Since I have to work Saturday this week, I had Wednesday off. But being the team player that I am, I went into work anyway. It's a good thing too! I ended up selling a new truck, plus I had to give a customer a ride home. As I was backing out of his driveway, I realized that I didn't have a Thursday pic to post yet, I thought I'd show you what a beautiful day it was for....
The Eleventh Month, On the Eleventh Day, At the Eleventh Hour!
("It's a Long Way To Tiperary", is faintly playing in my head)
Yes, yes, you're speaking in subliminals again. You don't look so happy about it, though. You should be gloating!;)
Only 55 mph? Drive faster man!
i cant drive 55...and you need two more elevens and you'd have it again! nice.
hey Gman nice picture and it reminds me just two more days till fridays flash 55.
and my fifty five is ready for posting .. hehehe see you then.
55 MPH...pffft...waste of time. But my 55 is done. Fin. Fineto. However the hell you spell it.
ha ha, so subtle.... NOT!
Peace to you. And good job on the truck -
Lovely post Galen, Lest We Forget!
Were you out of the car on the highway looking for road kill or something?
I hope you weren't backing out at 55 miles per hour.
Thursday Thirteen - Me & Music
YOur Thursday pics are my faves.
... So the sun was shining bright!? and you went to work even you didn't have to?!!!
Ha ha ha...good boy!
I love your 55 mph as if tomorrow.... what's it?
I don't know if I will this time though.
Two more years and it will be 11/11/11, and at 11:11AM- it will be 55!
BD: Do you think we can all make it till then? :D
Gman: Can you move your head over to the left a little...you're blocking the view of the 55!
OK...I'm thinkin over here!!
Well, look at you, you handsome devil!
i'm glad it turned out to be worth your while.
My 55 is ready for tomorrow ~ that's what the subtle, like-a-Mach-truck, hint was all about, right?
I've written an entire story as a precursor to my submission for tomorrow ~ I hope you can take the time to read it...it will add so much more to the experience [grin].
Facebook: Fertile Ground for Manipulators
See you again tomorrow morning.
Chef Kar
OK, OK I got the message! ;)
Beautiful sky! Happy Thursday, gman, I am up. (with a portrait!)
i don't think you always go 55 ... it must be a Friday thing ...
I like team players.
My 55 is up!
got my 55 up, a little early, i will go to your 55 later, but mine was up first!!
G, you need to pee.
I MEAN, oops, you need two pees. "Tipperary", not Tiperary, or if you want to go Irish and forget peeing, "Tiobraid Árann".
I too can't do the 55.....Hey G-man love these 55 flash fridays' Have a great one Sarah
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