongoing boils-on-my-butt blog! LOL!
Sorry, but the misfortunes of others are always hilarious. My own are, of course, tragic and filled with pathos.
I hope that your birthday was wonderful, and am glad to hear you are on the mend.
Happy Birthday. Glad you are feeling a little better. Get well soon.
You dodged a bullet, G -- or a scalpel. See, the birthday fairies were looking out for you.:)
i am so happy for your good news! no one should have to has surgery on his birthday.
i have to say though, i am not sure which is more terrifying in that picture, the knife or the andy rooney eyebrows.
i played this week.
Great news! That's the power of prayer, that is!
so glad to hear you're feeling better! take care of yourself and enjoy your weekend!
oh yea, my 55 is up...
WTF? i step out of the room
for like, 2 minutes,
and all this shit's goin' down!
How's your tuchus??
i happen to LOVE your tushy!
and i shall send
special tushy healing vibes
as a present to you
on your very special
super deluxe 60th BIRTHDAY!!!
oy vay!!
i hope you at least
get some good drugs...
in the meantime,
keep standing up...
Mazel Tov on your 60th!
Lana loves you like crazy!!
I hope that you enjoyed your day!
Ironic, Galen, that after all your kick-ass comments to bloggers everywhere, you got a kick-ass message on your B-Day!
So glad you're feeling better and I've been there...
My 55 is up, but the last necessary line took it 4 words over. I could claim it as a 59 or maybe a 60 in honor of your milestone birthday. Come see me anyway. It'll make you drool.
I have the definitive 55 this week in honor of your birthday...
I should have let you know last night--I'm IN, man! Before you had 2,000 comments to answer. Just skip mine, you sick, sick, man --grin! (Now, I KNOW you won't!!!)
I'm sill praying that you will heal, and not even need the surgery...EVAH!
Even though it sounds weird, antibiotics can be a good gift. :)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!! And many more!
Mine's up. Take your time.
You gotta have a rubber donut somewhere in your collection of stuff.... :)
Ah, wonders never cease..even in Michigan. I'm so happy you didn't have to endure the knife on your 60th! Love ya and enjoy the day with a Birthday cake and an Ass Donut!
p.s. I'm workin on my 55 will have up later in day.
So good to hear you're feeling better G-man! Haven't you got a rubber ring somewhere in the depths of your basement with all your other junk sorry treasures?
I'm still sending Reiki. xxxx
Hi sweetie. I'm over from Lime's lovely house. What a wonderful turn of luck you experienced on your 60th--happy birthday!
And I send my best wishes for your future surgery. May the meds and the scalpel do their magic efficiently!
Oh, G-man my heart goes out to you! A friend at work had a bout with boils this week also. My dad always used to refer to me affectionately(?) as a boil on his ass.
Wow, I never knew we had so much in common!
Thanks for sharing your delicate conditio0n with us, I hope you are feeling your old self soon!
Oh, Yeah, Happy Birthday!!!!!
Galen: Happy Birthday and GET WELL!! You have been so good to send me well wishes when I am sick--now it's MY turn. Everyone wants you-well, back on your feet! 60 is young. Take care.
(My 55 is up.) D
I'm new here. :)
Nice 55...and good luck with your surgery. And...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
I heard it was your birthday,
all the best !
Hey there handsome,
Happy Birthday to you may all your wishes come true. Also I hope that you are on the road to recovery real soon and feeling better. My 55 is up have a great weekend.
Have a great Birthday Gman. Prayers and wishes.
Read my 55 here
No birthday spankings or surgery! And ya got to moon a doctor!!! Glad you're feeling better G-Daddy! You need a wireless keyboard or a laptop so you can lay on your stomach or side and do yer postin'!
Have a great weekend and speedy recovery!
Happy belated! Really glad to hear you got a reprieve and were able to enjoy the day.
Cool idea! I did one! Four actually. Five if you include comments. Phew. Bit late, I know.
Good news. Your doctor didn't really say "butt," did he?
Happy Belated Birthday, Galen.
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