And speaking of bodily functions...(Nice segue' eh).
*The average municipal water treatment plant processes enough human waste every day to fill 72 Olympic-sized swimming pools!
*Almost all of the dust in your house is made up of dead human skin cells. Every day millions of them float off of your body and settle on the furniture and floor.
*The average human foot has about 20,000 sweat glands, and can produce as much as a 1/2 cup of sweat each day!
*Tears are made up of almost the EXACT same ingredients as urine.
*The crusty goop that you find in your eyes when you wake up, is the EXACT same mucus that you find in your nose...Boogers!
* And speaking of boogers, according to a recent survey, over 10% of Americans have picked someone elses nose.
*Your mouth slows production of bacteria fighting saliva while you sleep. This allows the 10 billion bacteria in your mouth to reproduce all night. "Morning Breath" is actually bacterial B.O.!!
*The average person will produce 25,000 quarts of saliva in a life time. Enough to fill up TWO swimming pools.
*Most people fart generally fart between 10 and 20 times a day, expelling enough gas to inflate a small balloon. (My son could inflate The Good-Year blimp)
*A tapeworm can inflate to a length of 30 feet inside human intestines.
*If you feed a Rhesus Monkey a typical American diet..It will die within 2 years!
WOW...Definately TMI!!! Enough of this Happy Horse-Shit, if and when you comment today...Give The G-Man a fact that I can store away for the benefit of future generations!
Sorry for any inconveniance, and Thank You for your cooperation!
ROFLMAO Bi have no more info to give you you used all the good stuff. LOL. Damn. But if I think of one you'll be the first to know. :)
Read my post tomorrow for more TMI on a dirty bodily function.
Meet My Mates #3 - Quilly
Since I know that more than 10% of Americans are mothers, I can promise you that more than 10% of Americans have picked someone else's nose!
Oh, good grief, that does it for me. I'm joining a convent!;)
i have urine and boogers in my eyes and things reproducing in my mouth while i sleep...i am having nightmares tonight!
I'll remember not to visit before I eat next time :)
eeeeeeeck, let me out of this body!!!!!!!!!
Ha - there's no way I'd supply you with more stuff like this to post!
If you could stretch out all of a human's blood vessels, they would be about 60,000 miles long. That's enough to go around the world twice.
OK I can now scratch "ride in the good year blimp" off my bucket list.
I think you might have just covered all the TMI stuff. :)
What? No TMI on puking? I'll have to get you some!
okay ... i missed yesterday's post but i make this one?!?!?!?!!!???
WTH!!! not what i was hoping for early in the morning ... but hey, my fault for not paying attention to the warning ... TMI ... lol
I was scratching my cat on her rear, and I accidently put my finger in her butt.
TMI..it was full of brown stuff!!
Well now, that was depressing!
Have a great day, Gman!
Hmmm, a TMI fact. Ok.
My sister won't eat black pepper because (she says) it contains such a high percentage of rat poop. Hoping to prove her wrong, I did some research last year and found that actually, everything we eat from a supermarket likely contains rat poop, as well as insect parts, rodent hairs, dirt and whatevers. From AgBioWorld: "Grain carries tolerated amounts of rodent hairs, insect parts, and rat feces. ... In US #1 wheat it is one castor bean, 3 stones and 1 piece of fecal material per 1,000 grams. The sample must be 96.5 the product is claimed to be with the rest being various amount of other classes of wheat, other crops and foreign material."
BLLLEEEEUUUUGHHH! But I've lost nearly 30 pounds since then LOL.
Mama Zen is so write about the nosepicking btw. Or do babyboogers count?
Eewwwh I feel sick now! :(
If I ever feed you, I will do something vile to it before you eat! I was planning dinner, but just lost all appetite! You sick Bast*rd- you remind me of me!
Yes Indeed I did know Charlie but not intimately as close friends but as the weirdo down the street. We lived in Trona California so did he and his followers. Out in the middle of the desert hotter than blue blazes this was just before the tate murder I remember the police and all the official cars everywhere when the news broke out Charlie is just a few years older than I mabe one two or three. Thanks for stopping by and reading
Alcatraz GMan
haha I liked most of those bit of knowledge!!
where do you learn this stuff LOL
i'm willing to bet the percentage fo pickers of other people's noses is higher than 10%. think of the way mother's pick at their baby's faces.
doh! i didn't realize mama zen beat me to the punch
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